Commit c2c9baf3 authored by licc's avatar licc


parent 4b9ca5d2
......@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ public class shopZx extends Model<shopZx> implements Serializable {
* 审核字段
* 审核字段 0未审核 1审核通过 2 驳回
@ApiModelProperty(name = "zx_to_examine", value = "审核字段")
@ApiModelProperty(name = "zx_to_examine", value = "审核字段 0未审核 1审核通过 2 驳回")
private Integer zxToExamine;
* 资讯文字输入字段
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class ShopZxUserVo {
@ApiModelProperty(name = "liked_status", value = "点赞状态")
private Integer likedStatus;
@ApiModelProperty(name = "auditStatus", value = "审核状态")
@ApiModelProperty(name = "auditStatus", value = "审核字段 0未审核 1审核通过 2 驳回")
private Integer auditStatus;
......@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ public interface UserLevelService {
void userLevelUpgrade(String userId);
//同步accountInfo 和TeamPerformance 的用户等级
* 同步accountInfo 和TeamPerformance 的用户等级
* @param userId 用户id
void accountAndTeamPerformanceUserLevelUpdate(String userId);
......@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ public class UploadController {
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "zxAddress", value = "资讯发布地址", dataType = "String"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "inviteCode", value = "用户本人邀请码(发布人)", required = true, dataType = "String")})
@RequestMapping(value = "/admin/ZX/uploadVideo", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Map<String, Object> uploadVideo(@RequestParam(value = "files")MultipartFile file, HttpServletRequest request, String zxField, String inviteCode) throws Exception {
return uploadService.uploadVideo(file, request, zxField,inviteCode);
public Map<String, Object> uploadVideo(@RequestParam(value = "files") MultipartFile file, HttpServletRequest request, String zxField, String inviteCode) throws Exception {
return uploadService.uploadVideo(file, request, zxField, inviteCode);
......@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ public class UploadController {
@ApiOperation(value = "用户头像上传接口", notes = "返回路径给前台", httpMethod = "POST", produces = "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "file", value = "单图片", dataType = "MultipartFile")
@RequestMapping(value = "/ZX/uploadImage", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Map<String, Object> uploadImage(@RequestParam(value = "files")MultipartFile file,String inviteCode) throws Exception {
return uploadService.uploadImage(file,inviteCode);
public Map<String, Object> uploadImage(@RequestParam(value = "files") MultipartFile file, String inviteCode) throws Exception {
return uploadService.uploadImage(file, inviteCode);
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ public class UploadController {
* *
* * TODO 多文件上传接口
* *
* @return
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UploadController.class);
......@@ -87,17 +88,18 @@ public class UploadController {
@ApiOperation(value = "资讯信息-文字/多图片上传接口", notes = "上传图片,返回路径给前台", httpMethod = "POST", produces = "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "zxField", value = "资讯文字", dataType = "String"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "files", value = "多图片", paramType = "form", allowMultiple=true, dataType = "__file"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "files", value = "多图片", paramType = "form", allowMultiple = true, dataType = "__file"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "inviteCode", value = "用户本人邀请码(发布人)", required = true, dataType = "String")})
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/ZX/multipleImageUpload", headers = "content-type=multipart/form-data")
public Map multipleImageUpload(@RequestParam(required=false,value = "files") MultipartFile[] files, String zxField, String inviteCode) {
return uploadService.imageUpload(files, zxField,inviteCode);
public Map multipleImageUpload(@RequestParam(required = false, value = "files") MultipartFile[] files, String zxField, String inviteCode) {
return uploadService.imageUpload(files, zxField, inviteCode);
* TODO 资讯展示
* @param pageNum
* @param pageSize
* @return
......@@ -105,12 +107,12 @@ public class UploadController {
@ApiOperation(value = "用户发布已审核资讯信息倒叙展示", notes = "倒叙展示")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "inviteCode", value = "用户本人邀请码(发布人)", required = false, dataType = "String"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageNum", value = "从几开始", required = true,dataType = "Integer"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageNum", value = "从几开始", required = true, dataType = "Integer"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageSize", value = "一页展示数量", required = true, dataType = "Integer")})
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/ZX/zxAll")
public Map selectPage(int pageNum, int pageSize,String inviteCode){
public Map selectPage(int pageNum, int pageSize, String inviteCode) {
return uploadService.selectPage(pageNum,pageSize,inviteCode);
return uploadService.selectPage(pageNum, pageSize, inviteCode);
......@@ -121,21 +123,21 @@ public class UploadController {
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "zxid", value = "资讯ID", required = true, dataType = "int"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "inviteCode", value = "用户本人邀请码(发布人)", required = true, dataType = "String")})
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/ZX/thumbUp")
public Map like(int zxid,String inviteCode){
return uploadService.Ilike(zxid,inviteCode);
public Map like(int zxid, String inviteCode) {
return uploadService.Ilike(zxid, inviteCode);
* TODO 审核接口 0通过 1驳回
* 0:未审核 1:审核通过 2:驳回
@ApiOperation(value = "用户发布资讯信息审核接口", notes = "审核接口",produces = "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
@ApiOperation(value = "用户发布资讯信息审核接口", notes = "审核接口", produces = "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "zxid", value = "资讯ID", required = true, dataType = "int"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "approval", value = "核准字段:1是通过 0是驳回", required = true, dataType = "int")})
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "approval", value = "核准字段:0:未审核 1:审核通过 2:驳回", required = true, dataType = "int")})
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/admin/ZX/toExamine")
public Map ToExamine(int zxid ,int approval){
public Map ToExamine(int zxid, int approval) {
return uploadService.toExamine(zxid,approval);
return uploadService.toExamine(zxid, approval);
......@@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ public class UploadController {
@ApiOperation(value = "后台-资讯列表", notes = "资讯列表", httpMethod = "GET")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "query", value = "查询参数", dataType = "CultivatingPrizeDto")
public R<PageInfo<ShopZxUserVo>> queryShopZxList(ShopZxUserDto shopZxUserDto){
public R<PageInfo<ShopZxUserVo>> queryShopZxList(ShopZxUserDto shopZxUserDto) {
return uploadService.getShopZxUserList(shopZxUserDto);
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