Commit c3efd540 authored by m1991's avatar m1991


parent 08137cef
......@@ -52,17 +52,11 @@ public class UploadServiceImpl implements UploadService {
public Map<String, Object> uploadVideo(MultipartFile file,HttpServletRequest request,String zxField,String zxAddress,String inviteCode) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> resultMap=new HashMap<String, Object>();
* 生成当前时间戳
BigInteger zxDate= BigInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
* http://路径
String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName()
+ ":" + request.getServerPort()+"/upload/video/";
Long time = new Date().getTime();
String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename();//文件原始名称
......@@ -82,19 +76,24 @@ public class UploadServiceImpl implements UploadService {
String zxUrl = basePath + newFileName;
String videoUrl = basePath + newFileName;
String newImgName = time+".jpg";
String framefile = rootPath + newImgName;
String imgUrlSave = basePath+newImgName;//图片最终位置路径
String imgUrl=FrameGrabberKit.getVedioImg(zxUrl, framefile, imgUrlSave);
String imgUrl=FrameGrabberKit.getVedioImg(videoUrl, framefile, imgUrlSave);
resultMap.put("zxUrl", zxUrl);
resultMap.put("videoUrl", videoUrl);
resultMap.put("imgUrl", imgUrl);
resultMap.put("returnCode", 0);
resultMap.put("returnCode", 200);
String zxUrl=videoUrl;
* 生成当前时间戳
BigInteger zxDate= BigInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
shopZxMapper.zxadd(zxUrl,zxField,zxAddress,inviteCode, String.valueOf(zxDate));
return resultMap;
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