agent_base_error=AgentBase Error: error_executing_agent=Unexpected error while executing java agent:{0} error_instantiating=Error creating Agent Class: {0} error_loading_base_class=Error loading Agent Base Class error_loading_base_class2=Error loading Agent Class: {0} illegal_access=Access error while creating Agent Class {0} IOException_reading_attachment=IOException while reading attachment {0} no_thread_context=No context for ThreadGroup not_derived= {0} is not derived from {1} thread_not_terminated=Error: NotesThread not terminated {0} ZipException_reading_attachment=ZipException while reading attachment {0} session_create_error=Error creating Session object thread_cleanup_error=Error cleaning up agent threads system_dll=Could not load dll for system name {0} InfoPane_Core_Java=Core Java InfoPane_Notes_Java=Notes Java InfoPane_Third_Party_Java=Third-Party Java InfoPane_Java={0} Java InfoPane_Classes=Classes InfoPane_Interfaces=Interfaces InfoPane_Class_Modifier=Class Modifier InfoPane_Constants=Constants InfoPane_Constructors=Constructors InfoPane_Extends_Interfaces=Extends Interfaces InfoPane_Fields=Fields InfoPane_Implements_Interfaces=Implements Interfaces InfoPane_Initialize_Error=Could not initialize Java Reference pane InfoPane_Methods=Methods InfoPane_Static_Methods=Static Methods InfoPane_Superclass=Superclass InfoPane_Field_Modifiers=Field Modifiers InfoPane_Type=Type InfoPane_Value=Value InfoPane_Method_Modifiers=Method Modifiers InfoPane_Return_Type=Return Type InfoPane_Throws=Throws InfoPane_WebTypes_Java=Web Types agent_class_not_found=Agent class not found {0} agentcontext_db_not_found=AgentContext database not found agentcontexts_view_not_found=$AgentContexts view not found arg_must_be_viewentry_or_document=Argument must be a ViewEntry or Document object arg_deleted=Argument has been removed or recycled bad_appenddoclink_arg=AppendDocLink requires a Document, View or Database argument bad_align_value=Value must be an ALIGN constant bad_effects_value=Value must be an EFFECTS constant or STYLE_NO_CHANGE bad_color_value=Value must be between 0 and 240 or STYLE_NO_CHANGE bad_font_size=Value must be between 1 and 250 or STYLE_NO_CHANGE bad_font_value=Value must be a FONT constant or STYLE_NO_CHANGE bad_paginate_value=Value must be a PAGINATE constant bad_spacing_value=Value must be a SPACING constant bad_style_value=Style value must be YES, NO, or MAYBE bad_tab_value=Value must be a TAB constant bad_value=Value is out of range bad_viewentry_parent=ViewEntry argument was not created from this ViewNavigator cannot_close_local_stream_file=Incomplete close of local stream cannot_construct_from_different_view=Cannot construct ViewNavigator from category entry from a different view cannot_navigate_to_category=Cannot navigate to category entry from a different view cannot_open_session=Could not open Notes session cannot_copy_item_type=Cannot copy this item type cannot_modify_remote_agent=Cannot modify remote agent cannot_open_local_stream_file=Incomplete open of local stream cannot_refresh_members=Local members cannot be refreshed could_not_read_acl=Could not read ACL could_not_get_IOR=Could not get IOR from Domino Server: {0} default_ctor=Error: default base ctor invoked document_from_different_db=Document is from a different database entry_not_from_collection=Entry is not from this collection entry_not_in_acl=Entry is not in this ACL exception_initing_orb=Exception initializing ORB failed_to_get_session=Failed to get session due to NotesException {0} invalid_acl_level=Invalid ACL level invalid_cache_size=Invalid cache size invalid_date=Invalid date invalid_IOR=Invalid IOR {0} invalid_key_value_type=Invalid key value type invalid_maximum_navigation_level=Invalid maximum navigation level invalid_object_type=Invalid object type for method argument invalid_position_string=Invalid position string invalid_role_name=Invalid role name invalid_view_column_number=Invalid view column number local_stream_file_io_failed=I/O failed on the local stream local_stream_file_replace_failed=Unable to replace the local stream missing_acl_object=ACL argument is null missing_aclentry_object=ACLEntry argument is null missing_daterange_object=DateRange argument is null missing_datetime_object=DateTime argument is null missing_db_object=Database argument is null missing_document_object=Document argument is null missing_header_name=Header name argument is null missing_item_object=Item argument is null missing_mime_object=MIMEEntity argument is null missing_name_object=Name argument is null missing_outline_object=Outline argument is null missing_outline_entry_object=OutlineEntry argument is null missing_richtextitem_object=RichTextItem argument is null missing_richtextparagraphstyle_object=RichTextParagraphStyle argument is null missing_session_object=Session argument is null missing_view_object=View argument is null missing_viewentry_object=ViewEntry argument is null missing_viewentry_or_document_object=ViewEntry or Document argument is null mixed_data_types=NotesItem cannot be set to an array of mixed data types must_contain_document=ViewEntry must contain a Document never_supported=The specified method is not supported no_agentcontext_doc_found=No AgentContext document found for agent no_arguments=No arguments supplied no_IOR=Could not open Notes session without IOR no_logs_open=No logs open not_date=Item value is not a Date type not_implemented=Not implemented not_on_multidb=This operation cannot be performed on multi-database search results not_rich_text=Object is not an Item or RichTextItem not_supported=Older version on server does not support this method not_text=Item is not of type Text object_deleted=Object has been removed or recycled object_invalidated=Object no longer exists on server parent_document_required=Parent Document is required to make a response Document remove_security_context=Unauthorized attempt to remove security context role_name_not_found=Role name not found too_many_arguments=Too many arguments too_many_tabs=Too many tabs, maximum is twenty unknown_error_from_doc_validate=Unknown error from Document validate uninitialized_internal_structure=An internal structure is not initialized uninitialized_remote_object=A remote object is not initialized usage=Usage: {0} view_entry_deleted=Entry was deleted from this collection view_entry_removed=Entry has been removed from the view agent_session=Cannot create a session from an agent invalid_url=Unable to resolve the url invalid_credentials=Single sign on security credentials are invalid recycler_error=Error while bulk recycling objects no_recycler=Bulk recycler is not running detach_failed=Could not detach file attach_failed=Could not attach file unknown_cert_id_type=Unknown id certification type unknown_mailsystem_type=Unknown MailSystem type unknown_mailowneraccess_type=Unknown MailOwnerAccess type unknown_roamingcleanupsetting_type=Unknown RoamingCleanupSetting type ws_nosupport=This version of the Web Service design is not supported on this server ws_upgrade=This version of the Web Service design is no longer supported, please re-save design element to update it. ws_error=Unknown error occurred on the server while processing this request session_closed_comm=Session closed due to communications failure