Commit 199578be authored by liqin's avatar liqin 💬

bug fixed

parent b317c6ec
......@@ -355,9 +355,9 @@ public class ExhibitionBoardController extends BaseController {
@ApiOperation(value = "获取展板详情(审核详情使用)", notes = "获取展板详情(审核详情使用)")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "审核ID", dataType = "String", paramType = "path", required = true)
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "auditId", value = "审核ID", dataType = "String", paramType = "path", required = true)
@RequiresAuthentication //@RequiresPermissions("video:content:get:id")
@MethodLog(operModule = OperModule.DISPLAYCONTENT, operType = OperType.SELECT)
public Map<String, Object> getAuditInfoById(@PathVariable("auditId") String auditId) {
......@@ -377,9 +377,9 @@ public class LearningContentController extends BaseController {
@ApiOperation(value = "获取学习内容详情(审核详情使用)", notes = "获取学习内容详情(审核详情使用)")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "审核ID", dataType = "String", paramType = "path")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "auditId", value = "审核ID", dataType = "String", paramType = "path")
@RequiresAuthentication //@RequiresPermissions("learning:content:get:id")
@MethodLog(operModule = OperModule.LEARNCONTENT, operType = OperType.SELECT)
public Map<String, Object> getAuditInfoById(@PathVariable("auditId") String auditId) {
......@@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ public class VideoContentController extends BaseController {
@ApiOperation(value = "获取视频内容详情(审核详情使用)", notes = "获取视频内容详情(审核详情使用)")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "审核ID", dataType = "String", paramType = "path", required = true)
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "auditId", value = "审核ID", dataType = "String", paramType = "path", required = true)
@RequiresAuthentication //@RequiresPermissions("video:content:get:id")
@MethodLog(operModule = OperModule.VIDEOCONTENT, operType = OperType.SELECT)
public Map<String, Object> getAuditInfoById(@PathVariable("auditId") String auditId) {
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