WorkTimeOrderMapper.xml 16 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="cn.wisenergy.mapper.WorkTimeOrderMapper">

    <!-- 通用查询映射结果 -->
    <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="">
        <id column="work_id" property="workId"/>
        <result column="user_id" property="userId"/>
        <result column="project_id" property="projectId"/>
        <result column="dept_id" property="deptId"/>
        <result column="work_time" property="workTime"/>
        <result column="work_day" property="workDay"/>
        <result column="status" property="status"/>
        <result column="reviewer_id" property="reviewerId"/>
        <result column="des" property="des"/>
        <result column="reason" property="reason"/>
        <result column="type" property="type"/>
        <result column="is_overtime" property="isOvertime"/>
        <result column="reject_time" property="rejectTime"/>
        <result column="create_time" property="createTime"/>
        <result column="modify_time" property="modifyTime"/>

    <resultMap id="userWorkTimeStatisticsByProject" type="cn.wisenergy.model.dto.UserWorkTimeStatisticsByProject">
        <result property="userId" column="user_id"/>
        <result property="userName" column="user_name"/>
        <collection property="projectWorkTimeAndType" ofType="cn.wisenergy.model.dto.ProjectWorkTimeAndType">
            <result property="projectId" column="project_id"/>
            <result property="projectType" column="project_type"/>
            <result property="projectName" column="project_name"/>
            <result property="overTime" column="over_time"/>
            <result property="normalTime" column="normal_time"/>

    <resultMap id="workTimeAndCostCollect" type="cn.wisenergy.model.dto.WorkTimeAndCostCollect" >
        <result property="type" column="type"/>
        <collection property="deptProjectWorkTimeAndCosts" resultMap="deptProjectWorkTimeAndCosts" >

    <resultMap id="deptProjectWorkTimeAndCosts" type="cn.wisenergy.model.dto.DeptProjectWorkTimeAndCost">
        <result property="deptId" column="dept_id"/>
        <result property="deptName" column="dept_name"/>
        <collection property="projectWorkTimeAndCostStatistics" ofType="cn.wisenergy.model.dto.ProjectWorkTimeAndCostStatistics">
            <result property="projectId" column="project_id"/>
            <result property="projectName" column="project_name"/>
            <result property="statisticsTime" column="statistics_time"/>
            <result property="totalTime" column="total_time"/>
            <result property="cost" column="cost"/>

    <!-- 通用查询结果列 -->
    <sql id="vals">
    <sql id="cols_exclude_id">
      user_id, project_id, dept_id, work_time, work_day, status, reviewer_id, des, reason, type, is_overtime,reject_time, create_time

    <sql id="criteria">
        <if test="workId != null">and work_id = #{workId}</if>
        <if test="userId != null">and user_id = #{userId}</if>
        <if test="projectId != null">and project_id =#{projectId}</if>
        <if test="deptId != null">and dept_id = #{deptId}</if>
        <if test="workTime != null">and work_time = #{workTime}</if>
        <if test="workDay != null">and work_day = #{workDay}</if>
        <if test=" status != null">and `status` = #{status}</if>
        <if test=" reviewerId != null">and reviewer_id = #{reviewerId}</if>
        <if test="des != null">and des =#{des}</if>
        <if test="reason != null">and reason = #{reason}</if>
        <if test="type != null">and type = #{type}</if>
        <if test="isOvertime != null">and is_overtime = #{isOvertime}</if>
        <if test="createTime != null">and create_time &gt;= #{createTime}</if>
        <if test="rejectTime !=null">and reject_time = #{rejectTime}</if>

    <resultMap id="dayWorkTimeAndType" type="cn.wisenergy.model.dto.DayWorkTimeAndType">
        <result property="userId" column="user_id"/>
        <result property="day" column="day(work_day)"/>
        <result property="type" column="type"/>
        <result property="workTime" column="sum(work_time)"/>

    <resultMap id="monthlyWorkHourStatistics" type="cn.wisenergy.model.dto.MonthlyWorkingHoursStatistics">
        <result property="count" column="count(1)"/>
        <result property="workTime" column="sum(work_time)"/>
        <result property="projectType" column="id"/>
        <result property="typeName" column="name"/>
        <result property="approved" column="approved"/>

    <sql id="table">

    <insert id="save" keyProperty="workId" useGeneratedKeys="true">
        insert into
        <include refid="table"/>
        (<include refid="cols_exclude_id"/>)
        <include refid="vals"/>

    <update id="updateByIds">
        <include refid="table"/>
        SET status = 2,reviewer_id = #{reviewerId},modify_time = now()
        WHERE work_id IN
        <foreach collection="ids" item="id" open="(" close=")" separator=",">

    <update id="updateStatusById">
        <include refid="table"/>
        SET status = 3,reason = #{reason},reviewer_id = #{reviewerId},modify_time=now(),reject_time=now()
        WHERE work_id = #{id}

    <update id="updateAutoExamine">
        <include refid="table"/>
        SET status = 5,modify_time=now()
        <where>work_id IN
            <foreach collection="workIds" item="id" open="(" close=")" separator=",">

    <select id="getByDay" resultType="">
        <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
        <include refid="table"/>
            <if test="null !=userId">
                <if test="null != userId">
                    AND user_id = #{userId}
                <if test="null != workDay">
                    AND DATE_FORMAT(work_day, '%Y%m%d') = DATE_FORMAT(#{workDay} ,'%Y%m%d')

    <select id="queryByPage" resultType="">
        <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
        <include refid="table"/>
            <if test="null != projectId">
                AND project_id = #{projectId}
            <if test="null != status">
                AND status in
                <foreach collection="status" item="sta" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
            <if test="null != type">
                AND type = #{type}
            <if test="null != type">
                AND dept_id = #{deptId}
         ORDER BY work_day DESC

    <!-- 通用查询结果列 -->
    <sql id="Base_Column_List">
        work_id, user_id, project_id,  dept_id, work_time, work_day, status, reviewer_id, des, reason, type, is_overtime, create_time, modify_time,reject_time

    <select id="statisticsByProjectType" resultMap="monthlyWorkHourStatistics">
        select AS id , AS name ,count(1),sum(work_time)
        from work_time_order t join work_type t2 on t.type =
        where user_id = #{userId} AND work_day >= #{currentMonthFirstDay} AND t.status != 3
        group by type

    <select id="listByDateAndUserId" resultMap="dayWorkTimeAndType">
        select user_id,day(work_day),CASE when `type` = 3 then "请假" when `type` = 4 then "调休" else "正常" end AS `type`,
        <include refid="table"/>
        where year(work_day) = #{year} AND month(work_day) = #{month} AND (status = 2 OR status=5)AND user_id IN
        <foreach collection="userIds" separator="," close=")" item="userId" open="(">
        group by user_id,day(work_day), CASE when `type` = 3 then "请假" when `type` = 4 then "调休" else "正常" end
        order by day(work_day)

    <select id="getCountByCondition" resultType="integer" parameterType="map">
        select count(1)
        <include refid="table"/>
            <include refid="criteria"/>
            <if test="startModifyTime != null">
                AND modify_time>=#{startModifyTime}
            <if test="startWorkDay != null">
                AND work_day>=#{startWorkDay}
            <if test="projectIdList != null">
                AND project_id IN
                <foreach collection="projectIdList" item="projectId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
            <if test="statusArray != null">
                AND `status` IN
                <foreach collection="statusArray" item="workStatus" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
            <if test="typeList != null">
                AND `type` IN
                <foreach collection="typeList" item="type" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
            <if test="deptIdList != null">
                AND `type` IN
                <foreach collection="deptIdList" item="dept" open="(" close=")" separator=",">

    <select id="getWorkTimeAndCostCollect" resultMap="workTimeAndCostCollect" >
        SELECT t.type AS type, t.dept_id AS dept_id,dept_name,
          t.project_id AS project_id ,IF (YEAR (work_day) = YEAR (NOW()), concat(YEAR (work_day),'年',MONTH (work_day),'月') , concat(YEAR(work_day), '年'))  AS statistics_time ,SUM(t.work_time)/8 AS
          total_time, SUM(t.work_time * s.day_salary)/8 AS cost ,project_name
        FROM work_time_order t LEFT JOIN work_project p ON LEFT JOIN work_dept d ON LEFT JOIN work_user_salary s ON s.user_id = t.user_id
        WHERE status IN (2,5) AND s.create_time &lt; t.work_day AND s.end_time > t.work_day
        <if test="projectIds != null">
        AND (t.project_id IN
            <foreach collection="projectIds" item="projectId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
        OR t.project_id IS null)
        <if test="firstDayOfMonth != null">
            AND work_day >= #{firstDayOfMonth}
         <if test="deptId != null">
            AND t.dept_id = #{deptId}
        AND t.type in
        <foreach collection="types" item="type" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
        <if test="centreId != null">
            AND centre_id = #{centreId}
        group by t.type,t.dept_id, dept_name, t.project_id,p.project_name, if(YEAR (work_day) = YEAR(NOW()),',month(work_day)','')
        order by t.dept_id,work_day

    <select id="getDaysByDateAndStatus" resultType="date">
        select distinct(work_day)
        <include refid="table"/>
        where year(#{date}) = year(work_day) AND month(#{date}) = month(work_day) AND user_id = #{userId} AND status != 3

    <select id="geByMonth" resultType="">
        <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
        <include refid="table"/>
            <if test="null != userId">
                AND user_id = #{userId}
            <if test="null != workMonth">
                AND DATE_FORMAT(work_day, '%Y%m') = DATE_FORMAT(#{workMonth} ,'%Y%m')
            <if test="null != status">
                AND status = #{status}

    <select id="getAutoOrder" resultType="">
        <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>
        <include refid="table"/>
            status IN (1,4)
            AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,create_time,now()) > #{autoExamine}


    <select id="getUserProjectWorkTimeStatistics" resultMap="userWorkTimeStatisticsByProject">
        SELECT <if test="isAll"> AS user_id, u.`name` AS user_name,</if> <if test="!isAll">'合计' AS user_name ,</if> t.project_id AS project_id, t.type AS project_type, p.project_name AS project_name,
        IF(t.is_overtime = 0, <if test="!isAll">0</if> <if test="isAll">null</if>, sum(t.work_time)) AS over_time, IF(t.is_overtime=1, <if test="!isAll">0</if> <if test="isAll">null</if>, sum(t.work_time)) AS normal_time
        from work_time_order t left join work_project p on t.project_id = join  work_user u on t.user_id =
        t.status in (2,5) AND
        t.work_day &lt;= #{endDate}
        <if test="startDate != null">
            AND   t.work_day >= #{startDate}
        <if test="isConclusion != null">
            AND p.is_conclusion = #{isConclusion}
        <if test="deptId != null and managerId == null">
            AND p.dept_id = #{deptId}
        <if test="deptId != null and managerId != null">
            AND (p.dept_id = #{deptId} OR p.manager_id = #{managerId})
        <if test="managerId != null and deptId == null">
            AND p.manager_id = #{managerId}

        GROUP BY <if test="isAll">,u.`name`,</if>t.project_id,t.type,p.project_name, t.is_overtime

    <select id="selectCountByTypeAndStatus" resultType="cn.wisenergy.model.dto.MonthlyWorkingHoursStatistics">
        select type AS projectType, count(1) AS approved
        from <include refid="table"/>
        where user_id = #{userId} and work_day >= #{firstDayOfMonth} AND `type` is not null AND status in
        <foreach collection="status" open="(" close=")" separator="," item="s">
       GROUP BY type

    <select id="selectListByType" resultMap="userWorkTimeStatisticsByProject">
        SELECT <if test="isAll"> AS user_id, u.`name` AS user_name,</if> <if test="!isAll"> '合计' AS user_name,</if> t.type AS project_type,
        IF(t.is_overtime = 0, <if test="!isAll">0</if> <if test="isAll">null</if>, sum(t.work_time)) AS over_time, IF(t.is_overtime=1, <if test="!isAll">0</if> <if test="isAll">null</if>, sum(t.work_time)) AS normal_time
        from work_time_order t JOIN work_user u ON t.user_id =
        t.work_day &lt;= #{endDate} AND t.status IN (2, 5)
        AND t.type in
        <foreach collection="queryType" item="type" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
        <if test="startDate != null">
            AND t.work_day >= #{startDate}
        AND user_id in (
            select user_id
            from work_project p JOIN work_user_project up ON = up.project_id
            <if test="isConclusion != null">
                AND p.is_conclusion = #{isConclusion}
            <if test="deptId != null and managerId == null">
                AND p.dept_id = #{deptId}
            <if test="deptId != null and managerId != null">
                AND (p.dept_id = #{deptId} OR p.manager_id = #{managerId})
            <if test="managerId != null and deptId == null">
                AND p.manager_id = #{managerId}

        GROUP BY <if test="isAll">,u.`name`,</if> t.type, t.is_overtime