Commit 2041487a authored by nie'hong's avatar nie'hong


parent feaf1d19
......@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ public class TUserController extends BaseController {
map.put("is_deleted", false);
map.put("role_id", user.getRoleId());
map.put("org_id", user.getOrgId());
map.put("type", user.getType());
List<TUser> list = userService.getUserListByRole(map);
if ("2".equals(user.getRoleId()) && list.size() >= 2) {
resultMap.put("resultCode", "400");
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
from t_user u
left join t_user_role_link ur on = ur.user_id
where u.org_id = #{org_id} and u.is_deleted = #{is_deleted} and ur.role_id =#{role_id}
where u.org_id = #{org_id} and u.is_deleted = #{is_deleted} and ur.role_id =#{role_id} and u.type = #{type}
<select id="getUserRole" resultType="">
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