same-site-cookie-attribute.json 7.04 KB
  "title":"'SameSite' cookie attribute",
  "description":"Same-site cookies (\"First-Party-Only\" or \"First-Party\") allow servers to mitigate the risk of CSRF and information leakage attacks by asserting that a particular cookie should only be sent with requests initiated from the same registrable domain.",
      "title":"Preventing CSRF with the same-site cookie attribute"
      "title":"Mozilla Bug #795346: Add SameSite support for cookies"
      "title":"Mozilla Bug #1286861, includes the patches that landed SameSite support in Firefox"
      "title":"Microsoft Edge feature request on UserVoice"
      "title":"Microsoft Edge Browser Status"
      "title":"MS Edge dev blog: \"Previewing support for same-site cookies in Microsoft Edge\""
      "11":"a #1 #2"
      "16":"y #1",
      "17":"y #1",
  "notes":"This feature is backwards compatible. Browsers not supporting this feature will simply use the cookie as a regular cookie. There is no need to deliver different cookies to clients.",
    "1":"Not shipped with the inital release but later with the 2018 June security update (Patch Tuesday) to Windows 10 RS3 (2017 Fall Creators Update) and newer. [More info](",
    "2":"Partial support because only supported in IE 11 on Windows 10 RS3 (2017 Fall Creators Update) and newer, but not in IE 11 on other Windows versions (Windows 7, ...)"