LearningContentBoardMapper.java 5.81 KB
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package cn.wisenergy.chnmuseum.party.mapper;

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import cn.wisenergy.chnmuseum.party.model.Asset;
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import cn.wisenergy.chnmuseum.party.model.ExhibitionBoard;
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5 6
import cn.wisenergy.chnmuseum.party.model.LearningContentBoard;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
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7 8
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
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import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;

import java.util.List;
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 * <p>
 * 学习内容展板 Mapper 接口
 * </p>
 * @author Danny Lee
 * @since 2021-03-16
public interface LearningContentBoardMapper extends BaseMapper<LearningContentBoard> {

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23 24 25 26 27 28
    @Select("SELECT lcb.*, eb.`name` as exhibition_board_name " +
            "FROM learning_content_board lcb, exhibition_board eb " +
            "WHERE lcb.exhibition_board_id = eb.id " +
            "and lcb.learning_content_id = #{learningContentId} " +
            "and eb.is_published = 1 and eb.is_deleted = 0 " +
            "order by lcb.sortorder desc")
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29 30
    List<LearningContentBoard> selectBoardListByLearningContentId(String learningContentId);

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31 32 33
            + "SELECT eb.* FROM learning_content_board lcb, exhibition_board eb "
            + "WHERE lcb.exhibition_board_id = eb.id "
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            + "and eb.is_published = 1 and is_deleted = 0 "
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            + "<if test='learningContentId != null'>and lcb.learning_content_id = #{learningContentId} </if>"
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36 37
            + "<if test='nameOrCode != null'>and eb.name like CONCAT('%', #{nameOrCode}, '%') </if>"
            + "order by lcb.sortorder desc"
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38 39 40 41
            + "</script>"
    IPage<ExhibitionBoard> selectBoardPageByLearningContentId(Page<?> page, String learningContentId, String nameOrCode);

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    @Select("SELECT t.* FROM " +
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            "(" +
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            "SELECT a.*, eb.id exhibition_board_id, eb.name exhibition_board_name, eb.cover exhibition_board_cover FROM learning_content_board lcb, learning_content lc, exhibition_board eb, video_content vc, asset a "
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45 46
            + "WHERE lcb.learning_content_id = lc.id "
            + "and lcb.exhibition_board_id = eb.id "
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47 48
            + "and eb.video_content_id = vc.id "
            + "and vc.id = a.ref_item_id "
liqin's avatar
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            + "and lc.is_published = 1 and eb.is_published = 1 and eb.is_deleted = 0 and vc.is_deleted = 0 "
liqin's avatar
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            + "and a.file_type = 'VIDEO' "
liqin's avatar
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51 52
            + "and lc.applicable_scope = 'THIS_ORGAN' "
            + "and lc.organ_code = #{organCode} "
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            + "UNION "
liqin's avatar
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            + "SELECT a.*, eb.id exhibition_board_id, eb.name exhibition_board_name, eb.cover exhibition_board_cover FROM learning_content_board lcb, learning_content lc, exhibition_board eb, asset a "
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55 56 57
            + "WHERE lcb.learning_content_id = lc.id "
            + "and lcb.exhibition_board_id = eb.id "
            + "and eb.id = a.ref_item_id "
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            + "and lc.is_published = 1 and eb.is_published = 1 and eb.is_deleted = 0 "
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59 60 61 62
            + "and a.file_cat = 'EXHIBITION_BOARD_DATUM' "
            + "and a.file_type = 'VIDEO' "
            + "and lc.applicable_scope = 'THIS_ORGAN' "
            + "and lc.organ_code = #{organCode} "
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liqin's avatar
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            + "UNION "
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liqin's avatar
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66 67
            + "SELECT a.*, eb.id exhibition_board_id, eb.name exhibition_board_name, eb.cover exhibition_board_cover "
            + "FROM learning_content_board lcb, learning_content lc, exhibition_board eb, video_content vc, asset a "
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68 69
            + "WHERE lcb.learning_content_id = lc.id "
            + "and lcb.exhibition_board_id = eb.id "
liqin's avatar
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70 71
            + "and eb.video_content_id = vc.id "
            + "and vc.id = a.ref_item_id "
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            + "and lc.is_published = 1 and eb.is_published = 1 and eb.is_deleted = 0 and vc.is_deleted = 0 "
liqin's avatar
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            + "and a.file_type = 'VIDEO' "
liqin's avatar
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74 75
            + "and lc.applicable_scope = 'THIS_ORGAN_SUB'"
            + "and lc.organ_code like CONCAT(#{organCode},'%') "
liqin's avatar
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            + "UNION "
liqin's avatar
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            + "SELECT a.*, eb.id exhibition_board_id, eb.name exhibition_board_name, eb.cover exhibition_board_cover FROM learning_content_board lcb, learning_content lc, exhibition_board eb, asset a "
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78 79 80
            + "WHERE lcb.learning_content_id = lc.id "
            + "and lcb.exhibition_board_id = eb.id "
            + "and eb.id = a.ref_item_id "
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            + "and lc.is_published = 1 and eb.is_published = 1 and eb.is_deleted = 0 "
liqin's avatar
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82 83 84 85
            + "and a.file_cat = 'EXHIBITION_BOARD_DATUM' "
            + "and a.file_type = 'VIDEO' "
            + "and lc.applicable_scope = 'THIS_ORGAN_SUB' "
            + "and lc.organ_code = #{organCode} "
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liqin's avatar
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            + "UNION "
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liqin's avatar
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            + "SELECT a.*, eb.id exhibition_board_id, eb.name exhibition_board_name, eb.cover exhibition_board_cover FROM learning_content_board lcb, learning_content lc, exhibition_board eb, video_content vc, asset a "
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90 91
            + "WHERE lcb.learning_content_id = lc.id "
            + "and lcb.exhibition_board_id = eb.id "
liqin's avatar
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92 93
            + "and eb.video_content_id = vc.id "
            + "and vc.id = a.ref_item_id "
liqin's avatar
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            + "and lc.is_published = 1 and eb.is_published = 1 and eb.is_deleted = 0 and vc.is_deleted = 0 "
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            + "and a.file_type = 'VIDEO' "
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            + "and lc.applicable_scope = 'ALL_PLAT'"
liqin's avatar
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            + "UNION "
liqin's avatar
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98 99
            + "SELECT a.*, eb.id exhibition_board_id, eb.name exhibition_board_name, eb.cover exhibition_board_cover "
            + "FROM learning_content_board lcb, learning_content lc, exhibition_board eb, asset a "
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100 101 102
            + "WHERE lcb.learning_content_id = lc.id "
            + "and lcb.exhibition_board_id = eb.id "
            + "and eb.id = a.ref_item_id "
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            + "and lc.is_published = 1 and eb.is_published = 1 and eb.is_deleted = 0 "
liqin's avatar
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104 105 106 107
            + "and a.file_cat = 'EXHIBITION_BOARD_DATUM' "
            + "and a.file_type = 'VIDEO' "
            + "and lc.applicable_scope = 'ALL_PLAT'" +
            ") t"
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    IPage<Asset> selectAssetPageByOrganCode(Page<?> page, String organCode);
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