#! /usr/bin/env python3
Script to publish a new version.

Require a clean tracking master branch and the upstream remote points to the main Azkaban repository.

import subprocess

def update_tags():
    Update the tags in the local branch from the remote upstream.
    run_cmd('git fetch upstream')
    run_cmd('git checkout master')
    run_cmd('git merge upstream/master')

def run_cmd(cmd):
    Runs a command without capturing the output.

    :param cmd: cmd string
    print("Running cmd: " + cmd)
    subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=False, check=True, text=False, shell=True)

def get_latest_tag():
    cmd = 'git describe --abbrev=0'
    output = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, check=True, text=True, shell=True)
    latest_tag = output.stdout
    print("Latest tag : {}".format(latest_tag))
    return latest_tag

def calculate_new_version(latest_tag):
    Calculates the new version.

    Increment the minor version by 1 and set the patch version to 0.

    :param latest_tag: the latest version tag
    :return: the new version tag
    major, minor, patch = latest_tag.split('.')
    new_minor = int(minor) + 1
    new_version = "{}.{}.0".format(major, new_minor)
    print("New version : {}".format(new_version))
    return new_version

def publish_new_version(version):
    print("publishing new version: " + version)
    create_local_tag_cmd = 'git tag -a {0} -m "Release {0}"'.format(version)
    push_tag_cmd = 'git push upstream {0}'.format(version)

def should_publish():
    answer = input("Publish the new version? (y/N)")
    if answer == 'y':
        return True
    return False

def create_release():
    latest_tag = get_latest_tag()
    new_version = calculate_new_version(latest_tag)
    if should_publish():

if __name__ == "__main__":