Commit c85eb691 authored by nie'hong's avatar nie'hong


parent b5604af9
......@@ -26,25 +26,25 @@ public class MonthlyWorkingHoursStatistics implements Serializable {
* 填报次数
@ApiModelProperty(name = "count", value = "填报次数")
private Integer count;
private int count;
* 填报工时
@ApiModelProperty(name = "workTime", value = "填报工时")
private Integer workTime;
private int workTime;
* 未填报天数
@ApiModelProperty(name = "notFilledCount", value = "未填报天数")
private Integer notFilledCount;
private int notFilledCount;
* 现存被驳回数
@ApiModelProperty(name = "rejectCount", value = "现存被驳回数")
private Integer rejectCount;
private int rejectCount;
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