Commit 0e49f18b authored by liubinyu's avatar liubinyu


parent 59be599b

920 Bytes | W: | H:


1.01 KB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin

224 Bytes | W: | H:


781 Bytes | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin

1.01 KB | W: | H:


920 Bytes | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin

205 Bytes | W: | H:


794 Bytes | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
! function(t, e) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? e(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ?
define(["exports"], e) : e((t = t || self).window = t.window || {})
}(this, function(e) {
"use strict";
function _inheritsLoose(t, e) {
t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), (t.prototype.constructor = t).__proto__ = e
function _assertThisInitialized(t) {
if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t
function n(t) {
return "string" == typeof t
function o(t) {
return "function" == typeof t
function p(t) {
return "number" == typeof t
function q(t) {
return void 0 === t
function r(t) {
return "object" == typeof t
function s(t) {
return !1 !== t
function t() {
return "undefined" != typeof window
function u(t) {
return o(t) || n(t)
function K(t) {
return (l = pt(t, at)) && ie
function L(t, e) {
return console.warn("Invalid property", t, "set to", e, "Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()")
function M(t, e) {
return !e && console.warn(t)
function N(t, e) {
return t && (at[t] = e) && l && (l[t] = e) || at
function O() {
return 0
function Y(t) {
var e, i, n = t[0];
if (r(n) || o(n) || (t = [t]), !(e = (n._gsap || {}).harness)) {
for (i = dt.length; i-- && !dt[i].targetTest(n););
e = dt[i]
for (i = t.length; i--;) t[i] && (t[i]._gsap || (t[i]._gsap = new Ft(t[i], e))) || t.splice(i, 1);
return t
function Z(t) {
return t._gsap || Y(yt(t))[0]._gsap
function $(t, e) {
var r = t[e];
return o(r) ? t[e]() : q(r) && t.getAttribute(e) || r
function _(t, e) {
return (t = t.split(",")).forEach(e) || t
function aa(t) {
return Math.round(1e5 * t) / 1e5 || 0
function ba(t, e) {
for (var r = e.length, i = 0; t.indexOf(e[i]) < 0 && ++i < r;);
return i < r
function ca(t, e, r) {
var i, n = p(t[1]),
a = (n ? 2 : 1) + (e < 2 ? 0 : 1),
o = t[a];
if (n && (o.duration = t[1]), o.parent = r, e) {
for (i = o; r && !("immediateRender" in i);) i = r.vars.defaults || {}, r = s(r.vars.inherit) && r.parent;
o.immediateRender = s(i.immediateRender), e < 2 ? o.runBackwards = 1 : o.startAt = t[a - 1]
return o
function da() {
var t, e, r = ot.length,
i = ot.slice(0);
for (ut = {}, t = ot.length = 0; t < r; t++)(e = i[t]) && e._lazy && (e.render(e._lazy[0], e._lazy[1], !0)._lazy =
function ea(t, e, r, i) {
ot.length && da(), t.render(e, r, i), ot.length && da()
function fa(t) {
var e = parseFloat(t);
return (e || 0 === e) && (t + "").match(nt).length < 2 ? e : t
function ga(t) {
return t
function ha(t, e) {
for (var r in e) r in t || (t[r] = e[r]);
return t
function ia(t, e) {
for (var r in e) r in t || "duration" === r || "ease" === r || (t[r] = e[r])
function ka(t, e) {
for (var i in e) t[i] = r(e[i]) ? ka(t[i] || (t[i] = {}), e[i]) : e[i];
return t
function la(t, e) {
var r, i = {};
for (r in t) r in e || (i[r] = t[r]);
return i
function ma(t) {
var e = t.parent || F,
r = t.keyframes ? ia : ha;
if (s(t.inherit))
for (; e;) r(t, e.vars.defaults), e = e.parent;
return t
function pa(t, e, r, i) {
void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last");
var n = e._prev,
a = e._next;
n ? n._next = a : t[r] === e && (t[r] = a), a ? a._prev = n : t[i] === e && (t[i] = n), e._next = e._prev = e.parent =
function qa(t, e) {
!t.parent || e && !t.parent.autoRemoveChildren || t.parent.remove(t), t._act = 0
function ra(t) {
for (var e = t; e;) e._dirty = 1, e = e.parent;
return t
function ua(t) {
return t._repeat ? _t(t._tTime, t = t.duration() + t._rDelay) * t : 0
function wa(t, e) {
return (t - e._start) * e._ts + (0 <= e._ts ? 0 : e._dirty ? e.totalDuration() : e._tDur)
function xa(t) {
return t._end = aa(t._start + (t._tDur / Math.abs(t._ts || t._pauseTS || B) || 0))
function ya(t, e) {
var r;
if ((e._time || e._initted && !e._dur) && (r = wa(t.rawTime(), e), (!e._dur || gt(0, e.totalDuration(), r) - e._tTime >
B) && e.render(r, !0)), ra(t)._dp && t._initted && t._time >= t._dur && t._ts) {
if (t._dur < t.duration())
for (r = t; r._dp;) 0 <= r.rawTime() && r.totalTime(r._tTime), r = r._dp;
t._zTime = -B
function za(t, e, r, i) {
return e.parent && qa(e), e._start = aa(r + e._delay), e._end = aa(e._start + (e.totalDuration() / Math.abs(e.timeScale()) ||
function _addLinkedListItem(t, e, r, i, n) {
void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last");
var a, s = t[i];
if (n)
for (a = e[n]; s && s[n] > a;) s = s._prev;
s ? (e._next = s._next, s._next = e) : (e._next = t[r], t[r] = e), e._next ? e._next._prev = e : t[i] = e, e._prev =
s, e.parent = e._dp = t
}(t, e, "_first", "_last", t._sort ? "_start" : 0), t._recent = e, i || ya(t, e), t
function Aa(t, e, r, i) {
return qt(t, e), t._initted ? !r && t._pt && (t._dur && !1 !== t.vars.lazy || !t._dur && t.vars.lazy) && d !== Ot
.frame ? (ot.push(t), t._lazy = [e, i], 1) : void 0 : 1
function Da(t, e, r) {
var i = t._repeat,
n = aa(e);
return t._dur = n, t._tDur = i ? i < 0 ? 1e12 : aa(n * (i + 1) + t._rDelay * i) : n, r || ra(t.parent), t.parent &&
xa(t), t
function Ea(t) {
return t instanceof Bt ? ra(t) : Da(t, t._dur)
function Ga(t, e) {
var r, i, a = t.labels,
s = t._recent || mt,
o = t.duration() >= R ? s.endTime(!1) : t._dur;
return n(e) && (isNaN(e) || e in a) ? "<" === (r = e.charAt(0)) || ">" === r ? ("<" === r ? s._start : s.endTime(
0 <= s._repeat)) + (parseFloat(e.substr(1)) || 0) : (r = e.indexOf("=")) < 0 ? (e in a || (a[e] = o), a[e]) :
(i = +(e.charAt(r - 1) + e.substr(r + 1)), 1 < r ? Ga(t, e.substr(0, r - 1)) + i : o + i) : null == e ? o : +e
function Ha(t, e) {
return t || 0 === t ? e(t) : e
function Ja(t) {
return (t + "").substr((parseFloat(t) + "").length)
function Ma(t, e) {
return t && r(t) && "length" in t && (!e && !t.length || t.length - 1 in t && r(t[0])) && !t.nodeType && t !== i
function Pa(t) {
return t.sort(function() {
return .5 - Math.random()
function Qa(t) {
if (o(t)) return t;
var p = r(t) ? t : {
each: t
_ = Dt(p.ease),
m = p.from || 0,
g = parseFloat(p.base) || 0,
v = {},
e = 0 < m && m < 1,
y = isNaN(m) || e,
T = p.axis,
b = m,
w = m;
return n(m) ? b = w = {
center: .5,
edges: .5,
end: 1
} [m] || 0 : !e && y && (b = m[0], w = m[1]),
function(t, e, r) {
var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d = (r || p).length,
c = v[d];
if (!c) {
if (!(f = "auto" === p.grid ? 0 : (p.grid || [1, R])[1])) {
for (h = -R; h < (h = r[f++].getBoundingClientRect().left) && f < d;);
for (c = v[d] = [], i = y ? Math.min(f, d) * b - .5 : m % f, n = y ? d * w / f - .5 : m / f | 0, l = R, u =
h = 0; u < d; u++) a = u % f - i, s = n - (u / f | 0), c[u] = o = T ? Math.abs("y" === T ? s : a) : j(a *
a + s * s), h < o && (h = o), o < l && (l = o);
"random" === m && Pa(c), c.max = h - l, c.min = l, c.v = d = (parseFloat(p.amount) || parseFloat(p.each) *
(d < f ? d - 1 : T ? "y" === T ? d / f : f : Math.max(f, d / f)) || 0) * ("edges" === m ? -1 : 1), c.b =
d < 0 ? g - d : g, c.u = Ja(p.amount || p.each) || 0, _ = _ && d < 0 ? zt(_) : _
return d = (c[t] - c.min) / c.max || 0, aa(c.b + (_ ? _(d) : d) * c.v) + c.u
function Ra(e) {
var r = e < 1 ? Math.pow(10, (e + "").length - 2) : 1;
return function(t) {
return ~~(Math.round(parseFloat(t) / e) * e * r) / r + (p(t) ? 0 : Ja(t))
function Sa(u, t) {
var h, l, e = H(u);
return !e && r(u) && (h = e = u.radius || R, u.values ? (u = yt(u.values), (l = !p(u[0])) && (h *= h)) : u = Ra(u
.increment)), Ha(t, e ? o(u) ? function(t) {
return l = u(t), Math.abs(l - t) <= h ? l : t
} : function(t) {
for (var e, r, i = parseFloat(l ? t.x : t), n = parseFloat(l ? t.y : 0), a = R, s = 0, o = u.length; o--;)(
e = l ? (e = u[o].x - i) * e + (r = u[o].y - n) * r : Math.abs(u[o] - i)) < a && (a = e, s = o);
return s = !h || a <= h ? u[s] : t, l || s === t || p(t) ? s : s + Ja(t)
} : Ra(u))
function Ta(t, e, r, i) {
return Ha(H(t) ? !e : !0 === r ? !!(r = 0) : !i, function() {
return H(t) ? t[~~(Math.random() * t.length)] : (r = r || 1e-5) && (i = r < 1 ? Math.pow(10, (r + "").length -
2) : 1) && ~~(Math.round((t + Math.random() * (e - t)) / r) * r * i) / i
function Xa(e, r, t) {
return Ha(t, function(t) {
return e[~~r(t)]
function $a(t) {
for (var e, r, i, n, a = 0, s = ""; ~(e = t.indexOf("random(", a));) i = t.indexOf(")", e), n = "[" === t.charAt(
e + 7), r = t.substr(e + 7, i - e - 7).match(n ? nt : Q), s += t.substr(a, e - a) + Ta(n ? r : +r[0], +r[1],
+r[2] || 1e-5), a = i + 1;
return s + t.substr(a, t.length - a)
function bb(t, e, r) {
var i, n, a, s = t.labels,
o = R;
for (i in s)(n = s[i] - e) < 0 == !!r && n && o > (n = Math.abs(n)) && (a = i, o = n);
return a
function db(t) {
return qa(t), t.progress() < 1 && bt(t, "onInterrupt"), t
function ib(t, e, r) {
return (6 * (t = t < 0 ? t + 1 : 1 < t ? t - 1 : t) < 1 ? e + (r - e) * t * 6 : t < .5 ? r : 3 * t < 2 ? e + (r -
e) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6 : e) * wt + .5 | 0
function jb(t, e, r) {
var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c = t ? p(t) ? [t >> 16, t >> 8 & wt, t & wt] : 0 :;
if (!c) {
if ("," === t.substr(-1) && (t = t.substr(0, t.length - 1)), xt[t]) c = xt[t];
else if ("#" === t.charAt(0)) 4 === t.length && (t = "#" + (i = t.charAt(1)) + i + (n = t.charAt(2)) + n + (a =
t.charAt(3)) + a), c = [(t = parseInt(t.substr(1), 16)) >> 16, t >> 8 & wt, t & wt];
else if ("hsl" === t.substr(0, 3))
if (c = d = t.match(Q), e) {
if (~t.indexOf("=")) return c = t.match(W), r && c.length < 4 && (c[3] = 1), c
} else s = +c[0] % 360 / 360, o = c[1] / 100, i = 2 * (u = c[2] / 100) - (n = u <= .5 ? u * (o + 1) : u + o -
u * o), 3 < c.length && (c[3] *= 1), c[0] = ib(s + 1 / 3, i, n), c[1] = ib(s, i, n), c[2] = ib(s - 1 / 3,
i, n);
else c = t.match(Q) || xt.transparent;
c =
return e && !d && (i = c[0] / wt, n = c[1] / wt, a = c[2] / wt, u = ((h = Math.max(i, n, a)) + (l = Math.min(i, n,
a))) / 2, h === l ? s = o = 0 : (f = h - l, o = .5 < u ? f / (2 - h - l) : f / (h + l), s = h === i ? (n -
a) / f + (n < a ? 6 : 0) : h === n ? (a - i) / f + 2 : (i - n) / f + 4, s *= 60), c[0] = ~~(s + .5), c[1] = ~
~(100 * o + .5), c[2] = ~~(100 * u + .5)), r && c.length < 4 && (c[3] = 1), c
function kb(t) {
var r = [],
i = [],
n = -1;
return t.split(kt).forEach(function(t) {
var e = t.match(tt) || [];
r.push.apply(r, e), i.push(n += e.length + 1)
}), r.c = i, r
function lb(t, e, r) {
var i, n, a, s, o = "",
u = (t + o).match(kt),
h = e ? "hsla(" : "rgba(",
l = 0;
if (!u) return t;
if (u = {
return (t = jb(t, e, 1)) && h + (e ? t[0] + "," + t[1] + "%," + t[2] + "%," + t[3] : t.join(",")) + ")"
}), r && (a = kb(t), (i = r.c).join(o) !== a.c.join(o)))
for (s = (n = t.replace(kt, "1").split(tt)).length - 1; l < s; l++) o += n[l] + (~i.indexOf(l) ? u.shift() || h +
"0,0,0,0)" : (a.length ? a : u.length ? u : r).shift());
if (!n)
for (s = (n = t.split(kt)).length - 1; l < s; l++) o += n[l] + u[l];
return o + n[s]
function ob(t) {
var e, r = t.join(" ");
if (kt.lastIndex = 0, kt.test(r)) return e = Mt.test(r), t[1] = lb(t[1], e), t[0] = lb(t[0], e, kb(t[1])), !0
function wb(t) {
var e = (t + "").split("("),
r = Pt[e[0]];
return r && 1 < e.length && r.config ? r.config.apply(null, ~t.indexOf("{") ? [function _parseObjectInString(t) {
for (var e, r, i, n = {}, a = t.substr(1, t.length - 3).split(":"), s = a[0], o = 1, u = a.length; o < u; o++)
r = a[o], e = o !== u - 1 ? r.lastIndexOf(",") : r.length, i = r.substr(0, e), n[s] = isNaN(i) ? i.replace(
At, "").trim() : +i, s = r.substr(e + 1).trim();
return n
}(e[1])] : rt.exec(t)[1].split(",").map(fa)) : Pt._CE && St.test(t) ? Pt._CE("", t) : r
function zb(t, e, r, i) {
void 0 === r && (r = function easeOut(t) {
return 1 - e(1 - t)
}), void 0 === i && (i = function easeInOut(t) {
return t < .5 ? e(2 * t) / 2 : 1 - e(2 * (1 - t)) / 2
var n, a = {
easeIn: e,
easeOut: r,
easeInOut: i
return _(t, function(t) {
for (var e in Pt[t] = at[t] = a, Pt[n = t.toLowerCase()] = r, a) Pt[n + ("easeIn" === e ? ".in" : "easeOut" ===
e ? ".out" : ".inOut")] = Pt[t + "." + e] = a[e]
}), a
function Ab(e) {
return function(t) {
return t < .5 ? (1 - e(1 - 2 * t)) / 2 : .5 + e(2 * (t - .5)) / 2
function Bb(r, t, e) {
function Yk(t) {
return 1 === t ? 1 : i * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * J((t - a) * n) + 1
var i = 1 <= t ? t : 1,
n = (e || (r ? .3 : .45)) / (t < 1 ? t : 1),
a = n / I * (Math.asin(1 / i) || 0),
s = "out" === r ? Yk : "in" === r ? function(t) {
return 1 - Yk(1 - t)
} : Ab(Yk);
return n = I / n, s.config = function(t, e) {
return Bb(r, t, e)
}, s
function Cb(e, r) {
function el(t) {
return t ? --t * t * ((r + 1) * t + r) + 1 : 0
void 0 === r && (r = 1.70158);
var t = "out" === e ? el : "in" === e ? function(t) {
return 1 - el(1 - t)
} : Ab(el);
return t.config = function(t) {
return Cb(e, t)
}, t
var F, i, a, h, l, f, d, c, m, g, v, y, T, b, w, x, k, C, P, S, A, z, D, G = {
autoSleep: 120,
force3D: "auto",
nullTargetWarn: 1,
units: {
lineHeight: ""
E = {
duration: .5,
overwrite: !1,
delay: 0
R = 1e8,
B = 1 / R,
I = 2 * Math.PI,
U = I / 4,
X = 0,
j = Math.sqrt,
V = Math.cos,
J = Math.sin,
H = Array.isArray,
Q = /(?:-?\.?\d|\.)+/gi,
W = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e\-+]*\d*[e\-\+]*\d*/g,
tt = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e-]*\d*[a-z%]*/g,
et = /[-+=.]*\d+(?:\.|e-|e)*\d*/gi,
rt = /\(([^()]+)\)/i,
it = /[+-]=-?[\.\d]+/,
nt = /[#\-+.]*\b[a-z\d-=+%.]+/gi,
at = {},
st = {},
ot = [],
ut = {},
ht = {},
lt = {},
ft = 30,
dt = [],
ct = "",
pt = function _merge(t, e) {
for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r];
return t
_t = function _animationCycle(t, e) {
return (t /= e) && ~~t === t ? ~~t - 1 : ~~t
mt = {
_start: 0,
endTime: O
gt = function _clamp(t, e, r) {
return r < t ? t : e < r ? e : r
vt = [].slice,
yt = function toArray(t, e) {
return !n(t) || e || !a && Ct() ? H(t) ? function _flatten(t, e, r) {
return void 0 === r && (r = []), t.forEach(function(t) {
return n(t) && !e || Ma(t, 1) ? r.push.apply(r, yt(t)) : r.push(t)
}) || r
}(t, e) : Ma(t) ?, 0) : t ? [t] : [] :, 0)
Tt = function mapRange(e, t, r, i, n) {
var a = t - e,
s = i - r;
return Ha(n, function(t) {
return r + (t - e) / a * s
bt = function _callback(t, e, r) {
var i, n, a = t.vars,
s = a[e];
if (s) return i = a[e + "Params"], n = a.callbackScope || t, r && ot.length && da(), i ? s.apply(n, i) :
wt = 255,
xt = {
aqua: [0, wt, wt],
lime: [0, wt, 0],
silver: [192, 192, 192],
black: [0, 0, 0],
maroon: [128, 0, 0],
teal: [0, 128, 128],
blue: [0, 0, wt],
navy: [0, 0, 128],
white: [wt, wt, wt],
olive: [128, 128, 0],
yellow: [wt, wt, 0],
orange: [wt, 165, 0],
gray: [128, 128, 128],
purple: [128, 0, 128],
green: [0, 128, 0],
red: [wt, 0, 0],
pink: [wt, 192, 203],
cyan: [0, wt, wt],
transparent: [wt, wt, wt, 0]
kt = function() {
var t, e = "(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\B#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}\\b";
for (t in xt) e += "|" + t + "\\b";
return new RegExp(e + ")", "gi")
Mt = /hsl[a]?\(/,
Ot = (b =, w = 500, x = 33, k = b(), C = k, S = P = 1 / 240, T = {
time: 0,
frame: 0,
tick: function tick() {
wake: function wake() {
f && (!a && t() && (i = a = window, h = i.document || {}, at.gsap = ie, (i.gsapVersions || (i.gsapVersions = []))
.push(ie.version), K(l || i.GreenSockGlobals || !i.gsap && i || {}), y = i.requestAnimationFrame),
g && T.sleep(), v = y || function(t) {
return setTimeout(t, 1e3 * (S - T.time) + 1 | 0)
}, m = 1, ck(2))
sleep: function sleep() {
(y ? i.cancelAnimationFrame : clearTimeout)(g), m = 0, v = O
lagSmoothing: function lagSmoothing(t, e) {
w = t || 1e8, x = Math.min(e, w, 0)
fps: function fps(t) {
P = 1 / (t || 240), S = T.time + P
add: function add(t) {
A.indexOf(t) < 0 && A.push(t), Ct()
remove: function remove(t) {
var e;
~(e = A.indexOf(t)) && A.splice(e, 1)
_listeners: A = []
Ct = function _wake() {
return !m && Ot.wake()
Pt = {},
St = /^[\d.\-M][\d.\-,\s]/,
At = /["']/g,
zt = function _invertEase(e) {
return function(t) {
return 1 - e(1 - t)
Dt = function _parseEase(t, e) {
return t && (o(t) ? t : Pt[t] || wb(t)) || e
function ck(e) {
var t, r, i = b() - C,
n = !0 === e;
w < i && (k += i - x), C += i, T.time = (C - k) / 1e3, (0 < (t = T.time - S) || n) && (T.frame++, S += t + (P <=
t ? .004 : P - t), r = 1), n || (g = v(ck)), r && A.forEach(function(t) {
return t(T.time, i, T.frame, e)
function vl(t) {
return t < D ? z * t * t : t < .7272727272727273 ? z * Math.pow(t - 1.5 / 2.75, 2) + .75 : t < .9090909090909092 ?
z * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375 : z * Math.pow(t - 2.625 / 2.75, 2) + .984375
_("Linear,Quad,Cubic,Quart,Quint,Strong", function(t, e) {
var r = e < 5 ? e + 1 : e;
zb(t + ",Power" + (r - 1), e ? function(t) {
return Math.pow(t, r)
} : function(t) {
return t
}, function(t) {
return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, r)
}, function(t) {
return t < .5 ? Math.pow(2 * t, r) / 2 : 1 - Math.pow(2 * (1 - t), r) / 2
}), Pt.Linear.easeNone = Pt.none = Pt.Linear.easeIn, zb("Elastic", Bb("in"), Bb("out"), Bb()), z = 7.5625, D = 1 /
2.75, zb("Bounce", function(t) {
return 1 - vl(1 - t)
}, vl), zb("Expo", function(t) {
return t ? Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) : 0
}), zb("Circ", function(t) {
return -(j(1 - t * t) - 1)
}), zb("Sine", function(t) {
return 1 - V(t * U)
}), zb("Back", Cb("in"), Cb("out"), Cb()), Pt.SteppedEase = Pt.steps = at.SteppedEase = {
config: function config(t, e) {
void 0 === t && (t = 1);
var r = 1 / t,
i = t + (e ? 0 : 1),
n = e ? 1 : 0;
return function(t) {
return ((i * gt(0, .99999999, t) | 0) + n) * r
}, E.ease = Pt["quad.out"], _("onComplete,onUpdate,onStart,onRepeat,onReverseComplete,onInterrupt", function(t) {
return ct += t + "," + t + "Params,"
var Rt, Ft = function GSCache(t, e) { = X++, (t._gsap = this).target = t, this.harness = e, this.get = e ? e.get : $, this.set = e ? e.getSetter :
Et = ((Rt = Animation.prototype).delay = function delay(t) {
return t || 0 === t ? (this._delay = t, this) : this._delay
}, Rt.duration = function duration(t) {
return arguments.length ? Da(this, t) : this.totalDuration() && this._dur
}, Rt.totalDuration = function totalDuration(t) {
return arguments.length ? (this._dirty = 0, Da(this, this._repeat < 0 ? t : (t - this._repeat * this._rDelay) /
(this._repeat + 1))) : this._tDur
}, Rt.totalTime = function totalTime(t, e) {
if (Ct(), !arguments.length) return this._tTime;
var r = this.parent || this._dp;
if (r && r.smoothChildTiming && this._ts) {
for (this._start = aa(r._time - (0 < this._ts ? t / this._ts : ((this._dirty ? this.totalDuration() : this._tDur) -
t) / -this._ts)), xa(this), r._dirty || ra(r); r.parent;) r.parent._time !== r._start + (0 <= r._ts ? r
._tTime / r._ts : (r.totalDuration() - r._tTime) / -r._ts) && r.totalTime(r._tTime, !0), r = r.parent;
!this.parent && this._dp.autoRemoveChildren && za(this._dp, this, this._start - this._delay)
return (this._tTime !== t || !this._dur && !e || this._initted && Math.abs(this._zTime) === B) && (this._ts ||
(this._pTime = t), ea(this, t, e)), this
}, Rt.time = function time(t, e) {
return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(Math.min(this.totalDuration(), t + ua(this)) % this._dur || (t ?
this._dur : 0), e) : this._time
}, Rt.totalProgress = function totalProgress(t, e) {
return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.totalDuration() * t, e) : this.totalDuration() ? Math.min(1,
this._tTime / this._tDur) : this.ratio
}, Rt.progress = function progress(t, e) {
return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * (!this._yoyo || 1 & this.iteration() ? t : 1 - t) +
ua(this), e) : this.duration() ? Math.min(1, this._time / this._dur) : this.ratio
}, Rt.iteration = function iteration(t, e) {
var r = this.duration() + this._rDelay;
return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this._time + (t - 1) * r, e) : this._repeat ? _t(this._tTime, r) + 1 :
}, Rt.timeScale = function timeScale(t) {
if (!arguments.length) return this._ts || this._pauseTS || 0;
if (null !== this._pauseTS) return this._pauseTS = t, this;
var e = this.parent && this._ts ? wa(this.parent._time, this) : this._tTime;
return this._ts = t,
function _recacheAncestors(t) {
for (var e = t.parent; e && e.parent;) e._dirty = 1, e.totalDuration(), e = e.parent;
return t
}(this.totalTime(e, !0))
}, Rt.paused = function paused(t) {
var e = !this._ts;
return arguments.length ? (e !== t && (t ? (this._pauseTS = this._ts, this._pTime = this._tTime || Math.max(-
this._delay, this.rawTime()), this._ts = this._act = 0) : (Ct(), this._ts = this._pauseTS || 1, this._pauseTS =
null, this.totalTime(this.parent && !this.parent.smoothChildTiming ? this.rawTime() : this._tTime ||
this._pTime, 1 === this.progress() && (this._tTime -= B) && Math.abs(this._zTime) !== B))), this) : e
}, Rt.startTime = function startTime(t) {
return arguments.length ? (this.parent && this.parent._sort && za(this.parent, this, t - this._delay), this) :
}, Rt.endTime = function endTime(t) {
return this._start + (s(t) ? this.totalDuration() : this.duration()) / Math.abs(this._ts)
}, Rt.rawTime = function rawTime(t) {
var e = this.parent || this._dp;
return e ? t && (!this._ts || this._repeat && this._time && this.totalProgress() < 1) ? this._tTime % (this._dur +
this._rDelay) : this._ts ? wa(e.rawTime(t), this) : this._tTime : this._tTime
}, Rt.repeat = function repeat(t) {
return arguments.length ? (this._repeat = t, Ea(this)) : this._repeat
}, Rt.repeatDelay = function repeatDelay(t) {
return arguments.length ? (this._rDelay = t, Ea(this)) : this._rDelay
}, Rt.yoyo = function yoyo(t) {
return arguments.length ? (this._yoyo = t, this) : this._yoyo
}, = function seek(t, e) {
return this.totalTime(Ga(this, t), s(e))
}, Rt.restart = function restart(t, e) {
return ? -this._delay : 0, s(e))
}, = function play(t, e) {
return null != t &&, e), this.reversed(!1).paused(!1)
}, Rt.reverse = function reverse(t, e) {
return null != t && || this.totalDuration(), e), this.reversed(!0).paused(!1)
}, Rt.pause = function pause(t, e) {
return null != t &&, e), this.paused(!0)
}, Rt.resume = function resume() {
return this.paused(!1)
}, Rt.reversed = function reversed(t) {
var e = this._ts || this._pauseTS || 0;
return arguments.length ? (t !== this.reversed() && (this[null === this._pauseTS ? "_ts" : "_pauseTS"] = Math
.abs(e) * (t ? -1 : 1), this.totalTime(this._tTime, !0)), this) : e < 0
}, Rt.invalidate = function invalidate() {
return this._initted = 0, this._zTime = -B, this
}, Rt.isActive = function isActive(t) {
var e, r = this.parent || this._dp,
i = this._start;
return !(r && !(this._ts && (this._initted || !t) && r.isActive(t) && (e = r.rawTime(!0)) >= i && e < this.endTime(
!0) - B))
}, Rt.eventCallback = function eventCallback(t, e, r) {
var i = this.vars;
return 1 < arguments.length ? (e ? (i[t] = e, r && (i[t + "Params"] = r), "onUpdate" === t && (this._onUpdate =
e)) : delete i[t], this) : i[t]
}, Rt.then = function then(t) {
var i = this;
return new Promise(function(e) {
function Lm() {
var t = i.then;
i.then = null, o(r) && (r = r(i)) && (r.then || r === i) && (i.then = t), e(r), i.then = t
var r = o(t) ? t : ga;
i._initted && 1 === i.totalProgress() && 0 <= i._ts || !i._tTime && i._ts < 0 ? Lm() : i._prom = Lm
}, Rt.kill = function kill() {
}, Animation);
function Animation(t, e) {
var r = t.parent || F;
this.vars = t, this._delay = +t.delay || 0, (this._repeat = t.repeat || 0) && (this._rDelay = t.repeatDelay || 0,
this._yoyo = !!t.yoyo || !!t.yoyoEase), this._ts = t.reversed ? -1 : 1, Da(this, +t.duration, 1), =, m || Ot.wake(), r && za(r, this, e || 0 === e ? e : r._time, 1), t.paused && this.paused(!0)
ha(Et.prototype, {
_time: 0,
_start: 0,
_end: 0,
_tTime: 0,
_tDur: 0,
_dirty: 0,
_repeat: 0,
_yoyo: !1,
parent: null,
_initted: !1,
_rDelay: 0,
_ts: 1,
_dp: 0,
ratio: 0,
_zTime: -B,
_prom: 0,
_pauseTS: null
var Bt = function(i) {
function Timeline(t, e) {
var r;
return void 0 === t && (t = {}), (r =, t, e) || this).labels = {}, r.smoothChildTiming = !!t.smoothChildTiming,
r.autoRemoveChildren = !!t.autoRemoveChildren, r._sort = s(t.sortChildren), r.parent && ya(r.parent,
_assertThisInitialized(r)), r
_inheritsLoose(Timeline, i);
var t = Timeline.prototype;
return = function to(t, e, r, i) {
return new Ut(t, ca(arguments, 0, this), Ga(this, p(e) ? i : r)), this
}, t.from = function from(t, e, r, i) {
return new Ut(t, ca(arguments, 1, this), Ga(this, p(e) ? i : r)), this
}, t.fromTo = function fromTo(t, e, r, i, n) {
return new Ut(t, ca(arguments, 2, this), Ga(this, p(e) ? n : i)), this
}, t.set = function set(t, e, r) {
return e.duration = 0, e.parent = this, ma(e).repeatDelay || (e.repeat = 0), e.immediateRender = !!e.immediateRender,
new Ut(t, e, Ga(this, r), 1), this
}, = function call(t, e, r) {
return za(this, Ut.delayedCall(0, t, e), Ga(this, r))
}, t.staggerTo = function staggerTo(t, e, r, i, n, a, s) {
return r.duration = e, r.stagger = r.stagger || i, r.onComplete = a, r.onCompleteParams = s, r.parent =
this, new Ut(t, r, Ga(this, n)), this
}, t.staggerFrom = function staggerFrom(t, e, r, i, n, a, o) {
return r.runBackwards = 1, ma(r).immediateRender = s(r.immediateRender), this.staggerTo(t, e, r, i, n, a, o)
}, t.staggerFromTo = function staggerFromTo(t, e, r, i, n, a, o, u) {
return i.startAt = r, ma(i).immediateRender = s(i.immediateRender), this.staggerTo(t, e, i, n, a, o, u)
}, t.render = function render(t, e, r) {
var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _ = this._time,
m = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration() : this._tDur,
g = this._dur,
v = this !== F && m - B < t && 0 <= t ? m : t < B ? 0 : t,
y = this._zTime < 0 != t < 0 && (this._initted || !g);
if (v !== this._tTime || r || y) {
if (_ !== this._time && g && (v += this._time - _, t += this._time - _), i = v, f = this._start, u = !(l =
this._ts), y && (g || (_ = this._zTime), !t && e || (this._zTime = t)), this._repeat && (c = this._yoyo,
o = g + this._rDelay, (g < (i = aa(v % o)) || m === v) && (i = g), (s = ~~(v / o)) && s === v / o &&
(i = g, s--), c && 1 & s && (i = g - i, p = 1), s !== (d = _t(this._tTime, o)) && !this._lock)) {
var T = c && 1 & d,
b = T === (c && 1 & s);
if (s < d && (T = !T), _ = T ? 0 : g, this._lock = 1, this.render(_, e, !g)._lock = 0, !e && this.parent &&
bt(this, "onRepeat"), this.vars.repeatRefresh && !p && (this.invalidate()._lock = 1), _ !== this._time ||
u != !this._ts) return this;
if (b && (this._lock = 2, _ = T ? g + 1e-4 : -1e-4, this.render(_, !0), this.vars.repeatRefresh && !p &&
this.invalidate()), this._lock = 0, !this._ts && !u) return this
if (this._hasPause && !this._forcing && this._lock < 2 && (h = function _findNextPauseTween(t, e, r) {
var i;
if (e < r)
for (i = t._first; i && i._start <= r;) {
if (!i._dur && "isPause" === && i._start > e) return i;
i = i._next
} else
for (i = t._last; i && i._start >= r;) {
if (!i._dur && "isPause" === && i._start < e) return i;
i = i._prev
}(this, aa(_), aa(i))) && (v -= i - (i = h._start)), this._tTime = v, this._time = i, this._act = !l,
this._initted || (this._onUpdate = this.vars.onUpdate, this._initted = 1, this._zTime = t), _ || !i ||
e || bt(this, "onStart"), _ <= i && 0 <= t)
for (n = this._first; n;) {
if (a = n._next, (n._act || i >= n._start) && n._ts && h !== n) {
if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r);
if (n.render(0 < n._ts ? (i - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalDuration() : n._tDur) + (i - n
._start) * n._ts, e, r), i !== this._time || !this._ts && !u) {
h = 0, a && (v += this._zTime = -B);
n = a
} else {
n = this._last;
for (var w = t < 0 ? t : i; n;) {
if (a = n._prev, (n._act || w <= n._end) && n._ts && h !== n) {
if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r);
if (n.render(0 < n._ts ? (w - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalDuration() : n._tDur) + (w -
n._start) * n._ts, e, r), i !== this._time || !this._ts && !u) {
h = 0, a && (v += this._zTime = w ? -B : B);
n = a
if (h && !e && (this.pause(), h.render(_ <= i ? 0 : -B)._zTime = _ <= i ? 1 : -1, this._ts)) return this._start =
f, xa(this), this.render(t, e, r);
this._onUpdate && !e && bt(this, "onUpdate", !0), (v === m && m >= this.totalDuration() || !v && this._ts <
0) && (f !== this._start && Math.abs(l) === Math.abs(this._ts) || (!t && g || !(t && 0 < this._ts ||
!v && this._ts < 0) || qa(this, 1), e || t < 0 && !_ || (bt(this, v === m ? "onComplete" :
"onReverseComplete", !0), this._prom && this._prom())))
return this
}, t.add = function add(t, e) {
var r = this;
if (p(e) || (e = Ga(this, e)), !(t instanceof Et)) {
if (H(t)) return t.forEach(function(t) {
return r.add(t, e)
}), ra(this);
if (n(t)) return this.addLabel(t, e);
if (!o(t)) return this;
t = Ut.delayedCall(0, t)
return this !== t ? za(this, t, e) : this
}, t.getChildren = function getChildren(t, e, r, i) {
void 0 === t && (t = !0), void 0 === e && (e = !0), void 0 === r && (r = !0), void 0 === i && (i = -R);
for (var n = [], a = this._first; a;) a._start >= i && (a instanceof Ut ? e && n.push(a) : (r && n.push(a),
t && n.push.apply(n, a.getChildren(!0, e, r)))), a = a._next;
return n
}, t.getById = function getById(t) {
for (var e = this.getChildren(1, 1, 1), r = e.length; r--;)
if (e[r] === t) return e[r]
}, t.remove = function remove(t) {
return n(t) ? this.removeLabel(t) : o(t) ? this.killTweensOf(t) : (pa(this, t), t === this._recent && (this
._recent = this._last), ra(this))
}, t.totalTime = function totalTime(t, e) {
return arguments.length ? (this._forcing = 1, this.parent || this._dp || !this._ts || (this._start = aa(Ot.time -
(0 < this._ts ? t / this._ts : (this.totalDuration() - t) / -this._ts))),
this, t, e), this._forcing = 0, this) : this._tTime
}, t.addLabel = function addLabel(t, e) {
return this.labels[t] = Ga(this, e), this
}, t.removeLabel = function removeLabel(t) {
return delete this.labels[t], this
}, t.addPause = function addPause(t, e, r) {
var i = Ut.delayedCall(0, e || O, r);
return = "isPause", this._hasPause = 1, za(this, i, Ga(this, t))
}, t.removePause = function removePause(t) {
var e = this._first;
for (t = Ga(this, t); e;) e._start === t && "isPause" === && qa(e), e = e._next
}, t.killTweensOf = function killTweensOf(t, e, r) {
for (var i = this.getTweensOf(t, r), n = i.length; n--;) Lt !== i[n] && i[n].kill(t, e);
return this
}, t.getTweensOf = function getTweensOf(t, e) {
for (var r, i = [], n = yt(t), a = this._first; a;) a instanceof Ut ? !ba(a._targets, n) || e && !a.isActive(
"started" === e) || i.push(a) : (r = a.getTweensOf(n, e)).length && i.push.apply(i, r), a = a._next;
return i
}, t.tweenTo = function tweenTo(t, e) {
e = e || {};
var r = this,
i = Ga(r, t),
n = e.startAt,
a = e.onStart,
s = e.onStartParams,
o =, ha(e, {
ease: "none",
lazy: !1,
time: i,
duration: e.duration || Math.abs(i - (n && "time" in n ? n.time : r._time)) / r.timeScale() || B,
onStart: function onStart() {
var t = e.duration || Math.abs(i - r._time) / r.timeScale();
o._dur !== t && Da(o, t).render(o._time, !0, !0), a && a.apply(o, s || [])
return o
}, t.tweenFromTo = function tweenFromTo(t, e, r) {
return this.tweenTo(e, ha({
startAt: {
time: Ga(this, t)
}, r))
}, t.recent = function recent() {
return this._recent
}, t.nextLabel = function nextLabel(t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), bb(this, Ga(this, t))
}, t.previousLabel = function previousLabel(t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), bb(this, Ga(this, t), 1)
}, t.currentLabel = function currentLabel(t) {
return arguments.length ?, !0) : this.previousLabel(this._time + B)
}, t.shiftChildren = function shiftChildren(t, e, r) {
void 0 === r && (r = 0);
for (var i, n = this._first, a = this.labels; n;) n._start >= r && (n._start += t), n = n._next;
if (e)
for (i in a) a[i] >= r && (a[i] += t);
return ra(this)
}, t.invalidate = function invalidate() {
var t = this._first;
for (this._lock = 0; t;) t.invalidate(), t = t._next;
}, t.clear = function clear(t) {
void 0 === t && (t = !0);
for (var e, r = this._first; r;) e = r._next, this.remove(r), r = e;
return this._time = this._tTime = 0, t && (this.labels = {}), ra(this)
}, t.totalDuration = function totalDuration(t) {
var e, r, i, n, a = 0,
s = this,
o = s._last,
u = R;
if (arguments.length) return s._repeat < 0 ? s : s.timeScale(s.totalDuration() / t);
if (s._dirty) {
for (n = s.parent; o;) e = o._prev, o._dirty && o.totalDuration(), u < (i = o._start) && s._sort && o._ts &&
!s._lock ? (s._lock = 1, za(s, o, i - o._delay, 1)._lock = 0) : u = i, i < 0 && o._ts && (a -= i, (!n &&
!s._dp || n && n.smoothChildTiming) && (s._start += i / s._ts, s._time -= i, s._tTime -= i), s.shiftChildren(
-i, !1, -1e20), u = 0), a < (r = xa(o)) && o._ts && (a = r), o = e;
Da(s, s === F && s._time > a ? s._time : Math.min(R, a), 1), s._dirty = 0
return s._tDur
}, Timeline.updateRoot = function updateRoot(t) {
if (F._ts && (ea(F, wa(t, F)), d = Ot.frame), Ot.frame >= ft) {
ft += G.autoSleep || 120;
var e = F._first;
if ((!e || !e._ts) && G.autoSleep && Ot._listeners.length < 2) {
for (; e && !e._ts;) e = e._next;
e || Ot.sleep()
}, Timeline
ha(Bt.prototype, {
_lock: 0,
_hasPause: 0,
_forcing: 0
function Jb(t, e, i, a, s, u) {
var h, l, f, d;
if (ht[t] && !1 !== (h = new ht[t]).init(s, h.rawVars ? e[t] : function _processVars(t, e, i, a, s) {
if (o(t) && (t = Yt(t, s, e, i, a)), !r(t) || && t.nodeType || H(t)) return n(t) ? Yt(t, s, e, i, a) :
var u, h = {};
for (u in t) h[u] = Yt(t[u], s, e, i, a);
return h
}(e[t], a, s, u, i), i, a, u) && (i._pt = l = new ee(i._pt, s, t, 0, 1, h.render, h, 0, h.priority), i !== c))
for (f = i._ptLookup[i._targets.indexOf(s)], d = h._props.length; d--;) f[h._props[d]] = l;
return h
var Lt, It = function _addPropTween(t, e, r, i, a, s, u, h, l) {
o(i) && (i = i(a || 0, t, s));
var f, d = t[e],
c = "get" !== r ? r : o(d) ? l ? t[e.indexOf("set") || !o(t["get" + e.substr(3)]) ? e : "get" + e.substr(3)](
l) : t[e]() : d,
p = o(d) ? l ? Vt : jt : Xt;
if (n(i) && (~i.indexOf("random(") && (i = $a(i)), "=" === i.charAt(1) && (i = parseFloat(c) + parseFloat(i.substr(
2)) * ("-" === i.charAt(0) ? -1 : 1) + (Ja(c) || 0))), c !== i) return isNaN(c + i) ? (d || e in t || L(e,
i), function _addComplexStringPropTween(t, e, r, i, n, a, s) {
var o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _ = new ee(this._pt, t, e, 0, 1, Qt, null, n),
m = 0,
g = 0;
for (_.b = r, _.e = i, r += "", (c = ~(i += "").indexOf("random(")) && (i = $a(i)), a && (a(p = [r, i],
t, e), r = p[0], i = p[1]), u = r.match(et) || []; o = et.exec(i);) l = o[0], f = i.substring(m, o.index),
h ? h = (h + 1) % 5 : "rgba(" === f.substr(-5) && (h = 1), l !== u[g++] && (d = parseFloat(u[g - 1]) ||
0, _._pt = {
_next: _._pt,
p: f || 1 === g ? f : ",",
s: d,
c: "=" === l.charAt(1) ? parseFloat(l.substr(2)) * ("-" === l.charAt(0) ? -1 : 1) : parseFloat(l) -
m: h && h < 4 ? Math.round : 0
}, m = et.lastIndex);
return _.c = m < i.length ? i.substring(m, i.length) : "", _.fp = s, (it.test(i) || c) && (_.e = 0),
this._pt = _
}.call(this, t, e, c, i, p, h || G.stringFilter, l)) : (f = new ee(this._pt, t, e, +c || 0, i - (c || 0),
"boolean" == typeof d ? Ht : Jt, 0, p), l && (f.fp = l), u && f.modifier(u, this, t), this._pt = f)
qt = function _initTween(t, e) {
var r, i, n, a, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _ = t.vars,
m = _.ease,
g = _.startAt,
v = _.immediateRender,
y = _.lazy,
T = _.onUpdate,
b = _.onUpdateParams,
w = _.callbackScope,
x = _.runBackwards,
k = _.yoyoEase,
M = _.keyframes,
O = _.autoRevert,
C = t._dur,
P = t._startAt,
S = t._targets,
A = t.parent,
z = A && "nested" === ? A.parent._targets : S,
D = "auto" === t._overwrite,
R = t.timeline;
if (!R || M && m || (m = "none"), t._ease = Dt(m, E.ease), t._yEase = k ? zt(Dt(!0 === k ? m : k, E.ease)) : 0,
k && t._yoyo && !t._repeat && (k = t._yEase, t._yEase = t._ease, t._ease = k), !R) {
if (P && P.render(-1, !0).kill(), g) {
if (qa(t._startAt = Ut.set(S, ha({
data: "isStart",
overwrite: !1,
parent: A,
immediateRender: !0,
lazy: s(y),
startAt: null,
delay: 0,
onUpdate: T,
onUpdateParams: b,
callbackScope: w,
stagger: 0
}, g))), v)
if (0 < e) O || (t._startAt = 0);
else if (C) return
} else if (x && C)
if (P) O || (t._startAt = 0);
else if (e && (v = !1), qa(t._startAt = Ut.set(S, pt(la(_, st), {
overwrite: !1,
data: "isFromStart",
lazy: v && s(y),
immediateRender: v,
stagger: 0,
parent: A
}))), v) {
if (!e) return
} else _initTween(t._startAt, B);
for (r = la(_, st), p = (l = S[t._pt = 0] ? Z(S[0]).harness : 0) && _[l.prop], y = C && s(y) || y && !C, i =
0; i < S.length; i++) {
if (h = (o = S[i])._gsap || Y(S)[i]._gsap, t._ptLookup[i] = d = {}, ut[] && da(), c = z === S ? i : z.indexOf(
o), l && !1 !== (f = new l).init(o, p || r, t, c, z) && (t._pt = a = new ee(t._pt, o,, 0, 1, f.render,
f, 0, f.priority), f._props.forEach(function(t) {
d[t] = a
}), f.priority && (u = 1)), !l || p)
for (n in r) ht[n] && (f = Jb(n, r, t, c, o, z)) ? f.priority && (u = 1) : d[n] = a =, o, n,
"get", r[n], c, z, 0, _.stringFilter);
t._op && t._op[i] && t.kill(o, t._op[i]), D && t._pt && (Lt = t, F.killTweensOf(o, d, "started"), Lt = 0),
t._pt && y && (ut[] = 1)
u && te(t), t._onInit && t._onInit(t)
t._from = !R && !!_.runBackwards, t._onUpdate = T, t._initted = 1
Yt = function _parseFuncOrString(t, e, r, i, a) {
return o(t) ?, r, i, a) : n(t) && ~t.indexOf("random(") ? $a(t) : t
Nt = ct + "repeat,repeatDelay,yoyo,repeatRefresh,yoyoEase",
Gt = (Nt + ",id,stagger,delay,duration,paused").split(","),
Ut = function(S) {
function Tween(t, e, i, n) {
var a;
"number" == typeof e && (i.duration = e, e = i, i = null);
var o, h, l, f, d, c, _, m, g = (a =, n ? e : ma(e), i) || this).vars,
v = g.duration,
y = g.delay,
T = g.immediateRender,
b = g.stagger,
w = g.overwrite,
x = g.keyframes,
k = g.defaults,
C = a.parent,
P = (H(t) ? p(t[0]) : "length" in e) ? [t] : yt(t);
if (a._targets = P.length ? Y(P) : M("GSAP target " + t + " not found.", !G.nullTargetWarn) ||
[], a._ptLookup = [], a._overwrite = w, x || b || u(v) || u(y)) {
if (e = a.vars, (o = a.timeline = new Bt({
data: "nested",
defaults: k || {}
})).kill(), o.parent = _assertThisInitialized(a), x) ha(o.vars.defaults, {
ease: "none"
}), x.forEach(function(t) {
return, t, ">")
else {
if (f = P.length, _ = b ? Qa(b) : O, r(b))
for (d in b) ~Nt.indexOf(d) && ((m = m || {})[d] = b[d]);
for (h = 0; h < f; h++) {
for (d in l = {}, e) Gt.indexOf(d) < 0 && (l[d] = e[d]);
l.stagger = 0, m && pt(l, m), e.yoyoEase && !e.repeat && (l.yoyoEase = e.yoyoEase), c = P[h], l.duration = +
Yt(v, _assertThisInitialized(a), h, c, P), l.delay = (+Yt(y, _assertThisInitialized(a), h, c, P) || 0) -
a._delay, !b && 1 === f && l.delay && (a._delay = y = l.delay, a._start += y, l.delay = 0),, l,
_(h, c, P))
v = y = 0
v || a.duration(v = o.duration())
} else a.timeline = 0;
return !0 === w && (Lt = _assertThisInitialized(a), F.killTweensOf(P), Lt = 0), C && ya(C,
_assertThisInitialized(a)), (T || !v && !x && a._start === C._time && s(T) && function _hasNoPausedAncestors(
t) {
return !t || t._ts && _hasNoPausedAncestors(t.parent)
}(_assertThisInitialized(a)) && "nested" !== && (a._tTime = -B, a.render(Math.max(0, -y))), a
_inheritsLoose(Tween, S);
var t = Tween.prototype;
return t.render = function render(t, e, r) {
var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d = this._time,
c = this._tDur,
p = this._dur,
_ = c - B < t && 0 <= t ? c : t < B ? 0 : t;
if (p) {
if (_ !== this._tTime || !t || r || this._startAt && this._zTime < 0 != t < 0) {
if (i = _, l = this.timeline, this._repeat) {
if (s = p + this._rDelay, (p < (i = aa(_ % s)) || c === _) && (i = p), (a = ~~(_ / s)) && a === _ / s &&
(i = p, a--), (u = this._yoyo && 1 & a) && (f = this._yEase, i = p - i), o = _t(this._tTime, s), i ===
d && !r && this._initted) return this;
a !== o && (!this.vars.repeatRefresh || u || this._lock || (this._lock = r = 1, this.render(s * a, !0)
.invalidate()._lock = 0))
if (!this._initted && Aa(this, i, r, e)) return this._tTime = 0, this;
for (this._tTime = _, this._time = i, !this._act && this._ts && (this._act = 1, this._lazy = 0), this.ratio =
h = (f || this._ease)(i / p), this._from && (this.ratio = h = 1 - h), d || !i || e || bt(this,
"onStart"), n = this._pt; n;) n.r(h, n.d), n = n._next;
l && l.render(t < 0 ? t : !i && u ? -B : l._dur * h, e, r) || this._startAt && (this._zTime = t), this._onUpdate &&
!e && (t < 0 && this._startAt && this._startAt.render(t, !0, r), bt(this, "onUpdate")), this._repeat &&
a !== o && this.vars.onRepeat && !e && this.parent && bt(this, "onRepeat"), _ !== this._tDur && _ ||
this._tTime !== _ || (t < 0 && this._startAt && !this._onUpdate && this._startAt.render(t, !0, r), !t &&
p || !(t && 0 < this._ts || !_ && this._ts < 0) || qa(this, 1), e || t < 0 && !d || _ < c && 0 <
this.timeScale() || (bt(this, _ === c ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0), this._prom && this
} else ! function _renderZeroDurationTween(t, e, r, i) {
var n, a = t._zTime < 0 ? 0 : 1,
s = e < 0 ? 0 : 1,
o = t._rDelay,
u = 0;
if (o && t._repeat && (u = gt(0, t._tDur, e), _t(u, o) !== _t(t._tTime, o) && (a = 1 - s, t.vars.repeatRefresh &&
t._initted && t.invalidate())), (t._initted || !Aa(t, e, i, r)) && (s !== a || i || t._zTime === B ||
!e && t._zTime)) {
for (t._zTime = e || (r ? B : 0), t.ratio = s, t._from && (s = 1 - s), t._time = 0, t._tTime = u, r ||
bt(t, "onStart"), n = t._pt; n;) n.r(s, n.d), n = n._next;
!s && t._startAt && !t._onUpdate && t._start && t._startAt.render(e, !0, i), t._onUpdate && (r || bt(
t, "onUpdate")), u && t._repeat && !r && t.parent && bt(t, "onRepeat"), (e >= t._tDur || e < 0) &&
t.ratio === s && (t.ratio && qa(t, 1), r || (bt(t, t.ratio ? "onComplete" : "onReverseComplete", !0),
t._prom && t._prom()))
}(this, t, e, r);
return this
}, t.targets = function targets() {
return this._targets
}, t.invalidate = function invalidate() {
return this._pt = this._op = this._startAt = this._onUpdate = this._act = this._lazy = 0, this._ptLookup = [],
this.timeline && this.timeline.invalidate(),
}, t.kill = function kill(t, e) {
if (void 0 === e && (e = "all"), !(t || e && "all" !== e) && (this._lazy = 0, this.parent)) return db(this);
if (this.timeline) return this.timeline.killTweensOf(t, e, Lt && !0 !== Lt.vars.overwrite), this;
var r, i, a, s, o, u, h, l = this._targets,
f = t ? yt(t) : l,
d = this._ptLookup,
c = this._pt;
if ((!e || "all" === e) && function _arraysMatch(t, e) {
for (var r = t.length, i = r === e.length; i && r-- && t[r] === e[r];);
return r < 0
}(l, f)) return db(this);
for (r = this._op = this._op || [], "all" !== e && (n(e) && (o = {}, _(e, function(t) {
return o[t] = 1
}), e = o), e = function _addAliasesToVars(t, e) {
var r, i, n, a, s = t[0] ? Z(t[0]).harness : 0,
o = s && s.aliases;
if (!o) return e;
for (i in r = pt({}, e), o)
if (i in r)
for (n = (a = o[i].split(",")).length; n--;) r[a[n]] = r[i];
return r
}(l, e)), h = l.length; h--;)
if (~f.indexOf(l[h]))
for (o in i = d[h], "all" === e ? (r[h] = e, s = i, a = {}) : (a = r[h] = r[h] || {}, s = e), s)(u = i &&
i[o]) && ("kill" in u.d && !0 !== u.d.kill(o) || pa(this, u, "_pt"), delete i[o]), "all" !== a && (
a[o] = 1);
return this._initted && !this._pt && c && db(this), this
}, = function to(t, e, r) {
return new Tween(t, e, r)
}, Tween.from = function from(t, e) {
return new Tween(t, ca(arguments, 1))
}, Tween.delayedCall = function delayedCall(t, e, r, i) {
return new Tween(e, 0, {
immediateRender: !1,
lazy: !1,
overwrite: !1,
delay: t,
onComplete: e,
onReverseComplete: e,
onCompleteParams: r,
onReverseCompleteParams: r,
callbackScope: i
}, Tween.fromTo = function fromTo(t, e, r) {
return new Tween(t, ca(arguments, 2))
}, Tween.set = function set(t, e) {
return e.duration = 0, e.repeatDelay || (e.repeat = 0), new Tween(t, e)
}, Tween.killTweensOf = function killTweensOf(t, e, r) {
return F.killTweensOf(t, e, r)
}, Tween
ha(Ut.prototype, {
_targets: [],
_lazy: 0,
_startAt: 0,
_op: 0,
_onInit: 0
}), _("staggerTo,staggerFrom,staggerFromTo", function(r) {
Ut[r] = function() {
var t = new Bt,
e =, 0);
return e.splice("staggerFromTo" === r ? 5 : 4, 0, 0), t[r].apply(t, e)
function Ub(t, e, r) {
return t.setAttribute(e, r)
function ac(t, e, r, i) {
i.mSet(t, e,, r,, i)
var Xt = function _setterPlain(t, e, r) {
return t[e] = r
jt = function _setterFunc(t, e, r) {
return t[e](r)
Vt = function _setterFuncWithParam(t, e, r, i) {
return t[e](i.fp, r)
Zt = function _getSetter(t, e) {
return o(t[e]) ? jt : q(t[e]) && t.setAttribute ? Ub : Xt
Jt = function _renderPlain(t, e) {
return e.set(e.t, e.p, Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4, e)
Ht = function _renderBoolean(t, e) {
return e.set(e.t, e.p, !!(e.s + e.c * t), e)
Qt = function _renderComplexString(t, e) {
var r = e._pt,
i = "";
if (!t && e.b) i = e.b;
else if (1 === t && e.e) i = e.e;
else {
for (; r;) i = r.p + (r.m ? r.m(r.s + r.c * t) : Math.round(1e4 * (r.s + r.c * t)) / 1e4) + i, r = r._next;
i += e.c
e.set(e.t, e.p, i, e)
$t = function _renderPropTweens(t, e) {
for (var r = e._pt; r;) r.r(t, r.d), r = r._next
Wt = function _addPluginModifier(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n, a = this._pt; a;) n = a._next, a.p === i && a.modifier(t, e, r), a = n
Kt = function _killPropTweensOf(t) {
for (var e, r, i = this._pt; i;) r = i._next, i.p === t && !i.op || i.op === t ? pa(this, i, "_pt") : i.dep ||
(e = 1), i = r;
return !e
te = function _sortPropTweensByPriority(t) {
for (var e, r, i, n, a = t._pt; a;) {
for (e = a._next, r = i; r && >;) r = r._next;
(a._prev = r ? r._prev : n) ? a._prev._next = a: i = a, (a._next = r) ? r._prev = a : n = a, a = e
t._pt = i
ee = (PropTween.prototype.modifier = function modifier(t, e, r) {
this.mSet = this.mSet || this.set, this.set = ac, this.m = t, = r, this.tween = e
}, PropTween);
function PropTween(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, u) {
this.t = e, this.s = i, this.c = n, this.p = r, this.r = a || Jt, this.d = s || this, this.set = o || Xt, =
u || 0, (this._next = t) && (t._prev = this)
_(ct +
function(t) {
return st[t] = 1
}), at.TweenMax = at.TweenLite = Ut, at.TimelineLite = at.TimelineMax = Bt, F = new Bt({
sortChildren: !1,
defaults: E,
autoRemoveChildren: !0,
id: "root",
smoothChildTiming: !0
}), G.stringFilter = ob;
var re = {
registerPlugin: function registerPlugin() {
for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r];
e.forEach(function(t) {
return function _createPlugin(t) {
var e = (t = ! && t.default || t).name,
r = o(t),
i = e && !r && t.init ? function() {
this._props = []
} : t,
n = {
init: O,
render: $t,
add: It,
kill: Kt,
modifier: Wt,
rawVars: 0
a = {
targetTest: 0,
get: 0,
getSetter: Zt,
aliases: {},
register: 0
if (Ct(), t !== i) {
if (ht[e]) return;
ha(i, ha(la(t, n), a)), pt(i.prototype, pt(n, la(t, a))), ht[i.prop = e] = i, t.targetTest && (
dt.push(i), st[e] = 1), e = ("css" === e ? "CSS" : e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1)) +
N(e, i), t.register && t.register(ie, i, ee)
timeline: function timeline(t) {
return new Bt(t)
getTweensOf: function getTweensOf(t, e) {
return F.getTweensOf(t, e)
getProperty: function getProperty(i, t, e, r) {
n(i) && (i = yt(i)[0]);
var a = Z(i || {}).get,
s = e ? ga : fa;
return "native" === e && (e = ""), i ? t ? s((ht[t] && ht[t].get || a)(i, t, e, r)) : function(t, e, r) {
return s((ht[t] && ht[t].get || a)(i, t, e, r))
} : i
quickSetter: function quickSetter(r, e, i) {
if (1 < (r = yt(r)).length) {
var n = {
return ie.quickSetter(t, e, i)
a = n.length;
return function(t) {
for (var e = a; e--;) n[e](t)
r = r[0] || {};
var s = ht[e],
o = Z(r),
u = s ? function(t) {
var e = new s;
c._pt = 0, e.init(r, i ? t + i : t, c, 0, [r]), e.render(1, e), c._pt && $t(1, c)
} : o.set(r, e);
return s ? u : function(t) {
return u(r, e, i ? t + i : t, o, 1)
isTweening: function isTweening(t) {
return 0 < F.getTweensOf(t, !0).length
defaults: function defaults(t) {
return t && t.ease && (t.ease = Dt(t.ease, E.ease)), ka(E, t || {})
config: function config(t) {
return ka(G, t || {})
registerEffect: function registerEffect(t) {
var n =,
i = t.effect,
e = t.plugins,
a = t.defaults,
s = t.extendTimeline;
(e || "").split(",").forEach(function(t) {
return t && !ht[t] && !at[t] && M(n + " effect requires " + t + " plugin.")
}), lt[n] = function(t, e) {
return i(yt(t), ha(e || {}, a))
}, s && (Bt.prototype[n] = function(t, e, i) {
return this.add(lt[n](t, r(e) ? e : (i = e) && {}), i)
registerEase: function registerEase(t, e) {
Pt[t] = Dt(e)
parseEase: function parseEase(t, e) {
return arguments.length ? Dt(t, e) : Pt
getById: function getById(t) {
return F.getById(t)
exportRoot: function exportRoot(t, e) {
void 0 === t && (t = {});
var r, i, n = new Bt(t);
for (n.smoothChildTiming = s(t.smoothChildTiming), F.remove(n), n._dp = 0, n._time = n._tTime = F._time, r =
F._first; r;) i = r._next, !e && !r._dur && r instanceof Ut && r.vars.onComplete === r._targets[0] || za(
n, r, r._start - r._delay), r = i;
return za(F, n, 0), n
utils: {
wrap: function wrap(e, t, r) {
var i = t - e;
return H(e) ? Xa(e, wrap(0, e.length), t) : Ha(r, function(t) {
return (i + (t - e) % i) % i + e
wrapYoyo: function wrapYoyo(e, t, r) {
var i = t - e,
n = 2 * i;
return H(e) ? Xa(e, wrapYoyo(0, e.length - 1), t) : Ha(r, function(t) {
return e + (i < (t = (n + (t - e) % n) % n) ? n - t : t)
distribute: Qa,
random: Ta,
snap: Sa,
normalize: function normalize(t, e, r) {
return Tt(t, e, 0, 1, r)
getUnit: Ja,
clamp: function clamp(e, r, t) {
return Ha(t, function(t) {
return gt(e, r, t)
splitColor: jb,
toArray: yt,
mapRange: Tt,
pipe: function pipe() {
for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r];
return function(t) {
return e.reduce(function(t, e) {
return e(t)
}, t)
unitize: function unitize(e, r) {
return function(t) {
return e(parseFloat(t)) + (r || Ja(t))
interpolate: function interpolate(e, r, t, i) {
var a = isNaN(e + r) ? 0 : function(t) {
return (1 - t) * e + t * r
if (!a) {
var s, o, u, h, l, f = n(e),
d = {};
if (!0 === t && (i = 1) && (t = null), f) e = {
p: e
}, r = {
p: r
else if (H(e) && !H(r)) {
for (u = [], h = e.length, l = h - 2, o = 1; o < h; o++) u.push(interpolate(e[o - 1], e[o]));
h--, a = function func(t) {
t *= h;
var e = Math.min(l, ~~t);
return u[e](t - e)
}, t = r
} else i || (e = pt(H(e) ? [] : {}, e));
if (!u) {
for (s in r), e, s, "get", r[s]);
a = function func(t) {
return $t(t, d) || (f ? e.p : e)
return Ha(t, a)
shuffle: Pa
install: K,
effects: lt,
ticker: Ot,
updateRoot: Bt.updateRoot,
plugins: ht,
globalTimeline: F,
core: {
PropTween: ee,
globals: N,
Tween: Ut,
Timeline: Bt,
Animation: Et,
getCache: Z,
_removeLinkedListItem: pa
_("to,from,fromTo,delayedCall,set,killTweensOf", function(t) {
return re[t] = Ut[t]
}), Ot.add(Bt.updateRoot), c ={}, {
duration: 0
function ec(t, e) {
for (var r = t._pt; r && r.p !== e && r.op !== e && r.fp !== e;) r = r._next;
return r
function gc(t, a) {
return {
name: t,
rawVars: 1,
init: function init(t, i, e) {
e._onInit = function(t) {
var e, r;
if (n(i) && (e = {}, _(i, function(t) {
return e[t] = 1
}), i = e), a) {
for (r in e = {}, i) e[r] = a(i[r]);
i = e
}! function _addModifiers(t, e) {
var r, i, n, a = t._targets;
for (r in e)
for (i = a.length; i--;)(n = (n = t._ptLookup[i][r]) && n.d) && (n._pt && (n = ec(n, r)), n && n.modifier &&
n.modifier(e[r], t, a[i], r))
}(t, i)
var ie = re.registerPlugin({
name: "attr",
init: function init(t, e, r, i, n) {
for (var a in e) this.add(t, "setAttribute", (t.getAttribute(a) || 0) + "", e[a], i, n, 0, 0, a), this._props
}, {
name: "endArray",
init: function init(t, e) {
for (var r = e.length; r--;) this.add(t, r, t[r] || 0, e[r])
}, gc("roundProps", Ra), gc("modifiers"), gc("snap", Sa)) || re;
Ut.version = Bt.version = ie.version = "3.2.4", f = 1, t() && Ct();
function Rc(t, e) {
return e.set(e.t, e.p, Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e)
function Sc(t, e) {
return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 === t ? e.e : Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e)
function Tc(t, e) {
return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? Math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u : e.b, e)
function Uc(t, e) {
var r = e.s + e.c * t;
e.set(e.t, e.p, ~~(r + (r < 0 ? -.5 : .5)) + e.u, e)
function Vc(t, e) {
return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? e.e : e.b, e)
function Wc(t, e) {
return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 !== t ? e.b : e.e, e)
function Xc(t, e, r) {
return[e] = r
function Yc(t, e, r) {
return, r)
function Zc(t, e, r) {
return t._gsap[e] = r
function $c(t, e, r) {
return t._gsap.scaleX = t._gsap.scaleY = r
function _c(t, e, r, i, n) {
var a = t._gsap;
a.scaleX = a.scaleY = r, a.renderTransform(n, a)
function ad(t, e, r, i, n) {
var a = t._gsap;
a[e] = r, a.renderTransform(n, a)
function ed(t, e) {
var r = ae.createElementNS ? ae.createElementNS((e || "").replace(/^https/, "http"),
t) : ae.createElement(t);
return ? r : ae.createElement(t)
function fd(t, e, r) {
var i = getComputedStyle(t);
return i[e] || i.getPropertyValue(e.replace(Fe, "-$1").toLowerCase()) || i.getPropertyValue(e) || !r && fd(t, Ne(
e) || e, 1) || ""
function id() {
! function _windowExists() {
return "undefined" != typeof window
}() || (ne = window, ae = ne.document, se = ae.documentElement, ue = ed("div") || {
style: {}
}, he = ed("div"), Ie = Ne(Ie), qe = Ne(qe), =
"border-width:0;line-height:0;position:absolute;padding:0", fe = !!Ne("perspective"), oe = 1)
function jd(t) {
var e, r = ed("svg", this.ownerSVGElement && this.ownerSVGElement.getAttribute("xmlns") ||
i = this.parentNode,
n = this.nextSibling,
a =;
if (se.appendChild(r), r.appendChild(this), = "block", t) try {
e = this.getBBox(), this._gsapBBox = this.getBBox, this.getBBox = jd
} catch (t) {} else this._gsapBBox && (e = this._gsapBBox());
return i && (n ? i.insertBefore(this, n) : i.appendChild(this)), se.removeChild(r), = a, e
function kd(t, e) {
for (var r = e.length; r--;)
if (t.hasAttribute(e[r])) return t.getAttribute(e[r])
function ld(e) {
var r;
try {
r = e.getBBox()
} catch (t) {
r =, !0)
return r && (r.width || r.height) || e.getBBox === jd || (r =, !0)), !r || r.width || r.x || r.y ? r : {
x: +kd(e, ["x", "cx", "x1"]) || 0,
y: +kd(e, ["y", "cy", "y1"]) || 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
function md(t) {
return !(!t.getCTM || t.parentNode && !t.ownerSVGElement || !ld(t))
function nd(t, e) {
if (e) {
var r =;
e in Ae && (e = Ie), r.removeProperty ? ("ms" !== e.substr(0, 2) && "webkit" !== e.substr(0, 6) || (e = "-" + e),
r.removeProperty(e.replace(Fe, "-$1").toLowerCase())) : r.removeAttribute(e)
function od(t, e, r, i, n, a) {
var s = new ee(t._pt, e, r, 0, 1, a ? Wc : Vc);
return (t._pt = s).b = i, s.e = n, t._props.push(r), s
function qd(t, e, r, i) {
var n, a, s, o, u = parseFloat(r) || 0,
h = (r + "").trim().substr((u + "").length) || "px",
l =,
f = Ee.test(e),
d = "svg" === t.tagName.toLowerCase(),
c = (d ? "client" : "offset") + (f ? "Width" : "Height"),
p = "px" === i;
return i === h || !u || Ge[i] || Ge[h] ? u : (o = t.getCTM && md(t), "%" === i && (Ae[e] || ~e.indexOf("adius")) ?
aa(u / (o ? t.getBBox()[f ? "width" : "height"] : t[c]) * 100) : (l[f ? "width" : "height"] = 100 + (p ? h :
i), a = ~e.indexOf("adius") || "em" === i && t.appendChild && !d ? t : t.parentNode, o && (a = (t.ownerSVGElement ||
{}).parentNode), a && a !== ae && a.appendChild || (a = ae.body), (s = a._gsap) && "%" === i && s.width &&
f && s.time === Ot.time ? aa(u / s.width * 100) : (a === t && (l.position = "static"), a.appendChild(ue), n =
ue[c], a.removeChild(ue), l.position = "absolute", f && "%" === i && ((s = Z(a)).time = Ot.time, s.width =
a[c]), aa(p ? n * u / 100 : 100 / n * u))))
function rd(t, e, r, i) {
var n;
return oe || id(), e in Le && "transform" !== e && ~(e = Le[e]).indexOf(",") && (e = e.split(",")[0]), Ae[e] &&
"transform" !== e ? (n = Ze(t, i), n = "transformOrigin" !== e ? n[e] : Je(fd(t, qe)) + " " + n.zOrigin + "px") :
(n =[e]) && "auto" !== n && !i && !~(n + "").indexOf("calc(") || (n = Xe[e] && Xe[e](t, e, r) || fd(t,
e) || $(t, e) || ("opacity" === e ? 1 : 0)), r && !~(n + "").indexOf(" ") ? qd(t, e, n, r) + r : n
function sd(t, e, r, i) {
if (!r || "none" === r) {
var n = Ne(e, t, 1),
a = n && fd(t, n, 1);
a && a !== r && (e = n, r = a)
var s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _, m, g, v = new ee(this._pt,, e, 0, 1, Qt),
y = 0,
T = 0;
if (v.b = r, v.e = i, r += "", "auto" === (i += "") && ([e] = i, i = fd(t, e) || i,[e] = r), ob(s = [
r, i
]), i = s[1], u = (r = s[0]).match(tt) || [], (i.match(tt) || []).length) {
for (; o = tt.exec(i);) d = o[0], p = i.substring(y, o.index), l ? l = (l + 1) % 5 : "rgba(" !== p.substr(-5) &&
"hsla(" !== p.substr(-5) || (l = 1), d !== (f = u[T++] || "") && (h = parseFloat(f) || 0, m = f.substr((h +
"").length), (g = "=" === d.charAt(1) ? +(d.charAt(0) + "1") : 0) && (d = d.substr(2)), c = parseFloat(d),
_ = d.substr((c + "").length), y = tt.lastIndex - _.length, _ || (_ = _ || G.units[e] || m, y === i.length &&
(i += _, v.e += _)), m !== _ && (h = qd(t, e, f, _) || 0), v._pt = {
_next: v._pt,
p: p || 1 === T ? p : ",",
s: h,
c: g ? g * c : c - h,
m: l && l < 4 ? Math.round : 0
v.c = y < i.length ? i.substring(y, i.length) : ""
} else v.r = "display" === e && "none" === i ? Wc : Vc;
return it.test(i) && (v.e = 0), this._pt = v
function ud(t) {
var e = t.split(" "),
r = e[0],
i = e[1] || "50%";
return "top" !== r && "bottom" !== r && "left" !== i && "right" !== i || (t = r, r = i, i = t), e[0] = Ue[r] || r,
e[1] = Ue[i] || i, e.join(" ")
function vd(t, e) {
if (e.tween && e.tween._time === e.tween._dur) {
var r, i, n, a = e.t,
s =,
o = e.u,
u = a._gsap;
if ("all" === o || !0 === o) s.cssText = "", i = 1;
for (n = (o = o.split(",")).length; - 1 < --n;) r = o[n], Ae[r] && (i = 1, r = "transformOrigin" === r ? qe :
Ie), nd(a, r);
i && (nd(a, Ie), u && (u.svg && a.removeAttribute("transform"), Ze(a, 1), u.uncache = 1))
function zd(t) {
return "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)" === t || "none" === t || !t
function Ad(t) {
var e = fd(t, Ie);
return zd(e) ? je : e.substr(7).match(W).map(aa)
function Bd(t, e) {
var r, i, n, a, s = t._gsap || Z(t),
o =,
u = Ad(t);
return s.svg && t.getAttribute("transform") ? "1,0,0,1,0,0" === (u = [(n = t.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix)
.a, n.b, n.c, n.d, n.e, n.f
]).join(",") ? je : u : (u !== je || t.offsetParent || t === se || s.svg || (n = o.display, o.display = "block",
(r = t.parentNode) && t.offsetParent || (a = 1, i = t.nextSibling, se.appendChild(t)), u = Ad(t), n ? o.display =
n : nd(t, "display"), a && (i ? r.insertBefore(t, i) : r ? r.appendChild(t) : se.removeChild(t))), e && 6 <
u.length ? [u[0], u[1], u[4], u[5], u[12], u[13]] : u)
function Cd(t, e, r, i, n, a) {
var s, o, u, h = t._gsap,
l = n || Bd(t, !0),
f = h.xOrigin || 0,
d = h.yOrigin || 0,
c = h.xOffset || 0,
p = h.yOffset || 0,
_ = l[0],
m = l[1],
g = l[2],
v = l[3],
y = l[4],
T = l[5],
b = e.split(" "),
w = parseFloat(b[0]) || 0,
x = parseFloat(b[1]) || 0;
r ? l !== je && (o = _ * v - m * g) && (u = w * (-m / o) + x * (_ / o) - (_ * T - m * y) / o, w = w * (v / o) + x *
(-g / o) + (g * T - v * y) / o, x = u) : (w = (s = ld(t)).x + (~b[0].indexOf("%") ? w / 100 * s.width : w), x =
s.y + (~(b[1] || b[0]).indexOf("%") ? x / 100 * s.height : x)), i || !1 !== i && h.smooth ? (y = w - f, T = x -
d, h.xOffset = c + (y * _ + T * g) - y, h.yOffset = p + (y * m + T * v) - T) : h.xOffset = h.yOffset = 0, h.xOrigin =
w, h.yOrigin = x, h.smooth = !!i, h.origin = e, h.originIsAbsolute = !!r,[qe] = "0px 0px", a && (od(a,
h, "xOrigin", f, w), od(a, h, "yOrigin", d, x), od(a, h, "xOffset", c, h.xOffset), od(a, h, "yOffset", p, h
.yOffset)), t.setAttribute("data-svg-origin", w + " " + x)
function Fd(t, e, r) {
var i = Ja(e);
return aa(parseFloat(e) + parseFloat(qd(t, "x", r + "px", i))) + i
function Md(t, e, r, i, a, s) {
var o, u, h = 360,
l = n(a),
f = parseFloat(a) * (l && ~a.indexOf("rad") ? ze : 1),
d = s ? f * s : f - i,
c = i + d + "deg";
return l && ("short" === (o = a.split("_")[1]) && (d %= h) !== d % 180 && (d += d < 0 ? h : -h), "cw" === o && d <
0 ? d = (d + 36e9) % h - ~~(d / h) * h : "ccw" === o && 0 < d && (d = (d - 36e9) % h - ~~(d / h) * h)), t._pt =
u = new ee(t._pt, e, r, i, d, Sc), u.e = c, u.u = "deg", t._props.push(r), u
function Nd(t, e, r) {
var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l =,
f = r._gsap;
for (n in l.cssText = getComputedStyle(r).cssText + ";position:absolute;display:block;", l[Ie] = e, ae.body.appendChild(
he), i = Ze(he, 1), Ae)(a = f[n]) !== (s = i[n]) && "perspective,force3D,transformOrigin,svgOrigin".indexOf(n) <
0 && (o = Ja(a) !== (h = Ja(s)) ? qd(r, n, a, h) : parseFloat(a), u = parseFloat(s), t._pt = new ee(t._pt, f, n,
o, u - o, Rc), t._pt.u = h || 0, t._props.push(n));
var ne, ae, se, oe, ue, he, le, fe, de = Pt.Power0,
ce = Pt.Power1,
pe = Pt.Power2,
_e = Pt.Power3,
me = Pt.Power4,
ge = Pt.Linear,
ve = Pt.Quad,
ye = Pt.Cubic,
Te = Pt.Quart,
be = Pt.Quint,
we = Pt.Strong,
xe = Pt.Elastic,
ke = Pt.Back,
Me = Pt.SteppedEase,
Oe = Pt.Bounce,
Ce = Pt.Sine,
Pe = Pt.Expo,
Se = Pt.Circ,
Ae = {},
ze = 180 / Math.PI,
De = Math.PI / 180,
Re = Math.atan2,
Fe = /([A-Z])/g,
Ee = /(?:left|right|width|margin|padding|x)/i,
Be = /[\s,\(]\S/,
Le = {
autoAlpha: "opacity,visibility",
scale: "scaleX,scaleY",
alpha: "opacity"
Ie = "transform",
qe = Ie + "Origin",
Ye = "O,Moz,ms,Ms,Webkit".split(","),
Ne = function _checkPropPrefix(t, e, r) {
var i = (e || ue).style,
n = 5;
if (t in i && !r) return t;
for (t = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1); n-- && !(Ye[n] + t in i););
return n < 0 ? null : (3 === n ? "ms" : 0 <= n ? Ye[n] : "") + t
Ge = {
deg: 1,
rad: 1,
turn: 1
Ue = {
top: "0%",
bottom: "100%",
left: "0%",
right: "100%",
center: "50%"
Xe = {
clearProps: function clearProps(t, e, r, i, n) {
if ("isFromStart" !== {
var a = t._pt = new ee(t._pt, e, r, 0, 0, vd);
return a.u = i, = -10, a.tween = n, t._props.push(r), 1
je = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
Ve = {},
Ze = function _parseTransform(t, e) {
var r = t._gsap || new Ft(t);
if ("x" in r && !e && !r.uncache) return r;
var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _, m, g, v, y, T, b, w, x, k, M, O, C, P, S, A, z, D, R, F, E =,
B = r.scaleX < 0,
L = "deg",
I = fd(t, qe) || "0";
return i = n = a = u = h = l = f = d = c = 0, s = o = 1, r.svg = !(!t.getCTM || !md(t)), m = Bd(t, r.svg), r.svg &&
(O = !r.uncache && t.getAttribute("data-svg-origin"), Cd(t, O || I, !!O || r.originIsAbsolute, !1 !== r.smooth,
m)), p = r.xOrigin || 0, _ = r.yOrigin || 0, m !== je && (T = m[0], b = m[1], w = m[2], x = m[3], i = k = m[
4], n = M = m[5], 6 === m.length ? (s = Math.sqrt(T * T + b * b), o = Math.sqrt(x * x + w * w), u = T ||
b ? Re(b, T) * ze : 0, (f = w || x ? Re(w, x) * ze + u : 0) && (o *= Math.cos(f * De)), r.svg && (i -= p -
(p * T + _ * w), n -= _ - (p * b + _ * x))) : (F = m[6], D = m[7], S = m[8], A = m[9], z = m[10], R = m[
11], i = m[12], n = m[13], a = m[14], h = (g = Re(F, z)) * ze, g && (O = k * (v = Math.cos(-g)) + S * (
y = Math.sin(-g)), C = M * v + A * y, P = F * v + z * y, S = k * -y + S * v, A = M * -y + A * v, z =
F * -y + z * v, R = D * -y + R * v, k = O, M = C, F = P), l = (g = Re(-w, z)) * ze, g && (v = Math.cos(
-g), R = x * (y = Math.sin(-g)) + R * v, T = O = T * v - S * y, b = C = b * v - A * y, w = P = w * v -
z * y), u = (g = Re(b, T)) * ze, g && (O = T * (v = Math.cos(g)) + b * (y = Math.sin(g)), C = k * v + M *
y, b = b * v - T * y, M = M * v - k * y, T = O, k = C), h && 359.9 < Math.abs(h) + Math.abs(u) && (h =
u = 0, l = 180 - l), s = aa(Math.sqrt(T * T + b * b + w * w)), o = aa(Math.sqrt(M * M + F * F)), g = Re(
k, M), f = 2e-4 < Math.abs(g) ? g * ze : 0, c = R ? 1 / (R < 0 ? -R : R) : 0), r.svg && (m = t.getAttribute(
"transform"), r.forceCSS = t.setAttribute("transform", "") || !zd(fd(t, Ie)), m && t.setAttribute(
"transform", m))), 90 < Math.abs(f) && Math.abs(f) < 270 && (B ? (s *= -1, f += u <= 0 ? 180 : -180, u += u <=
0 ? 180 : -180) : (o *= -1, f += f <= 0 ? 180 : -180)), r.x = ((r.xPercent = i && Math.round(t.offsetWidth /
2) === Math.round(-i) ? -50 : 0) ? 0 : i) + "px", r.y = ((r.yPercent = n && Math.round(t.offsetHeight / 2) ===
Math.round(-n) ? -50 : 0) ? 0 : n) + "px", r.z = a + "px", r.scaleX = aa(s), r.scaleY = aa(o), r.rotation =
aa(u) + L, r.rotationX = aa(h) + L, r.rotationY = aa(l) + L, r.skewX = f + L, r.skewY = d + L, r.transformPerspective =
c + "px", (r.zOrigin = parseFloat(I.split(" ")[2]) || 0) && (E[qe] = Je(I)), r.xOffset = r.yOffset = 0, r.force3D =
G.force3D, r.renderTransform = r.svg ? tr : fe ? Ke : He, r.uncache = 0, r
Je = function _firstTwoOnly(t) {
return (t = t.split(" "))[0] + " " + t[1]
He = function _renderNon3DTransforms(t, e) {
e.z = "0px", e.rotationY = e.rotationX = "0deg", e.force3D = 0, Ke(t, e)
Qe = "0deg",
$e = "0px",
We = ") ",
Ke = function _renderCSSTransforms(t, e) {
var r = e || this,
i = r.xPercent,
n = r.yPercent,
a = r.x,
s = r.y,
o = r.z,
u = r.rotation,
h = r.rotationY,
l = r.rotationX,
f = r.skewX,
d = r.skewY,
c = r.scaleX,
p = r.scaleY,
_ = r.transformPerspective,
m = r.force3D,
g =,
v = r.zOrigin,
y = "",
T = "auto" === m && t && 1 !== t || !0 === m;
if (v && (l !== Qe || h !== Qe)) {
var b, w = parseFloat(h) * De,
x = Math.sin(w),
k = Math.cos(w);
w = parseFloat(l) * De, b = Math.cos(w), a = Fd(g, a, x * b * -v), s = Fd(g, s, -Math.sin(w) * -v), o = Fd(g,
o, k * b * -v + v)
_ !== $e && (y += "perspective(" + _ + We), (i || n) && (y += "translate(" + i + "%, " + n + "%) "), !T && a ===
$e && s === $e && o === $e || (y += o !== $e || T ? "translate3d(" + a + ", " + s + ", " + o + ") " :
"translate(" + a + ", " + s + We), u !== Qe && (y += "rotate(" + u + We), h !== Qe && (y += "rotateY(" + h +
We), l !== Qe && (y += "rotateX(" + l + We), f === Qe && d === Qe || (y += "skew(" + f + ", " + d + We), 1 ===
c && 1 === p || (y += "scale(" + c + ", " + p + We),[Ie] = y || "translate(0, 0)"
tr = function _renderSVGTransforms(t, e) {
var r, i, n, a, s, o = e || this,
u = o.xPercent,
h = o.yPercent,
l = o.x,
f = o.y,
d = o.rotation,
c = o.skewX,
p = o.skewY,
_ = o.scaleX,
m = o.scaleY,
g =,
v = o.xOrigin,
y = o.yOrigin,
T = o.xOffset,
b = o.yOffset,
w = o.forceCSS,
x = parseFloat(l),
k = parseFloat(f);
d = parseFloat(d), c = parseFloat(c), (p = parseFloat(p)) && (c += p = parseFloat(p), d += p), d || c ? (d *=
De, c *= De, r = Math.cos(d) * _, i = Math.sin(d) * _, n = Math.sin(d - c) * -m, a = Math.cos(d - c) * m, c &&
(p *= De, s = Math.tan(c - p), n *= s = Math.sqrt(1 + s * s), a *= s, p && (s = Math.tan(p), r *= s = Math.sqrt(
1 + s * s), i *= s)), r = aa(r), i = aa(i), n = aa(n), a = aa(a)) : (r = _, a = m, i = n = 0), (x && !~(l +
"").indexOf("px") || k && !~(f + "").indexOf("px")) && (x = qd(g, "x", l, "px"), k = qd(g, "y", f, "px")),
(v || y || T || b) && (x = aa(x + v - (v * r + y * n) + T), k = aa(k + y - (v * i + y * a) + b)), (u || h) &&
(s = g.getBBox(), x = aa(x + u / 100 * s.width), k = aa(k + h / 100 * s.height)), s = "matrix(" + r + "," + i +
"," + n + "," + a + "," + x + "," + k + ")", g.setAttribute("transform", s), w && ([Ie] = s)
_("padding,margin,Width,Radius", function(e, r) {
var t = "Right",
i = "Bottom",
n = "Left",
o = (r < 3 ? ["Top", t, i, n] : ["Top" + n, "Top" + t, i + t, i + n]).map(function(t) {
return r < 2 ? e + t : "border" + t + e
Xe[1 < r ? "border" + e : e] = function(e, t, r, i, n) {
var a, s;
if (arguments.length < 4) return a = {
return rd(e, t, r)
}), 5 === (s = a.join(" ")).split(a[0]).length ? a[0] : s;
a = (i + "").split(" "), s = {}, o.forEach(function(t, e) {
return s[t] = a[e] = a[e] || a[(e - 1) / 2 | 0]
}), e.init(t, s, n)
var er, rr, ir, nr = {
name: "css",
register: id,
targetTest: function targetTest(t) {
return && t.nodeType
init: function init(t, e, r, i, n) {
var a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _, m, g, v, y, T = this._props,
b =;
for (f in oe || id(), e)
if ("autoRound" !== f && (s = e[f], !ht[f] || !Jb(f, e, r, i, t, n)))
if (h = typeof s, l = Xe[f], "function" === h && (h = typeof(s =, i, t, n))), "string" === h &&
~s.indexOf("random(") && (s = $a(s)), l) l(this, t, f, s, r) && (y = 1);
else if ("--" === f.substr(0, 2)) this.add(b, "setProperty", getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue(f) +
"", s + "", i, n, 0, 0, f);
else {
if (a = rd(t, f), u = parseFloat(a), (p = "string" === h && "=" === s.charAt(1) ? +(s.charAt(0) + "1") :
0) && (s = s.substr(2)), o = parseFloat(s), f in Le && ("autoAlpha" === f && (1 === u && "hidden" ===
rd(t, "visibility") && o && (u = 0), od(this, b, "visibility", u ? "inherit" : "hidden", o ?
"inherit" : "hidden", !o)), "scale" !== f && "transform" !== f && ~(f = Le[f]).indexOf(",") && (f =
f.split(",")[0])), _ = f in Ae)
if (m || ((g = t._gsap).renderTransform || Ze(t), v = !1 !== e.smoothOrigin && g.smooth, (m = this._pt =
new ee(this._pt, b, Ie, 0, 1, g.renderTransform, g, 0, -1)).dep = 1), "scale" === f) this._pt = new ee(
this._pt, g, "scaleY", g.scaleY, p ? p * o : o - g.scaleY), T.push("scaleY", f), f += "X";
else {
if ("transformOrigin" === f) {
s = ud(s), g.svg ? Cd(t, s, 0, v, 0, this) : ((c = parseFloat(s.split(" ")[2]) || 0) !== g.zOrigin &&
od(this, g, "zOrigin", g.zOrigin, c), od(this, b, f, Je(a), Je(s)));
if ("svgOrigin" === f) {
Cd(t, s, 1, v, 0, this);
if (f in Ve) {
Md(this, g, f, u, s, p);
if ("smoothOrigin" === f) {
od(this, g, "smooth", g.smooth, s);
if ("force3D" === f) {
g[f] = s;
if ("transform" === f) {
Nd(this, s, t);
else f in b || (f = Ne(f) || f);
if (_ || (o || 0 === o) && (u || 0 === u) && !Be.test(s) && f in b)(d = (a + "").substr((u + "").length)) !==
(c = (s + "").substr(((o = o || 0) + "").length) || (f in G.units ? G.units[f] : d)) && (u = qd(t, f, a,
c)), this._pt = new ee(this._pt, _ ? g : b, f, u, p ? p * o : o - u, "px" !== c || !1 === e.autoRound ||
_ ? Rc : Uc), this._pt.u = c || 0, d !== c && (this._pt.b = a, this._pt.r = Tc);
else if (f in b), t, f, a, s);
else {
if (!(f in t)) {
L(f, s);
this.add(t, f, t[f], s, i, n)
y && te(this)
get: rd,
aliases: Le,
getSetter: function getSetter(t, e, r) {
var i = Le[e];
return i && i.indexOf(",") < 0 && (e = i), e in Ae && e !== qe && (t._gsap.x || rd(t, "x")) ? r && le ===
r ? "scale" === e ? $c : Zc : (le = r || {}) && ("scale" === e ? _c : ad) : && !q([e]) ?
Xc : ~e.indexOf("-") ? Yc : Zt(t, e)
core: {
_removeProperty: nd,
_getMatrix: Bd
ie.utils.checkPrefix = Ne, ir = _((er = "x,y,z,scale,scaleX,scaleY,xPercent,yPercent") + "," + (rr =
"rotation,rotationX,rotationY,skewX,skewY") +
function(t) {
Ae[t] = 1
}), _(rr, function(t) {
G.units[t] = "deg", Ve[t] = 1
}), Le[ir[13]] = er + "," + rr, _(
function(t) {
var e = t.split(":");
Le[e[1]] = ir[e[0]]
}), _("x,y,z,top,right,bottom,left,width,height,fontSize,padding,margin,perspective", function(t) {
G.units[t] = "px"
}), ie.registerPlugin(nr);
var ar = ie.registerPlugin(nr) || ie,
sr = ar.core.Tween;
e.Back = ke, e.Bounce = Oe, e.CSSPlugin = nr, e.Circ = Se, e.Cubic = ye, e.Elastic = xe, e.Expo = Pe, e.Linear = ge,
e.Power0 = de, e.Power1 = ce, e.Power2 = pe, e.Power3 = _e, e.Power4 = me, e.Quad = ve, e.Quart = Te, e.Quint =
be, e.Sine = Ce, e.SteppedEase = Me, e.Strong = we, e.TimelineLite = Bt, e.TimelineMax = Bt, e.TweenLite = Ut, e.TweenMax =
sr, e.default = ar, e.gsap = ar;
if (typeof(window) === "undefined" || window !== e) {
Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
value: !0
} else {
delete e.default
// 常量 // 常量
// const server_ip = ''; // 测试服务器 // const server_ip = ''; // 测试服务器
const server_ip = ''; // 线上内网ip const server_ip = ''; // 线上内网ip
// const server_ip = ''; // const server_ip = '';
export const CONFIG = { export const CONFIG = {
...@@ -30,8 +30,12 @@ export const ButtonMap = { ...@@ -30,8 +30,12 @@ export const ButtonMap = {
// 首页图表样式 // 首页图表样式
export const ChartStyle = { export const ChartStyle = {
loadingColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', // 加载动画颜色 loadingColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', // 加载动画颜色
color: ['#509FFF', '#E5394C', '#0011A5', '#FF57BF', '#43C6AC', '#AA076B', '#0ED2F7', '#9733EE', '#0cff34', '#aa4e03', '#fce00b', '#11ffcc'], // 数据颜色 color: ['#509FFF', '#E5394C', '#0011A5', '#FF57BF', '#43C6AC', '#AA076B', '#0ED2F7', '#9733EE', '#0cff34',
color2: ['#6AF6FE', '#F0724D', '#00BAE6', '#FF8B7C', '#F8FFAE', '#E991C3', '#92FE9D', '#C3A0FF', '#bdff23', '#e55f12', '#d6a800', '#06c5ff'], // 数据渐变颜色 '#aa4e03', '#fce00b', '#11ffcc'
], // 数据颜色
color2: ['#6AF6FE', '#F0724D', '#00BAE6', '#FF8B7C', '#F8FFAE', '#E991C3', '#92FE9D', '#C3A0FF', '#bdff23',
'#e55f12', '#d6a800', '#06c5ff'
], // 数据渐变颜色
// 标题样式 // 标题样式
title: { title: {
color: '#93FCFF', color: '#93FCFF',
...@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ export const ChartStyle = { ...@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ export const ChartStyle = {
// 轴样式 // 轴样式
axis: { axis: {
color: '#5caac3', color: '#5caac3',
fontSize: 10, fontSize: 12,
lineHeight: 14, lineHeight: 14,
}, },
// 数据文字样式 // 数据文字样式
...@@ -209,7 +213,11 @@ export const DefaultDateSelect = () => [ - 3600 * 1000,]; / ...@@ -209,7 +213,11 @@ export const DefaultDateSelect = () => [ - 3600 * 1000,]; /
// 全厂监测测点配置 // 全厂监测测点配置
export const FactoryMConfig = { export const FactoryMConfig = {
power: ['有功功率'], // 功率 // 顶部
top: [
// 框框 // 框框
list: [ list: [
["上导X向摆度"], ["上导X向摆度"],
...@@ -243,28 +251,26 @@ export const CrewMConfig = { ...@@ -243,28 +251,26 @@ export const CrewMConfig = {
], ],
// 框框左上 // 框框左上
listLeftTop: [ listLeftTop: [
["上机架X向振动"], ["上机架X向振动"],
["上机架Y向振动"], ["上机架Y向振动"],
["上机架Z向振动"], ["上机架Z向振动"],
], ],
// 框框右上 // 框框右上
listRightTop: [ listRightTop: [
["下导X向摆度", "法兰X向摆度"],
["下导Y向摆度", "法兰Y向摆度"],
["大轴轴向位移A"], ["大轴轴向位移A"],
["大轴轴向位移B"], ["大轴轴向位移B"],
["大轴轴向位移C"], ["大轴轴向位移C"],
], ],
// 框框左下 // 框框左下
listLeftBottom: [ listLeftBottom: [
...@@ -274,12 +280,6 @@ export const CrewMConfig = { ...@@ -274,12 +280,6 @@ export const CrewMConfig = {
["定子基座Y向振动"], ["定子基座Y向振动"],
["定子铁芯X向振动"], ["定子铁芯X向振动"],
["定子铁芯Y向振动"], ["定子铁芯Y向振动"],
// 框框右下
listRightBottom: [
["顶盖碰磨Z向振动"], ["顶盖碰磨Z向振动"],
["顶盖碰磨X向振动"], ["顶盖碰磨X向振动"],
["顶盖X向振动"], ["顶盖X向振动"],
...@@ -287,7 +287,13 @@ export const CrewMConfig = { ...@@ -287,7 +287,13 @@ export const CrewMConfig = {
["顶盖Z向振动X"], ["顶盖Z向振动X"],
["顶盖Z向振动Y"], ["顶盖Z向振动Y"],
["顶盖Z向振动"], ["顶盖Z向振动"],
// 框框右下
listRightBottom: [
["顶盖下压力脉动"], ["顶盖下压力脉动"],
["尾水管X向振动"], ["尾水管X向振动"],
["尾水管进口压力脉动"], ["尾水管进口压力脉动"],
["尾水管出口压力脉动"], ["尾水管出口压力脉动"],
...@@ -310,44 +316,44 @@ export const CrewMConfig = { ...@@ -310,44 +316,44 @@ export const CrewMConfig = {
], ],
// 图表右上 // 图表右上
rightTop: [ rightTop: [
["上机架X向振动"], [
["上机架Y向振动"], [{name: "上导X向摆度", defaultMax: 560}],
["上机架Z向振动"], [{name: "上导Y向摆度", defaultMax: 560}],
["定子机座X向振动"], ],
["定子机座Y向振动"], [
["定子基座X向振动"], [{name: "下导X向摆度", defaultMax: 1500}, {name: "法兰X向摆度", defaultMax: 906}],
["定子基座Y向振动"], [{name: "下导Y向摆度", defaultMax: 1500}, {name: "法兰Y向摆度", defaultMax: 906}],
["定子铁芯X向振动"], ],
["定子铁芯Y向振动"] [
[{name: "水导X向摆度", defaultMax: 703}],
[{name: "水导Y向摆度", defaultMax: 703}],
], ],
// 图表右中 // 图表右中
rightCenter: [ rightCenter: [
["顶盖碰磨Z向振动"], [
["顶盖碰磨X向振动"], [{name: "顶盖X向振动", defaultMax: 203}],
["顶盖X向振动"], [{name: "顶盖Y向振动", defaultMax: 203}],
["顶盖Y向振动"], [{name: "顶盖Z向振动X", defaultMax: 293}],
["顶盖Z向振动X"], [{name: "顶盖Z向振动Y", defaultMax: 293}],
["顶盖Z向振动Y"], [{name: "顶盖Z向振动", defaultMax: 293}],
["顶盖Z向振动"], ],
["尾水管X向振动"], [
["顶盖下压力脉动"], [{name: "上机架X向振动", defaultMax: 156}],
["尾水管进口压力脉动"], [{name: "上机架Y向振动", defaultMax: 156}],
["尾水管出口压力脉动"], [{name: "上机架Z向振动", defaultMax: 141}],
["尾水管出口压力"], ],
["蜗壳进口压力脉动"], [
["蜗壳差压"], [{name: "下机架X向振动", defaultMax: 125}],
["导叶后压力脉动"] [{name: "下机架Y向振动", defaultMax: 125}],
[{name: "下机架Z向振动", defaultMax: 125}],
], ],
// 图表右下 // 图表右下
rightBottom: [ rightBottom: [
["上导瓦温"], ["上导瓦温"],
["下导X向摆度"], ["下导瓦温"],
["推力瓦温"], ["推力瓦温"],
["水导X向摆度"], ["水导瓦温"],
], ],
} }
...@@ -680,18 +680,41 @@ export function makeMap(str, lowerCase) { ...@@ -680,18 +680,41 @@ export function makeMap(str, lowerCase) {
* @param {Object} crew 全部测点数据里的机组,之所以要传,是为了不用每次都找一次机组 * @param {Object} crew 全部测点数据里的机组,之所以要传,是为了不用每次都找一次机组
* @param {String} name 测点名关键词 * @param {String} name 测点名关键词
* @return {String} kks 测点kks * @return {String} kks 测点kks
* @return {Boolean} type 是否模糊匹配 0精准,1模糊
*/ */
export function getCharacterFromCrew(crew, name, kks) { export function getCharacterFromCrew(crew, name, kks, type) {
let res = crew.tSdb.find(i => { let res = crew.tSdb.find(i => {
if(name) return i.cpName.indexOf(name) != -1; if(name && type) return i.cpName.indexOf(name) != -1;
if(kks) return i.kksCode.indexOf(kks) != -1; if(name && !type) return i.cpName == name;
if(kks && type) return i.kksCode.indexOf(kks) != -1;
if(kks && !type) return i.kksCode == kks;
}); });
if(!res) return false; // 如果没有查出值,则跳过 if(!res) return false; // 如果没有查出匹配的测点,则返回
// 补数据 if(!res.kksValueR) chatValueHandler(res); // 补数据,只补一次
if(!res.kksValueR) {
let str = res.kksValue?.value?.toString();
res.state = str ? parseInt(str.substr(-2)) : 0; // 信号状态
res.kksValueR = str ? parseFloat(str.substr(0, str.length - 2)) : 0; // 真实值
return res; return res;
* @auto 刘彬瑜
* @todo 将测点值处理成信号状态和真实值
* @param {Object} chat 测点对象
* @return {Object} chat 处理后的对象
export function chatValueHandler(chat) {
if(!chat) return chat;
let val = parseFloat(chat.kksValue?.value); // 数据库返回的值
let str = val.toString(); // 字符串格式
if(!val || str === 'NaN') chat.kksValueR = chat.state = 0; // 如果没有值,正常应该是肯定有值的
// 正常值处理
else {
// 如果是无状态测点或者值的长度小于3(因为正常带信号状态的值最少也是1.01)
if(parseInt(chat.cpType) === 0 || str.length < 3) {
chat.state = 0;
chat.kksValueR = val;
chat.state = parseInt(str.substr(-2)); // 信号状态
chat.kksValueR = parseFloat(str.substr(0, str.length - 2)); // 真实值
return chat;
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ ...@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
} }
}, },
yAxis: { yAxis: {
splitNumber: 3,
axisLine: { axisLine: {
show: false show: false
}, },
<!-- 胶囊图的单个柱图 -->
<div :id="id" class="chart-single" />
import ChartBase from '@/components/Base/ChartsBase.js';
import {
} from '@/common/const.js';
import {
} from '@/common/util.js';
import echarts from 'echarts';
export default {
mixins: [ChartBase],
methods: {
setOptions(chartData) {
if (!this.chart || !chartData) return;
const colors = getWarnColor(chartData.state, 1);
const minN = -2000000000;
const max = chartData.earlywarningruleminvalue > minN ? chartData.earlywarningruleminvalue : chartData.alertRuleMinValue >
minN ? chartData.alertRuleMinValue : chartData.protectRuleMinValue > minN ? chartData.protectRuleMinValue : chartData.defaultMax;
let option = {
tooltip: {
formatter: params => {
return chartData.cpName + (chartData.cpUnit ? '(' + chartData.cpUnit + ')' : '') + '<br/>' + '当前值:' +
params.value + ',阈值:' + max;
title: {
text: chartData.cpName + (chartData.cpUnit ? '(' + chartData.cpUnit + ')' : ''),
textStyle: {
color: ChartStyle.axis.color,
fontSize: ChartStyle.axis.fontSize,
fontWeight: 400
left: '5%',
xAxis: {
type: 'value',
max: max,
min: 0,
axisLine: {
show: false
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
show: false
splitLine: {
show: false
yAxis: {
type: 'category',
axisLine: {
show: false
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
show: false
series: [{
type: 'bar',
data: [chartData.kksValueR],
label: {
show: true,
position: 'insideLeft',
color: '#000',
fontSize: 10,
padding: [2, 0, 0, 0],
itemStyle: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 1, 0, [{
offset: 0,
color: colors[0]
}, {
offset: 1,
color: colors[1]
barBorderRadius: [50, chartData.kksValueR > max ? 50 : 0, chartData.kksValueR > max ? 50 : 0, 50]
showBackground: true,
backgroundStyle: {
color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)',
barBorderRadius: 50
barMaxWidth: 13
// }, {
// type: 'pictorialBar',
// data: [3000],
// label: {
// show: true,
// position: 'right',
// color: ChartStyle.label.color,
// fontSize: 10,
// formatter: params => {
// return chartData.kksValueR;
// }
// },
// itemStyle: {
// color: 'transparent'
// },
// barMaxWidth: 13
grid: {
top: '10%',
left: '5%',
right: '5%',
bottom: '0%',
containLabel: true
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.chart-single {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
...@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ ...@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
<div class="up" v-if="title" :class="direction ? 'up-flex' : ''"> <div class="up" v-if="title" :class="direction ? 'up-flex' : ''">
<div class="i" />{{title}} <div class="i" />{{title}}
</div> </div>
<div class="down"> <div v-if="simple" class="down">
<div class="simple" :style="{color: getWarnColor(state)}">{{animatedNumber}}</div>
<span class="unit" style="bottom: 0.5rem;">{{unit}}</span>
<div v-else class="down">
<num :number="relNumber" /> <num :number="relNumber" />
<span class="unit">{{unit}}</span> <span class="unit">{{unit}}</span>
</div> </div>
...@@ -12,7 +16,11 @@ ...@@ -12,7 +16,11 @@
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import {
} from '@/common/util.js';
import Num from './num.vue' import Num from './num.vue'
import Gsap from '../../assets/js/gsap.js';
export default { export default {
components: { components: {
Num, Num,
...@@ -22,6 +30,7 @@ ...@@ -22,6 +30,7 @@
type: String, type: String,
default: '', default: '',
}, },
// 方向
direction: { direction: {
type: String | Number | Boolean, type: String | Number | Boolean,
}, },
...@@ -33,22 +42,41 @@ ...@@ -33,22 +42,41 @@
type: Number | String, type: Number | String,
default: 0, default: 0,
}, },
state: {
type: Number,
// 小数位数 // 小数位数
point: { point: {
type:Number, type:Number,
default: 0, },
// 简单版
simple: {
type: String | Number | Boolean,
} }
}, },
data() { data() {
return { return {
getWarnColor: getWarnColor,
relNumber: 0, relNumber: 0,
tweenedNumber: 0,
} }
}, },
computed: {
animatedNumber() {
const newLen = this.number.toString().split('.')?.[1]?.length ?? 0;
return this.tweenedNumber.toFixed(newLen);
watch: { watch: {
number: { number: {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val) { handler(val) {
this.relNumber = parseFloat(val).toFixed(this.point < 0 ? 0 : this.point); if(!val) return;
if(this.simple) {$data, { duration: 1, tweenedNumber: parseFloat(val) });
} else {
this.relNumber = this.point === undefined ? parseFloat(val) : parseFloat(val).toFixed(this.point < 0 ? 0 : this.point);
} }
} }
}, },
...@@ -58,6 +86,7 @@ ...@@ -58,6 +86,7 @@
.number-flipper { .number-flipper {
$up-m-b: 0.5rem; $up-m-b: 0.5rem;
.up{ .up{
font-size: 1.2rem;
color: $color-cyan; color: $color-cyan;
@extend %flex-center; @extend %flex-center;
margin-bottom: $up-m-b; margin-bottom: $up-m-b;
...@@ -84,8 +113,18 @@ ...@@ -84,8 +113,18 @@
.unit{ .unit{
font-size: 0.875rem; font-size: 0.875rem;
color: $color-cyan; color: $color-cyan;
position: relative;
} }
} }
font-size: 1.5rem;
background-color: rgba(10,23,55,0.80);
border: 1px solid rgba(9,77,148,0.50);
padding: 0.5rem;
color: $color-cyan;
margin-right: 0.5rem;
} }
.flex{ .flex{
display: flex; display: flex;
<!-- 数字翻牌器单个数字 --> <!-- 数字翻牌器单个数字 -->
<template> <template>
<div id="dataNums" class="number"> <div id="dataNums" class="number">
<div :class="item.num != '.' ? 'n-bg' : 'p-bg'" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index"> <div :class="item.num == '.' ? 'p-bg' : item.num == '-' ? 'f-bg' : 'n-bg'" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index">
<div v-if="item.num != '.'" class="nums" :style="{transition:'all 1s ease-in-out 0s',top:'-''px'}"> <div v-if="item.num == '.'" class="point"></div>
<div v-if="item.num == '-'" class="negative"></div>
<div v-if="item.num != '.' && item.num != '-'" class="nums" :style="{transition:'all 1s ease-in-out 0s',top:'-''px'}">
<span v-for="(item2,index2) in numList" :key="index2">{{item2}}</span> <span v-for="(item2,index2) in numList" :key="index2">{{item2}}</span>
</div> </div>
<div v-else class="point"></div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
...@@ -85,6 +86,12 @@ ...@@ -85,6 +86,12 @@
height: $bg-height; height: $bg-height;
margin-right: 0.5rem; margin-right: 0.5rem;
} }
position: relative;
width: 1rem;
height: $bg-height;
margin-right: 0.5rem;
.nums { .nums {
position: absolute; position: absolute;
...@@ -111,5 +118,15 @@ ...@@ -111,5 +118,15 @@
height: 0.3rem; height: 0.3rem;
background: $color-cyan; background: $color-cyan;
} }
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto;
width: 100%;
height: 0.3rem;
background: $color-cyan;
} }
</style> </style>
<!-- 滚动窗口 --> <!-- 滚动窗口 -->
<template> <template>
<div class="scroll-window"> <div class="scroll-window">
<img v-if="direction" class="top top-right" src="../../assets/img/win-right-top.png" /> <img v-if="direction" class="top top-right" src="../../assets/img/line-right-top.png" />
<img v-else class="top top-left" src="../../assets/img/win-left-top.png" /> <img v-else class="top top-left" src="../../assets/img/line-left-top.png" />
<div class="main"> <div class="main">
<slot /> <slot />
</div> </div>
<img v-if="direction" class="bottom bottom-left" src="../../assets/img/win-right-bottom.png" /> <!-- 右下 -->
<img v-else class="bottom bottom-right" src="../../assets/img/win-left-bottom.png" /> <img v-if="!direction && !isTop" class="icon icon-bottom bottom-right" src="../../assets/img/win-right-bottom.png" />
<!-- 右上 -->
<img v-if="!direction && isTop" class="icon icon-top bottom-right" src="../../assets/img/win-right-top.png" />
<!-- 左下 -->
<img v-if="direction && !isTop" class="icon icon-bottom bottom-left" src="../../assets/img/win-left-bottom.png" />
<!-- 左上 -->
<img v-if="direction && isTop" class="icon icon-top bottom-left" src="../../assets/img/win-left-top.png" />
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
export default { export default {
// 方向,0为左边,1为右边 // 方向,0为左边,1为右边
props: ['direction'], props: ['direction', 'isTop'],
} }
</script> </script>
...@@ -36,10 +42,16 @@ ...@@ -36,10 +42,16 @@
.top-right { .top-right {
right: 0; right: 0;
} }
.icon {
width: 5.75rem; width: 5.75rem;
height: auto; height: auto;
position: absolute; position: absolute;
top: -0.6rem;
bottom: -0.75rem; bottom: -0.75rem;
} }
.bottom-left { .bottom-left {
...@@ -51,7 +63,7 @@ ...@@ -51,7 +63,7 @@
.main{ .main{
height: 100%; height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(10,23,55,0.80); // background-color: rgba(10,23,55,0.80);
border: 1px solid rgba(9,77,148,0.50); border: 1px solid rgba(9,77,148,0.50);
box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.10); box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.10);
padding: 0.5rem 0; padding: 0.5rem 0;
...@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ ...@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
font-size: 10px; font-size: 10px;
} }
} }
@media (max-width: 1200px) {
html {
font-size: 8px;
#app { #app {
width: 100%; width: 100%;
...@@ -34,6 +39,8 @@ body { ...@@ -34,6 +39,8 @@ body {
$color-cyan: #93FCFF; $color-cyan: #93FCFF;
$color-blue: #0984FF; $color-blue: #0984FF;
$color-deep-blue: #1C529D; $color-deep-blue: #1C529D;
$color-green: #00de6b;
$color-red: #E53B4C;
$txt-color: #eeeeee; $txt-color: #eeeeee;
// 背景图片居中 // 背景图片居中
...@@ -11,32 +11,36 @@ ...@@ -11,32 +11,36 @@
<div class="model"> <div class="model">
<img src="../assets/img/crew.png" /> <img src="../assets/img/crew.png" />
<scroll-window class="roll-left-top"> <scroll-window class="roll-left-top">
<el-scrollbar class="win-list" v-if="listLeftTop"> <div class="win-list flex-down" v-if="listLeftTop">
<div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of listLeftTop"> <!-- <el-scrollbar class="win-list flex-down" v-if="listLeftTop"> -->
<div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of listLeftTop" :key="v.kksCode">
<div class="win-item-left">{{v.cpName}}</div> <div class="win-item-left">{{v.cpName}}</div>
<div class="win-item-right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div> <div class="win-item-right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div>
</div> </div>
</el-scrollbar> <!-- </el-scrollbar> -->
</scroll-window> </scroll-window>
<scroll-window class="roll-right-top" direction="1"> <scroll-window class="roll-right-top" direction="1">
<el-scrollbar class="win-list" v-if="listRightTop"> <div class="win-list flex-down" v-if="listRightTop">
<div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of listRightTop"> <!-- <el-scrollbar class="win-list flex-down" v-if="listRightTop"> -->
<div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of listRightTop" :key="v.kksCode">
<div class="win-item-left">{{v.cpName}}</div> <div class="win-item-left">{{v.cpName}}</div>
<div class="win-item-right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div> <div class="win-item-right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div>
</div> </div>
</el-scrollbar> <!-- </el-scrollbar> -->
</scroll-window> </scroll-window>
<scroll-window class="roll-left-bottom"> <scroll-window class="roll-left-bottom" isTop="1">
<el-scrollbar class="win-list" v-if="listLeftBottom"> <el-scrollbar class="win-list" v-if="listLeftBottom">
<div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of listLeftBottom"> <div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of listLeftBottom" :key="v.kksCode">
<div class="win-item-left">{{v.cpName}}</div> <div class="win-item-left">{{v.cpName}}</div>
<div class="win-item-right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div> <div class="win-item-right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div>
</div> </div>
</el-scrollbar> </el-scrollbar>
</scroll-window> </scroll-window>
<scroll-window class="roll-right-bottom" direction="1"> <scroll-window class="roll-right-bottom" direction="1" isTop="1">
<el-scrollbar class="win-list" v-if="listRightBottom"> <el-scrollbar class="win-list" v-if="listRightBottom">
<div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of listRightBottom"> <div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of listRightBottom" :key="v.kksCode">
<div class="win-item-left">{{v.cpName}}</div> <div class="win-item-left">{{v.cpName}}</div>
<div class="win-item-right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div> <div class="win-item-right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div>
</div> </div>
...@@ -45,14 +49,14 @@ ...@@ -45,14 +49,14 @@
</div> </div>
<div class="block left"> <div class="block left">
<div class="border-bg"> <div class="border-bg">
<div class="chart-title">电机功率曲线</div> <div class="chart-title">功率水头曲线</div>
<chart-line-broken id="ChartLeftTop" ref="ChartLeftTop" class="chart-main" :chartData="dataLeftTop" /> <chart-line-broken id="ChartLeftTop" ref="ChartLeftTop" class="chart-main" :chartData="dataLeftTop" />
</div> </div>
<div class="border-bg"> <div class="border-bg">
<div class="chart-title">机组参数对比</div> <div class="chart-title">机组背景量</div>
<div class="chart-main"> <div class="chart-main">
<div class="chart-nums"> <div class="chart-nums">
<number-flipper v-for="v of dataLeftBottom" class="chart-num" :title="v.cpName" :unit="v.cpUnit" :number="v.kksValueR" :point="1" /> <number-flipper v-for="v of dataLeftBottom" class="chart-num" :key="v.kksCode" :title="v.cpName" :unit="v.cpUnit" :number="v.kksValueR" :state="v.state" :point="1" simple="1" />
</div> </div>
<!-- <chart-bar-three id="ChartLeftBottom" ref="ChartLeftBottom" class="chart-chart" :chartData="dataLeftBottom" /> --> <!-- <chart-bar-three id="ChartLeftBottom" ref="ChartLeftBottom" class="chart-chart" :chartData="dataLeftBottom" /> -->
</div> </div>
...@@ -61,20 +65,30 @@ ...@@ -61,20 +65,30 @@
<div class="block right"> <div class="block right">
<div class="border-sm"> <div class="border-sm">
<div class="chart-title">发电机监测</div> <div class="chart-title">发电机监测</div>
<div class="chart-main"> <div class="chart-main" style="flex-direction: column;">
<div class="single-row" v-for="(row,index) of dataRightTop" :key="index">
<div class="single-col" :style="{width: (100 / getArrMaxLen(dataRightTop)) + '%'}" v-for="(v,index2) of row" :key="index2">
<chart-bar-single :id="'ChartRightTop' + index + index2" :chartData="v" />
<!-- <crew-state-count class="chart-count" :count="countRightTop" /> --> <!-- <crew-state-count class="chart-count" :count="countRightTop" /> -->
<chart-bar-pic id="ChartRightTop" ref="ChartRightTop" class="chart-chart" :chartData="dataRightTop" /> <!-- <chart-bar-pic id="ChartRightTop" ref="ChartRightTop" class="chart-chart" :chartData="dataRightTop" /> -->
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="border-sm"> <div class="border-sm">
<div class="chart-title">水轮机监测</div> <div class="chart-title">水轮机监测</div>
<div class="chart-main"> <div class="chart-main" style="flex-direction: column;">
<div class="single-row" v-for="(row,index) of dataRightCenter" :key="index">
<div class="single-col" :style="{width: (100 / getArrMaxLen(dataRightCenter)) + '%'}" v-for="(v,index2) of row" :key="index2">
<chart-bar-single :id="'ChartRightCenter' + index + index2" :chartData="v" />
<!-- <crew-state-count class="chart-count" :count="countRightCenter" /> --> <!-- <crew-state-count class="chart-count" :count="countRightCenter" /> -->
<chart-bar-pic id="ChartRightCenter" ref="ChartRightCenter" class="chart-chart" :chartData="dataRightCenter" /> <!-- <chart-bar-pic id="ChartRightCenter" ref="ChartRightCenter" class="chart-chart" :chartData="dataRightCenter" /> -->
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="border-sm"> <div class="border-sm">
<div class="chart-title">轴瓦状态监测</div> <div class="chart-title">温度监测</div>
<div class="chart-main"> <div class="chart-main">
<!-- <crew-state-count class="chart-count" :count="countRightBottom" /> --> <!-- <crew-state-count class="chart-count" :count="countRightBottom" /> -->
<chart-bar-pic id="ChartRightBottom" ref="ChartRightBottom" class="chart-chart" :chartData="dataRightBottom" /> <chart-bar-pic id="ChartRightBottom" ref="ChartRightBottom" class="chart-chart" :chartData="dataRightBottom" />
...@@ -103,6 +117,7 @@ ...@@ -103,6 +117,7 @@
import ChartBarArc from '@/components/Charts/ChartBarArc' import ChartBarArc from '@/components/Charts/ChartBarArc'
import ChartBarPic from '@/components/Charts/ChartBarPic' import ChartBarPic from '@/components/Charts/ChartBarPic'
import ChartBarCylinder from '@/components/Charts/ChartBarCylinder' import ChartBarCylinder from '@/components/Charts/ChartBarCylinder'
import ChartBarSingle from '@/components/Charts/ChartBarSingle';
import CrewStateCount from '@/components/CrewStateCount' import CrewStateCount from '@/components/CrewStateCount'
import ScrollWindow from '@/components/ScrollWindow' import ScrollWindow from '@/components/ScrollWindow'
import User from '@/api/user.js'; import User from '@/api/user.js';
...@@ -114,6 +129,7 @@ ...@@ -114,6 +129,7 @@
ChartBarArc, ChartBarArc,
ChartBarPic, ChartBarPic,
ChartBarCylinder, ChartBarCylinder,
CrewStateCount, CrewStateCount,
ScrollWindow, ScrollWindow,
}, },
...@@ -165,22 +181,22 @@ ...@@ -165,22 +181,22 @@
initData() { initData() {
if(!this.$x_crew || !this.$x_allData.length) return; if(!this.$x_crew || !this.$x_allData.length) return;
// this.dataTop = this.initDataList('top'); // this.dataTop = this.initDataList('top');
this.dataLeftBottom = this.initDataList('leftBottom', 6); this.dataLeftBottom = this.initDataList('leftBottom', 9);
this.dataRightTop = this.initDataChart('rightTop', 4); this.dataRightTop = this.initDataChartSingle('rightTop', 3);
this.dataRightCenter = this.initDataChart('rightCenter', 4); this.dataRightCenter = this.initDataChartSingle('rightCenter', 3);
this.dataRightBottom = this.initDataChart('rightBottom', 4); this.dataRightBottom = this.initDataChart('rightBottom', 4, 1);
this.listLeftTop = this.initDataList('listLeftTop'); this.listLeftTop = this.initDataList('listLeftTop');
this.listLeftBottom = this.initDataList('listLeftBottom'); this.listLeftBottom = this.initDataList('listLeftBottom');
this.listRightTop = this.initDataList('listRightTop'); this.listRightTop = this.initDataList('listRightTop');
this.listRightBottom = this.initDataList('listRightBottom'); this.listRightBottom = this.initDataList('listRightBottom');
}, },
// 处理框框数据,传入位置, len为截取长度,不传则不截取 // 处理框框数据,传入位置, len为截取长度,不传则不截取,type为是否模糊匹配
initDataList(pos, len) { initDataList(pos, len, type) {
const crew = this.$x_allData.find(i => i.deviceId == this.$x_crew.deviceId); const crew = this.$x_allData.find(i => i.deviceId == this.$x_crew.deviceId);
// 提取相关测点 // 提取相关测点
let list = CrewMConfig[pos].map(arr => { let list = CrewMConfig[pos].map(arr => {
for (let key of arr) { for (let key of arr) {
let res = getCharacterFromCrew(crew, key); let res = getCharacterFromCrew(crew, key, null, type);
if(res) return res; if(res) return res;
} }
return false; return false;
...@@ -188,9 +204,9 @@ ...@@ -188,9 +204,9 @@
if(len) list.splice(parseInt(len), list.length); if(len) list.splice(parseInt(len), list.length);
return list; return list;
}, },
// 处理图表数据,传入位置, len为截取长度,不传则不截取 // 处理图表数据,传入位置, len为截取长度,不传则不截取,type为是否模糊匹配
initDataChart(pos, len) { initDataChart(pos, len, type) {
let list = this.initDataList(pos, len); let list = this.initDataList(pos, len, type);
let data = { let data = {
xAxis: => i.cpName), xAxis: => i.cpName),
dataList: [{ dataList: [{
...@@ -203,28 +219,46 @@ ...@@ -203,28 +219,46 @@
} }
return data; return data;
}, },
// 处理图表数据中的胶囊图数据,返回二维数组,即宫格对应位置,传入位置, len为截取长度,不传则不截取
initDataChartSingle(pos, len, type) {
const crew = this.$x_allData.find(i => i.deviceId == this.$x_crew.deviceId);
// 提取相关测点
let list = CrewMConfig[pos].map(row => {
let list2 = => {
for (let key of col) {
let res = getCharacterFromCrew(crew,, type);
if(res) {
res.defaultMax = key.defaultMax; // 添加默认最大值
return res;
return false;
}).filter(i => !!i);
if(len) list2.splice(parseInt(len), list2.length);
return list2;
return list;
// 初始化socket // 初始化socket
initSocket() { initSocket() {
try{ this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://' + CONFIG.SOCKET + '/powerCurve/' + this.$x_crew.deviceId, [this.$x_user.token.split(' ')[1]]);
this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://' + CONFIG.SOCKET + '/powerCurve/' + this.$x_crew.deviceId, [this.$x_user.token.split(' ')[1]]); this.socket.onopen = () => console.log('socket_crew success');
this.socket.onopen = () => console.log('socket_crew success'); this.socket.onerror = e => {
this.socket.onerror = e => console.log('socket_crew error', e); console.log('socket_crew error', e);
this.socket.onmessage = msg => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
// console.log('socket_crew data', msg);
// console.log('socket_crew data', data);
if (!data) return;
data.xAxis = => dateFormat(new Date(i * 1000), 'YY/MM/DD\nHH:mm:ss'));
this.dataLeftTop = data;
User.getRoleList(); // 捕获错误,然后发送一个请求,因为可能是token导致的socket连接错误,发送请求后如果是token过期,会自动注销用户 User.getRoleList(); // 捕获错误,然后发送一个请求,因为可能是token导致的socket连接错误,发送请求后如果是token过期,会自动注销用户
} }
this.socket.onmessage = msg => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
// console.log('socket_crew data', msg);
// console.log('socket_crew data', data);
if (!data) return;
data.xAxis = => dateFormat(new Date(i * 1000), 'YY/MM/DD\nHH:mm:ss'));
this.dataLeftTop = data;
}, },
// 关闭socket // 关闭socket
closeSocket() { closeSocket() {
...@@ -440,6 +474,14 @@ ...@@ -440,6 +474,14 @@
} }
return count; return count;
}, },
// 获取数组中最大的一个,用于计算胶囊图宽度
let max = 0;
list.forEach(i => {
if(i.length > max) max = i.length;
return max;
} }
} }
</script> </script>
...@@ -531,6 +573,11 @@ ...@@ -531,6 +573,11 @@
} }
} }
} }
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-end;
/deep/.el-scrollbar__wrap { /deep/.el-scrollbar__wrap {
overflow-x: hidden; overflow-x: hidden;
...@@ -595,13 +642,23 @@ ...@@ -595,13 +642,23 @@
flex-wrap: wrap; flex-wrap: wrap;
.chart-num { .chart-num {
width: 50%; width: 33.3%;
height: 33%; height: 33.3%;
// transform: scale(0.9); transform: scale(0.9);
@extend %flex-center; @extend %flex-center;
flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column;
} }
} }
width: 100%;
height: 33.3%;
display: flex;
height: 100%;
} }
...@@ -87,26 +87,24 @@ ...@@ -87,26 +87,24 @@
}, },
// 初始化socket // 初始化socket
initSocket() { initSocket() {
try{ this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://' + CONFIG.SOCKET + '/runningState/deviceInfo', [this.$x_user.token.split(' ')[1]]);
this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://' + CONFIG.SOCKET + '/runningState/deviceInfo', [this.$x_user.token.split(' ')[1]]); this.socket.onopen = () => console.log('socket_factory success');
this.socket.onopen = () => console.log('socket_factory success'); this.socket.onerror = e => {
this.socket.onerror = e => console.log('socket_factory error', e); console.log('socket_factory error', e);
this.socket.onmessage = msg => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
// console.log('socket_factory data', msg);
// console.log('socket_factory data', data);
if (!data) return;
this.socketData = data;
User.getRoleList(); // 捕获错误,然后发送一个请求,因为可能是token导致的socket连接错误,发送请求后如果是token过期,会自动注销用户 User.getRoleList(); // 捕获错误,然后发送一个请求,因为可能是token导致的socket连接错误,发送请求后如果是token过期,会自动注销用户
} }
this.socket.onmessage = msg => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
// console.log('socket_factory data', msg);
// console.log('socket_factory data', data);
if (!data) return;
this.socketData = data;
}, },
// 关闭socket // 关闭socket
closeSocket() { closeSocket() {
...@@ -394,6 +392,9 @@ ...@@ -394,6 +392,9 @@
width: 1px; width: 1px;
background-color: $line-color; background-color: $line-color;
position: absolute; position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto;
left: 4.5rem; left: 4.5rem;
} }
} }
...@@ -9,11 +9,15 @@ ...@@ -9,11 +9,15 @@
<el-carousel-item class="swiper-item" v-for="page in Math.ceil(crewList.length / 4)" :key="page"> <el-carousel-item class="swiper-item" v-for="page in Math.ceil(crewList.length / 4)" :key="page">
<div class="crew-item" v-for="item of crewList.slice(page * 4 - 4, page * 4)" :key="item.deviceId"> <div class="crew-item" v-for="item of crewList.slice(page * 4 - 4, page * 4)" :key="item.deviceId">
<img src="../assets/img/crew.png" @click="goPage(item)" /> <img src="../assets/img/crew.png" @click="goPage(item)" />
<number-flipper class="number" title="有功功率" unit="kW" :number="item.power" :point="1" direction="1" /> <div class="numbers">
<div class="name" @click="goPage(item)">{{item.deviceName}}</div> <number-flipper class="number" title="转速" unit="r/min" :number=" ?[0].kksValueR : 0" :state=" ?[0].state : 0" :point="1" />
<number-flipper class="number" title="有功功率" unit="kW" :number=" ?[1].kksValueR : 0" :state=" ?[1].state : 0" :point="1" />
<div class="name" :class=" &&[0].kksValueR > 0 ? 'name-run' : 'name-stop' " @click="goPage(item)">{{item.deviceName}}</div>
<scroll-window class="roll-top"> <scroll-window class="roll-top">
<div class="roll-title">报警值</div>
<el-scrollbar class="win-list" v-if="item.vListW && item.vListW.length"> <el-scrollbar class="win-list" v-if="item.vListW && item.vListW.length">
<div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of item.vListW"> <div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of item.vListW" :key="v.kksCode">
<div class="left">{{v.cpName}}</div> <div class="left">{{v.cpName}}</div>
<div class="right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div> <div class="right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div>
</div> </div>
...@@ -21,8 +25,9 @@ ...@@ -21,8 +25,9 @@
<div class="win-list no-data" v-else>暂无报警</div> <div class="win-list no-data" v-else>暂无报警</div>
</scroll-window> </scroll-window>
<scroll-window class="roll-bottom"> <scroll-window class="roll-bottom">
<div class="roll-title">实测值</div>
<el-scrollbar class="win-list"> <el-scrollbar class="win-list">
<div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of item.vList"> <div class="win-item" :style="{color: getWarnColor(v.state)}" v-for="v of item.vList" :key="v.kksCode">
<div class="left">{{v.cpName}}</div> <div class="left">{{v.cpName}}</div>
<div class="right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div> <div class="right">{{v.kksValueR + ' ' + v.cpUnit}}</div>
</div> </div>
...@@ -94,11 +99,13 @@ ...@@ -94,11 +99,13 @@
// 报警 // 报警
i.vListW = i.vList.filter(i => i.state == 3 || i.state == 4 || i.state == 5); i.vListW = i.vList.filter(i => i.state == 3 || i.state == 4 || i.state == 5);
// 功率 // 功率
i.power = 0; = => {
FactoryMConfig.power.forEach(key => { for (let key of arr) {
let res = getCharacterFromCrew(crew, key); let res = getCharacterFromCrew(crew, key);
if(res) i.power = res.kksValueR; if(res) return res;
}) }
return false;
}) })
} }
this.crewList = crewList; this.crewList = crewList;
...@@ -186,6 +193,7 @@ ...@@ -186,6 +193,7 @@
top: 0; top: 0;
bottom: 0; bottom: 0;
cursor: pointer; cursor: pointer;
transform: translateY(-3rem);
} }
.name { .name {
...@@ -199,30 +207,52 @@ ...@@ -199,30 +207,52 @@
@extend %pos-center; @extend %pos-center;
top: 0; top: 0;
bottom: 0; bottom: 0;
transform: translateY(6rem); transform: translateY(3rem);
cursor: pointer; cursor: pointer;
} }
.number { border-color: $color-green;
background: rgba($color: $color-green, $alpha: 0.3);
// color: $color-green;
border-color: $color-red;
background: rgba($color: $color-red, $alpha: 0.3);
// color: $color-red;
@extend %pos-center; @extend %pos-center;
top: 0.5rem; top: 0.5rem;
transform: scale(0.8); display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.number {
transform: scale(0.8);
} }
.roll-top{ .roll-top{
@extend %pos-center; @extend %pos-center;
width: 80%; width: 80%;
height: 21vh; height: 12vh;
top: 4rem; top: 6rem;
} }
.roll-bottom{ .roll-bottom{
@extend %pos-center; @extend %pos-center;
width: 80%; width: 80%;
height: 27vh; height: 30vh;
bottom: 0; bottom: 0;
} }
position: absolute;
top: 1rem;
left: 1rem;
color: $color-cyan;
.win-list{ .win-list{
height: 100%; height: 100%;
line-height: 1.5rem; line-height: 1.5rem;
...@@ -241,6 +271,7 @@ ...@@ -241,6 +271,7 @@
} }
.no-data{ .no-data{
@extend %flex-center; @extend %flex-center;
color: #b8b8b8;
} }
/deep/.el-scrollbar__wrap { /deep/.el-scrollbar__wrap {
...@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ ...@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@
import { import {
getWarnItem, getWarnItem,
getDeviceNameById, getDeviceNameById,
randomData randomData,
} from '@/common/util.js' } from '@/common/util.js'
import UserInfo from '@/components/UserInfo' import UserInfo from '@/components/UserInfo'
import User from '@/api/user.js'; import User from '@/api/user.js';
...@@ -137,27 +138,25 @@ ...@@ -137,27 +138,25 @@
methods: { methods: {
// 初始化socket // 初始化socket
initSocket() { initSocket() {
try{ this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://' + CONFIG.SOCKET + '/all/measure/point/' + this.$x_factory.plantId, [this.$x_user.token.split(' ')[1]]);
this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://' + CONFIG.SOCKET + '/all/measure/point/' + this.$x_factory.plantId, [this.$x_user.token.split(' ')[1]]); this.socket.onopen = () => console.log('socket_all success');
this.socket.onopen = () => console.log('socket_all success'); this.socket.onerror = e => {
this.socket.onerror = e => console.log('socket_all error', e); console.log('socket_all error', e);
this.socket.onmessage = msg => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
// console.log('socket_all data', msg);
// console.log('socket_all data', data);
if (!data) return;
this.$store.commit('allData', data);
if(this.dialogShow) this.initTableData();
// this.initTableData();
User.getRoleList(); // 捕获错误,然后发送一个请求,因为可能是token导致的socket连接错误,发送请求后如果是token过期,会自动注销用户 User.getRoleList(); // 捕获错误,然后发送一个请求,因为可能是token导致的socket连接错误,发送请求后如果是token过期,会自动注销用户
} }
this.socket.onmessage = msg => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
// console.log('socket_all data', msg);
// console.log('socket_all data', data);
if (!data) return;
this.$store.commit('allData', data);
if(this.dialogShow) this.initTableData();
// this.initTableData();
}, },
// 关闭socket // 关闭socket
closeSocket() { closeSocket() {
...@@ -223,12 +222,8 @@ ...@@ -223,12 +222,8 @@
for (let j = 0; j < this.$x_allData[i].tSdb.length; j++) { for (let j = 0; j < this.$x_allData[i].tSdb.length; j++) {
const item = this.$x_allData[i].tSdb[j]; // 当前测点 const item = this.$x_allData[i].tSdb[j]; // 当前测点
if(!item.kksValue) continue; // 如果没有查出值,则跳过 if(!item.kksValue) continue; // 如果没有查出值,则跳过
if(!item.kksValueR) { if(!item.kksValueR) chatValueHandler(item); // 补数据,只补一次
let str = item.kksValue.value.toString(); if(!item.deviceName) item.deviceName = getDeviceNameById(item.deviceId); // 添加机组名
item.state = parseInt(str.substr(-2));
item.kksValueR = parseFloat(str.substr(0, str.length - 2));
if(!item.deviceName) item.deviceName = getDeviceNameById(item.deviceId);
// tableData3.push(item); // 全部 // tableData3.push(item); // 全部
if(warnStateMap[item.state]) tableData1.push(item); // 报警 if(warnStateMap[item.state]) tableData1.push(item); // 报警
if(item.state == 2) tableData2.push(item); // 无效 if(item.state == 2) tableData2.push(item); // 无效
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