Commit ba287222 authored by nie'hong's avatar nie'hong


parent 1546ba9a
......@@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ import java.util.List;
public interface WorkUserDeptMapper extends BaseMapper<WorkUserDept> {
List<Integer> listByDeptId(Integer deptId);
// 根据部门主键查询在职的用户
List<Integer> listByDeptIdAndStatus(Integer deptId);
......@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
id, user_id, dept_id
<select id="listByDeptId" resultType="integer" parameterType="integer">
<select id="listByDeptIdAndStatus" resultType="integer" parameterType="integer">
select user_id
from <include refid="table"/>
where dept_id = #{deptId}
where dept_id = #{deptId} and status = 1
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public class StatisticsServiceImpl implements StatisticsService {
// 分页获取部门下所有员工主键
PageHelper.startPage(param.getCurrentPage(), param.getSize());
List<Integer> userIds = workUserDeptMapper.listByDeptId(deptId);
List<Integer> userIds = workUserDeptMapper.listByDeptIdAndStatus(deptId);
PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo(userIds);
// 获取用户姓名、部门名称
List<StatisticsTableDto> statisticsTableDtos = workUserMapper.getStatisticsTableDtos(userIds);
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