Commit dd875197 authored by codezwjava's avatar codezwjava

森林状态 获取直推用户接口测试2

parent 85285a86
......@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ public class UserForestStatusServiceImpl implements UserForestStatusService {
if(userLevel == 0){
//用户等级 < 幼苗 显示业绩缺少额度
//用户等级 为青铜时 距离下级升级条件为
int levelUpCase = 3980;
BigDecimal performanceByUserid = orderMapper.getPerformanceByUserid(userId);
if (performanceByUserid == null){
......@@ -82,6 +83,8 @@ public class UserForestStatusServiceImpl implements UserForestStatusService {
BigDecimal differenceAmount = levelTerm.subtract(performanceByUserid);
int perpenct = 1 - (performanceByUserid.intValue() / 3980);
}else if(userLevel == 1){
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