Commit b56b10bd authored by licc's avatar licc


parent 412a09fe
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public class DayTaskServiceImpl implements DayTaskService {
boolean updateBool = accountManager.updateAccountPerformanceMonth(addList, updateList);
if (!updateBool) {
return R.ok(1, false);
......@@ -228,12 +228,20 @@ public class DayTaskServiceImpl implements DayTaskService {
Date date = new Date();
String yearMonth = DateUtil.convertDateToStr(date, PATTERN);
List<OrderInfo> orderList = orderMapper.getByCreateTime(new Date());
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(orderList)) {
return R.ok(0, true);
BigDecimal totalMoney = new BigDecimal(0);
for (OrderInfo orderInfo : orderList) {
totalMoney = totalMoney.add(orderInfo.getPayment());
double number = Math.floor(totalMoney.doubleValue() / 3980 / 12);
List<TeamPerformance> teamPerformances = teamPerformanceMapper.getByBeforeTime(yearMonth);
Double totalMoney = teamPerformanceMapper.countByTime(yearMonth);
double number = Math.floor(totalMoney / 3980 / 12);
//2、集合为空 是业绩开始的第一个月
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(teamPerformances)) {
if (number != 0) {
......@@ -356,6 +364,7 @@ public class DayTaskServiceImpl implements DayTaskService {
if (null != user && !StringUtils.isBlank(user.getBeInvitedCode())) {
user = usersMapper.getByBeInvitedCode(user.getBeInvitedCode());
if (null != user) {
//todo 被邀请码=1 或 888888
if (user.getBeInvitedCode().equals(user.getInviteCode())) {
......@@ -396,8 +405,10 @@ public class DayTaskServiceImpl implements DayTaskService {
double last = lastMonth.getMonthTeamPerformance().doubleValue();
if (last >= month) {
growthRate = 0.00;
} else if (last == 0) {
growthRate = 0.00;
} else {
growthRate = (month - last) / month;
growthRate = (month - last) / last;
......@@ -446,62 +457,64 @@ public class DayTaskServiceImpl implements DayTaskService {
} else {
lastMonthAward = monthManure.getManureAward();
if (moneyMonth == 0) {
return true;
for (User user : userList) {
if (moneyMonth != 0) {
MemberPercent memberPercent = memberPercentMapper.getByLevelAndType(user.getUserLevel(), 2);
if (null != memberPercent) {
TeamPerformance teamPerformance = teamPerformanceMapper.getByUserIdAndTime(user.getUserId(), yearMonth);
Double teamTotal = teamPerformanceMapper.countTeamMoney(user.getUserLevel(), yearMonth);
if (null != teamPerformance && null != teamTotal) {
double month = teamPerformance.getMonthTeamPerformance().doubleValue();
double percent = memberPercent.getPercent().doubleValue();
double teamMoney = (moneyMonth + lastMonthAward) * 3980 * percent * month;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("######0.00");
double income = Double.parseDouble(df.format(teamMoney / teamTotal));
AccountInfo accountInfo = accountMapper.getByUserId(user.getUserId());
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(income).setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
TradeRecord tradeRecordMonth = tradeRecordMapper.getByUserIdAndTypeAndStatus(user.getUserId(),
TradeRecordEnum.CULTIVATING_PRIZE.getCode(), new Date(), TradeStatusEnum.NO_SETTLE_ACCOUNTS.getCode());
BigDecimal tradeMoney = new BigDecimal(0);
if (null != tradeRecordMonth) {
tradeMoney = tradeRecordMonth.getMoney();
//获取用户本月收益=可提现金额+ 本月肥料收益+培育奖收益
BigDecimal performanceMonth = accountInfo.getExtractMoney().add(bigDecimal).add(tradeMoney);
LastMonthAccount lastMonthAccount = lastAccountMapper.getByUserIdAndTime(user.getUserId(), yearMonthTime);
BigDecimal lastTotalMonth;
if (null == lastMonthAccount || null == lastMonthAccount.getEarningsTotal()) {
lastTotalMonth = new BigDecimal("0.00");
} else {
lastTotalMonth = lastMonthAccount.getEarningsTotal();
BigDecimal performanceTotal = lastTotalMonth.add(performanceMonth);
TradeRecord tradeRecord = new TradeRecord();
MemberPercent memberPercent = memberPercentMapper.getByLevelAndType(user.getUserLevel(), 2);
if (null != memberPercent) {
TeamPerformance teamPerformance = teamPerformanceMapper.getByUserIdAndTime(user.getUserId(), yearMonth);
Double teamTotal = teamPerformanceMapper.countTeamMoney(user.getUserLevel(), yearMonth);
if (null != teamPerformance && null != teamTotal) {
double month = teamPerformance.getMonthTeamPerformance().doubleValue();
double percent = memberPercent.getPercent().doubleValue();
//计算收益 todo
double teamMoney = ((moneyMonth * 3980) + lastMonthAward) * percent * month;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("######0.00");
double income = Double.parseDouble(df.format(teamMoney / teamTotal));
AccountInfo accountInfo = accountMapper.getByUserId(user.getUserId());
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(income).setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
TradeRecord tradeRecordMonth = tradeRecordMapper.getByUserIdAndTypeAndStatus(user.getUserId(),
TradeRecordEnum.CULTIVATING_PRIZE.getCode(), new Date(), TradeStatusEnum.NO_SETTLE_ACCOUNTS.getCode());
BigDecimal tradeMoney = new BigDecimal(0);
if (null != tradeRecordMonth) {
tradeMoney = tradeRecordMonth.getMoney();
//获取用户本月收益=可提现金额+ 本月肥料收益+培育奖收益
BigDecimal performanceMonth = accountInfo.getExtractMoney().add(bigDecimal).add(tradeMoney);
LastMonthAccount lastMonthAccount = lastAccountMapper.getByUserIdAndTime(user.getUserId(), yearMonthTime);
BigDecimal lastTotalMonth;
if (null == lastMonthAccount || null == lastMonthAccount.getEarningsTotal()) {
lastTotalMonth = new BigDecimal("0.00");
} else {
lastTotalMonth = lastMonthAccount.getEarningsTotal();
BigDecimal performanceTotal = lastTotalMonth.add(performanceMonth);
TradeRecord tradeRecord = new TradeRecord();
......@@ -133,15 +133,15 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {
for (User User : userList) {
for (User user : userList) {
//key 存在 当前用户团队绩效 + 上级用户团队绩效
if (tempMap.containsKey(User.getUserId())) {
double teamMoney = userCount + tempMap.get(User.getUserId());
tempMap.put(User.getUserId(), teamMoney);
if (tempMap.containsKey(user.getUserId())) {
double teamMoney = userCount + tempMap.get(user.getUserId());
tempMap.put(user.getUserId(), teamMoney);
} else {
//key 不存在,加入集合 当前用户团队绩效
tempMap.put(User.getUserId(), userCount);
tempMap.put(user.getUserId(), userCount);
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {
List<User> userList = usersMapper.getAllGoldUser();
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(userList)) {
//添加月度肥料剩余奖金 todo /3980/12*3980*(黄金以上比列相加)
MonthManure monthManure = new MonthManure();
......@@ -203,13 +203,21 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {"shop-mall[]MonthTaskServiceImpl[]performanceCount[]input.method");
Date date = DateUtil.getLastMonth(new Date());
String lastMonth = DateUtil.convertDateToStr(date, PATTERN);
List<OrderInfo> orderList = orderMapper.getByCreateTime(date);
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(orderList)) {
return R.ok(0, true);
BigDecimal totalMoney = new BigDecimal(0);
for (OrderInfo orderInfo : orderList) {
totalMoney = totalMoney.add(orderInfo.getPayment());
double number = Math.floor(totalMoney.doubleValue() / 3980 / 12);
List<TeamPerformance> teamPerformances = teamPerformanceMapper.getByBeforeTime(lastMonth);
Double totalMoney = teamPerformanceMapper.countByTime(lastMonth);
double number = Math.floor(totalMoney / 3980 / 12);
//2、集合为空 是业绩开始的第一个月
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(teamPerformances)) {
if (number != 0) {
......@@ -523,15 +531,18 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {
} else {
lastMonthAward = monthManure.getManureAward();
moneyMonth = moneyMonth + lastMonthAward;
MonthManure manure = checkUserLevel(moneyMonth);
MonthManure manure = checkUserLevel(moneyMonth, lastMonthAward);
MonthManure lastMonthManure = monthManureMapper.queryByTime(lastMonth);
List<AccountInfo> accountInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
List<TradeRecord> tradeRecordList = new ArrayList<>();
if (moneyMonth == 0) {
return true;
for (User user : userList) {
if (moneyMonth != 0) {
......@@ -547,7 +558,7 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {
double month = teamPerformance.getMonthTeamPerformance().doubleValue();
double percent = memberPercent.getPercent().doubleValue();
double income = moneyMonth * 3980 * percent * month / teamTotal;
double income = ((moneyMonth * 3980) + lastMonthAward) * percent * month / teamTotal;
AccountInfo accountInfo = accountMapper.getByUserId(user.getUserId());
......@@ -595,7 +606,7 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {
* @param moneyMonth 奖金总额
* @return 月度肥料奖金
private MonthManure checkUserLevel(double moneyMonth) {
private MonthManure checkUserLevel(double moneyMonth, double lastMonthAward) {
MonthManure monthManure = new MonthManure();
double total = 0.00;
......@@ -609,7 +620,7 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {
double goldAward;
if (moneyMonth != 0) {
goldAward = moneyMonth * 3980 * percent;
goldAward = ((moneyMonth * 3980) + lastMonthAward) * percent;
total = total + goldAward;
......@@ -625,7 +636,7 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {
double goldAward;
if (moneyMonth != 0) {
goldAward = moneyMonth * 3980 * percent;
goldAward = ((moneyMonth * 3980) + lastMonthAward) * percent;
total = total + goldAward;
......@@ -641,7 +652,7 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {
double goldAward;
if (moneyMonth != 0) {
goldAward = moneyMonth * 3980 * percent;
goldAward = ((moneyMonth * 3980) + lastMonthAward) * percent;
total = total + goldAward;
......@@ -657,7 +668,7 @@ public class MonthTaskServiceImpl implements MonthTaskService {
double goldAward;
if (moneyMonth != 0) {
goldAward = moneyMonth * 3980 * percent;
goldAward = ((moneyMonth * 3980) + lastMonthAward) * percent;
total = total + goldAward;
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