Commit 0ad106d2 authored by m1991's avatar m1991


parent ca73f5e6
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ public class Constants {
public final static Integer HALF_HOUR_INT = MINUTE_INT * 30;
public final static Integer TEN_HOURS_HOUR_INT = HALF_HOUR_INT * 20;
public final static Integer ONE_MONTH_HOUR_INT =TEN_HOURS_HOUR_INT*72;
public static class RegConstant{
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
<sql id="cols_exclude_id">
<sql id="vals">
......@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
b.zx_likes as zxLikes,
b.zx_field as zxField,
b.zx_date as zxDate,
b.zx_address as zxAddress,
b.invite_code as inviteCode,
a.user_id as userId,
a.head_image as headImage
......@@ -292,7 +292,13 @@ public class UploadServiceImpl implements UploadService {
int likedId =shopZx.getZxid();
return map;
shopZx.setUserId(shopZx.getUserId().replaceAll("(\\d{3})\\d{4}(\\d{4})", "$1****$2"));
if(null!=inviteCode&&""!=inviteCode) {
User user=usersMapper.InvitedCode2(inviteCode);
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public class LoginController {
String tokenKey = StringUtil.formatKeyWithPrefix(Constants.RedisKey.PROJECT_PRIFIX, Constants.RedisKey.TOKEN_PRIFIX, token);
UsersDto usersDto = new UsersDto();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(users, usersDto);
redisUtils.set(tokenKey, JSONObject.toJSONString(usersDto), Constants.Duration.HALF_HOUR_INT);
redisUtils.set(tokenKey, JSONObject.toJSONString(usersDto), Constants.Duration.ONE_MONTH_HOUR_INT);
return token;
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