Commit 5bfadbc1 authored by Pan's avatar Pan

perf[Sidebar]: optimize logic

parent be61e702
......@@ -3,17 +3,18 @@ export default {
name: 'MenuItem',
functional: true,
props: {
icon: {
type: String,
default: ''
title: {
type: String,
default: ''
meta: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {
title: '',
icon: ''
render(h, context) {
const { icon, title } = context.props
const { icon, title } = context.props.meta
const vnodes = []
if (icon) {
<div v-if="!item.hidden&&item.children" class="menu-wrapper">
<div v-if="!item.hidden" class="menu-wrapper">
<template v-if="hasOneShowingChild(item.children,item) && (!onlyOneChild.children||onlyOneChild.noShowingChildren)&&!item.alwaysShow">
<app-link :to="resolvePath(onlyOneChild.path)">
<el-menu-item :index="resolvePath(onlyOneChild.path)" :class="{'submenu-title-noDropdown':!isNest}">
<item v-if="onlyOneChild.meta" :icon="onlyOneChild.meta.icon||item.meta.icon" :title="onlyOneChild.meta.title" />
<item :meta="Object.assign({},item.meta,onlyOneChild.meta)" />
<el-submenu v-else :index="resolvePath(item.path)">
<el-submenu v-else ref="subMenu" :index="resolvePath(item.path)">
<template slot="title">
<item v-if="item.meta" :icon="item.meta.icon" :title="item.meta.title" />
<item :meta="item.meta" />
<template v-for="child in item.children" v-if="!child.hidden">
v-for="child in item.children"
class="nest-menu" />
<app-link v-else :to="resolvePath(child.path)" :key="">
<el-menu-item :index="resolvePath(child.path)">
<item v-if="child.meta" :icon="child.meta.icon" :title="child.meta.title" />
......@@ -64,7 +56,7 @@ export default {
return {}
methods: {
hasOneShowingChild(children, parent) {
hasOneShowingChild(children = [], parent) {
const showingChildren = children.filter(item => {
if (item.hidden) {
return false
......@@ -89,13 +81,10 @@ export default {
return false
resolvePath(routePath) {
if (this.isExternalLink(routePath)) {
if (isExternal(routePath)) {
return routePath
return path.resolve(this.basePath, routePath)
isExternalLink(routePath) {
return isExternal(routePath)
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