Commit 7135bf24 authored by yanzhongrong's avatar yanzhongrong


parent 15c176a3
......@@ -115,3 +115,34 @@ export function param2Obj(url) {
return obj
export function changeToLngDFM(du) {
if(!du) return
const arr1 = du.split(".");
const d = arr1[0];
let tp = "0." + arr1[1]
tp = String(tp * 60); //进行强制类型转换
const arr2 = tp.split(".");
const f = arr2[0];
tp = "0." + arr2[1];
tp = tp * 60;
const m = tp.toFixed(2);//保留两位小数
const dfm = '东经E' + d + "°" + f + "'" + m + "\"";
return dfm;
export function changeToLatDFM(du) {
if(!du) return
const arr1 = du.split(".");
const d = arr1[0];
let tp = "0." + arr1[1]
tp = String(tp * 60); //进行强制类型转换
const arr2 = tp.split(".");
const f = arr2[0];
tp = "0." + arr2[1];
tp = tp * 60;
const m = tp.toFixed(2);//保留两位小数
const dfm = '北纬N' + d + "°" + f + "'" + m + "\"";
return dfm;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<div class="item_name">站点经度</div>
<el-col :span="colspan">
<div class="item_data">{{ form.baseInfo.siteLatitude }}</div>
<div class="item_data">{{ changeToLngDFM(form.baseInfo.siteLatitude) }}</div>
<el-row class="text" :gutter="24">
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
<div class="item_name">站点纬度</div>
<el-col :span="colspan">
<div class="item_data">{{ form.baseInfo.siteLongitude }}</div>
<div class="item_data">{{ changeToLatDFM(form.baseInfo.siteLongitude) }}</div>
<!-- <el-row class="text" :gutter="24">
......@@ -235,6 +235,9 @@
import { changeToLngDFM,
changeToLatDFM } from '@/utils/index'
import { DetailMixins } from "./mixins";
import { siteOpen } from "../api";
export default {
......@@ -276,6 +279,8 @@ export default {
methods: {
savebtn() {
this.flag = true;
siteOpen( => {
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