apply plugin: 'distribution'
dependencies {
compile project(':az-core')
compile project(":azkaban-common")
compileOnly deps.hadoopCommon
compileOnly deps.hadoopMRClientCommon
compileOnly deps.hadoopMRClientCore
compileOnly deps.hiveMetastore
compileOnly(deps.hiveExecCore) {
exclude group: 'org.pentaho', module: 'pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm'
exclude group: 'eigenbase', module: 'eigenbase-properties'
* TODO spyne: remove after fixing internal build.
* Just package the jar.
* Since, rest of the dependencies are just hadoop and hive. They are not packaged inside the plugin.
* It is assumed that classpaths of hadoop, hive, pig, etc will be externally fed into the application.
distributions {
main {
contents {
from(jar) {
into 'lib'
liqin authoreda8fb71d7