Commit c9b35289 authored by licc's avatar licc


parent 7ff7d522
......@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ public class SchemeServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<SchemeMapper, SchemeInfo> imp
if (null == scoreInfo) {
return R.error("无考生成绩!");
double culture = Double.parseDouble(queryVo.getCultureGrade());
double major = Double.parseDouble(queryVo.getMajorGrade());
......@@ -113,7 +116,6 @@ public class SchemeServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<SchemeMapper, SchemeInfo> imp
double culture = Double.parseDouble(queryVo.getCultureGrade());
double cultureMax = Double.parseDouble(firstRule.getCultureMax().toString());
if (culture >= cultureMax) {
......@@ -132,19 +134,68 @@ public class SchemeServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<SchemeMapper, SchemeInfo> imp
if (StudentType.ART_STUDENT.getCode().equals(userInfo.getExamType())) {
AdmissionRule firstRule = admissionRuleMapper.getByType(SchemeTypeEnums.UNDERGRADUATE_ARTS.getCode());
if (null == firstRule) {
return R.error("无美术本科录取规则!");
if (StudentType.SPORTS_STUDENT.getCode().equals(userInfo.getExamType())) {
AdmissionRule secondRule = admissionRuleMapper.getByType(SchemeTypeEnums.JUNIOR_COLLEGE_ARTS.getCode());
if (null == secondRule) {
return R.error("无美术专科录取规则!");
if (major < secondRule.getProfessionMin()) {
return R.error("很抱歉,您的专业成绩不满足报考条件,无法查询!");
list = getArtsList(scoreInfo, firstRule, secondRule, className, professionName);
if (StudentType.LITERATURE_STUDENT.getCode().equals(userInfo.getExamType())) {
AdmissionRule firstRule = admissionRuleMapper.getByType(SchemeTypeEnums.UNDERGRADUATE_LITERATURE.getCode());
if (null == firstRule) {
return R.error("无文学编导本科录取规则!");
AdmissionRule secondRule = admissionRuleMapper.getByType(SchemeTypeEnums.JUNIOR_COLLEGE_LITERATURE.getCode());
if (null == secondRule) {
return R.error("无文学编导专科录取规则!");
if (major < secondRule.getProfessionMin()) {
return R.error("很抱歉,您的专业成绩不满足报考条件,无法查询!");
list = getLiteratureList(scoreInfo, firstRule, secondRule, className, professionName);
if (StudentType.SPORTS_STUDENT.getCode().equals(userInfo.getExamType())) {
AdmissionRule firstRule = admissionRuleMapper.getByType(SchemeTypeEnums.UNDERGRADUATE_SPORTS.getCode());
if (null == firstRule) {
return R.error("无体育本科录取规则!");
AdmissionRule secondRule = admissionRuleMapper.getByType(SchemeTypeEnums.JUNIOR_COLLEGE_SPORTS.getCode());
if (null == secondRule) {
return R.error("无体育专科录取规则!");
double total = major * 750 / 100 * 0.7 + culture * 0.3;
if (total < secondRule.getProfessionMin()) {
return R.error("很抱歉,您的成绩不满足报考条件,无法查询!");
list = getSportsList(total, firstRule, secondRule, className, professionName);
boolean bool = saveUserVolunteer(userInfo, list, scoreInfo);
......@@ -265,6 +316,7 @@ public class SchemeServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<SchemeMapper, SchemeInfo> imp
double upMark = firstRule.getUpMark();
double upGrade = culture + upMark;
map.put("upGrade", upGrade);
map.put("type", SchemeTypeEnums.UNDERGRADUATE_CULTURE.getCode());
double downGrade;
if (culture < cultureMin + downMark) {
......@@ -291,6 +343,7 @@ public class SchemeServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<SchemeMapper, SchemeInfo> imp
map.put("upGrade", upGrade);
map.put("type", SchemeTypeEnums.JUNIOR_COLLEGE_MAJOR.getCode());
double downGrade;
if (culture < cultureMin + downMark) {
......@@ -311,6 +364,149 @@ public class SchemeServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<SchemeMapper, SchemeInfo> imp
return list;
* 获取美术生志愿方案
* @param scoreInfo 考生成绩
* @param firstRule 本科规则
* @param secondRule 专科规则
* @param classNames 副科名称
* @param professionNames 专业名称
* @return 志愿方案列表
private List<Volunteer> getArtsList(ScoreInfo scoreInfo, AdmissionRule firstRule, AdmissionRule secondRule,
List<String> classNames, List<String> professionNames) {
double culture = scoreInfo.getCultureGrade();
double major = scoreInfo.getMajorGrade();
double total = major * 750 / 300 * 0.7 + culture * 0.3;
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(16);
map.put("number", firstRule.getNumber());
map.put("classNames", classNames);
map.put("professionNames", professionNames);
List<Volunteer> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (culture >= firstRule.getCultureMin() && major >= firstRule.getProfessionMin()) {
double upGrade = total + firstRule.getUpMark();
double downGrade = total + firstRule.getDownMark();
map.put("upGrade", upGrade);
map.put("downGrade", downGrade);
map.put("type", SchemeTypeEnums.UNDERGRADUATE_ARTS.getCode());
list = volunteerMapper.getVolunteerList(map);
if (culture >= secondRule.getCultureMin() && major >= secondRule.getProfessionMin()) {
double upGrade = total + secondRule.getUpMark();
double downGrade = total + secondRule.getDownMark();
map.put("upGrade", upGrade);
map.put("downGrade", downGrade);
map.put("type", SchemeTypeEnums.JUNIOR_COLLEGE_ARTS.getCode());
list = volunteerMapper.getVolunteerList(map);
return list;
* 获取文学编导生志愿方案
* @param scoreInfo 考生成绩
* @param firstRule 本科规则
* @param secondRule 专科规则
* @param classNames 副科名称
* @param professionNames 专业名称
* @return 志愿方案列表
private List<Volunteer> getLiteratureList(ScoreInfo scoreInfo, AdmissionRule firstRule, AdmissionRule secondRule,
List<String> classNames, List<String> professionNames) {
double culture = scoreInfo.getCultureGrade();
double major = scoreInfo.getMajorGrade();
double total = major * 750 / 300 * 0.7 + culture * 0.3;
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(16);
map.put("number", firstRule.getNumber());
map.put("classNames", classNames);
map.put("professionNames", professionNames);
List<Volunteer> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (culture >= firstRule.getCultureMin() && major >= firstRule.getProfessionMin()) {
double upGrade = total + firstRule.getUpMark();
double downGrade = total + firstRule.getDownMark();
map.put("upGrade", upGrade);
map.put("downGrade", downGrade);
map.put("type", SchemeTypeEnums.UNDERGRADUATE_LITERATURE.getCode());
list = volunteerMapper.getVolunteerList(map);
if (culture >= secondRule.getCultureMin() && major >= secondRule.getProfessionMin()) {
double upGrade = total + secondRule.getUpMark();
double downGrade = total + secondRule.getDownMark();
map.put("upGrade", upGrade);
map.put("downGrade", downGrade);
map.put("type", SchemeTypeEnums.JUNIOR_COLLEGE_LITERATURE.getCode());
list = volunteerMapper.getVolunteerList(map);
return list;
* 获取体育生生志愿方案
* @param total 考生综合成绩
* @param firstRule 本科规则
* @param secondRule 专科规则
* @param classNames 副科名称
* @param professionNames 专业名称
* @return 志愿方案列表
private List<Volunteer> getSportsList(double total, AdmissionRule firstRule, AdmissionRule secondRule,
List<String> classNames, List<String> professionNames) {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(16);
map.put("number", firstRule.getNumber());
map.put("classNames", classNames);
map.put("professionNames", professionNames);
List<Volunteer> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (total >= firstRule.getCultureMin()) {
double upGrade = total + firstRule.getUpMark();
double downGrade = total + firstRule.getDownMark();
map.put("upGrade", upGrade);
map.put("downGrade", downGrade);
map.put("type", SchemeTypeEnums.UNDERGRADUATE_SPORTS.getCode());
list = volunteerMapper.getVolunteerList(map);
if (total >= secondRule.getCultureMin()) {
double upGrade = total + secondRule.getUpMark();
double downGrade = total + secondRule.getDownMark();
map.put("upGrade", upGrade);
map.put("downGrade", downGrade);
map.put("type", SchemeTypeEnums.JUNIOR_COLLEGE_SPORTS.getCode());
list = volunteerMapper.getVolunteerList(map);
return list;
* 获取副科的名称
......@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ public class UserServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UsersMapper, UserInfo> implemen
......@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ spring:
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/exam?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&allowMultiQueries=true&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8
url: jdbc:mysql://
username: root
password: adm4HYservice$
initial-size: 10
max-active: 100
min-idle: 10
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