Commit f811f54c authored by cq990612's avatar cq990612


parent 18581f97
......@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
<!-- 通用查询结果列 -->
<sql id="Base_Column_List">
id, user_id, work_day, total_time, status,reject_time, create_time, modify_time,
id, user_id, work_day, total_time, status,reject_time,create_time,modify_time
<sql id="cols_exclude_id">
user_id, work_day, total_time, status,reject_time, create_time, modify_time
user_id, work_day, total_time, status,reject_time,create_time,modify_time
<sql id="table">
......@@ -104,10 +104,9 @@ public class WorkCollectServiceImpl implements WorkCollectService {
int modifyTime = 1;
Date date = new Date();
WorkSubmitAdopt submitAdopt = workSubmitAdoptService.getById(1);
if (3 == workCollect.getStatus()) {
if (null != workCollect.getRejectTime()) {
Date rejectTime = workCollect.getRejectTime();
rejectTime = DateUtil.convertStrToDate(DateUtil.convertDateToStr(rejectTime, "yyyy-MM-dd"), "yyyy-MM-dd");
if (date.getTime() - rejectTime.getTime() > submitAdopt.getSubmitTime() * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
modifyTime = 0;
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class Trigger implements SchedulingConfigurer {
, triggerContext -> {
Integer autoAdopt = workSubmitAdoptService.getById(1).getAutoAdopt();
String time = "0 30 17 */" + autoAdopt + " * ?";
String time = "0 0 0 */" + autoAdopt + " * ?";
return new CronTrigger(time).nextExecutionTime(triggerContext);
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