<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="cn.wisenergy.mapper.UsersMapper"> <resultMap id="userMap" type="cn.wisenergy.model.app.User"> <id column="id" property="id"/> <result column="user_name" property="userName"/> <result column="password" property="password"/> <result column="phone" property="phone"/> <result column="uuid" property="uuid"/> <result column="head_image" property="headImage"/> <result column="sex" property="sex"/> <result column="school" property="school"/> <result column="exam_type" property="examType"/> <result column="source" property="source"/> <result column="is_delete" property="isDelete"/> <result column="create_time" property="createTime"/> <result column="update_time" property="updateTime"/> <result column="is_vip" property="isVip"/> <result column="openid" property="openid"/> <result column="vip_mobile" property="vipMobile"/> </resultMap> <sql id="table"> user </sql> <sql id="cols_all"> id, <include refid="cols_exclude_id"/> </sql> <sql id="cols_exclude_id"> user_name,password, phone,uuid,head_image,sex,school, exam_type,source,is_delete,create_time,update_time,is_vip,openid,vip_mobile </sql> <sql id="vals"> #{userName},#{password},#{phone},#{uuid},#{headImage},#{sex},#{school},#{examType}, #{source}, #{isDelete},now(),now(),#{isVip},#{openid},#{vipMobile} </sql> <sql id="updateCondition"> <if test="userName != null">user_name = #{userName},</if> <if test="password != null">password =#{password},</if> <if test="phone != null">phone =#{phone},</if> <if test="uuid != null">uuid =#{uuid},</if> <if test="headImage != null">head_image =#{headImage},</if> <if test="sex != null">sex =#{sex},</if> <if test="school != null">school =#{school},</if> <if test="examType != null">exam_type = #{examType},</if> <if test="source != null">source = #{source},</if> <if test="isDelete != null">is_delete = #{isDelete},</if> update_time =now(), <if test="isVip != null">is_vip = #{isVip},</if> <if test="openid != null">openid =#{openid},</if> <if test="vipMobile != null">vip_mobile =#{vipMobile}</if> </sql> <sql id="criteria"> <if test="id != null">id = #{id}</if> <if test="userName != null">and user_name = #{userName}</if> <if test="password != null">and password =#{password}</if> <if test="phone != null">and phone =#{phone}</if> <if test="uuid != null">and uuid =#{uuid}</if> <if test="headImage != null">and head_image =#{headImage}</if> <if test="sex != null">and sex =#{sex}</if> <if test="school != null">and school =#{school}</if> <if test="examType != null">and exam_type = #{examType}</if> <if test="source != null">and source = #{source}</if> <if test="isDelete != null">and is_delete = #{isDelete}</if> <if test="createTime != null">and create_time >= #{createTime}</if> <if test="updateTime != null">and #{updateTime} >= update_time</if> <if test="isVip != null">and is_vip = #{isVip}</if> <if test="openid != null">and openid =#{openid}</if> </sql> <insert id="add" parameterType="cn.wisenergy.model.app.User" keyProperty="id" useGeneratedKeys="true"> insert into <include refid="table"/> (<include refid="cols_exclude_id"/>) value( <include refid="vals"/> ) </insert> <update id="edit" parameterType="cn.wisenergy.model.app.User"> UPDATE <include refid="table"/> <set> <include refid="updateCondition"/> </set> <where> id = #{id} </where> </update> <delete id="delById" parameterType="java.lang.Integer"> delete from <include refid="table"/> where id = #{id} </delete> <select id="getById" resultMap="userMap"> select <include refid="cols_all"/> from <include refid="table"/> <where>id = #{id}</where> </select> <select id="countByPhoneAnsUserId" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> SELECT COUNT(1) FROM <include refid="table"/> WHERE phone=#{phone} and id !=#{userId} and is_delete=0 </select> <select id="getList" resultMap="userMap" parameterType="map"> select <include refid="cols_all"/> from <include refid="table"/> <where> is_delete=0 and is_vip = 2 <if test="startTime != null"> and create_time between #{startTime} </if> <if test="endTime != null">and #{endTime}</if> <if test="userName != null">and user_name like ('%' #{userName} '%')</if> <if test="phone != null">and phone like ('%' #{phone} '%')</if> order by create_time desc <if test="pageNo != null"> limit #{pageNo},#{pageSize} </if> </where> </select> <select id="getUserNumbers" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> SELECT COUNT(id) FROM <include refid="table"/> <where> is_delete=0 and is_vip = 2 <if test="startTime != null"> and create_time between #{startTime} </if> <if test="endTime != null">and #{endTime}</if> <if test="userName != null">and user_name like ('%' #{userName} '%')</if> <if test="phone != null">and phone like ('%' #{phone} '%')</if> </where> </select> <select id="getByPhone" resultType="cn.wisenergy.model.app.User"> SELECT <include refid="cols_all"/> FROM <include refid="table"/> where is_delete=0 and phone=#{phone} </select> <select id="test" resultType="cn.wisenergy.model.app.User"> select <include refid="cols_all"/> from <include refid="table"/> <where> <if test="list != null"> <foreach collection="list" index="index" item="id" separator="or" open="(" close=")"> user_name LIKE CONCAT('%',#{id},'%') </foreach> </if> </where> </select> <select id="getUserByStaffId" resultMap="userMap" parameterType="map"> select <include refid="cols_all"/> from <include refid="table"/> <where> is_delete=0 <if test="list != null and (list.size)>0"> and id in <foreach collection="list" index="index" item="id" separator="," open="(" close=")"> #{id.userVipId} </foreach> </if> <if test="userName != null and userName!=''"> and user_name like ('%' #{userName} '%')</if> <if test="phone != null and phone!=''"> and phone like ('%' #{phone} '%')</if> order by create_time desc <if test="pageNo != null"> limit #{pageNo},#{pageSize} </if> </where> </select> </mapper>