Commit 49c1e490 authored by Z's avatar Z

Z: Dot: 演示版本存档:20200317-170000

parent 89fa64fb
......@@ -153,9 +153,8 @@ const router = new VueRouter({
// const whiteList = ['/', '/home','/home/']
const whiteList = ['/discount', 'discount']
// const whiteList = ['/discount', 'discount', '/voucherInfo', 'voucherInfo']
router.beforeEach((to, from ,next) => {
// alert(`--->route: beforeEach: to =${JSON.stringify(to)}. from =${from}. next =${JSON.stringify(next)}`)
if(whiteList.indexOf(to.path) != -1) {
......@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ const zlog = console.log.bind(console)
// Z-BasicInfo
let INFO = {
// corpId: 'wwd1cdbca7b8b2b6c4',
// agentId: '1000015',
corpId: 'ww4df265003b43fa0d',
agentId: '1000032',
corpId: 'wwd1cdbca7b8b2b6c4',
agentId: '1000015',
// corpId: 'ww4df265003b43fa0d',
// agentId: '1000032',
async function getXToken() {
......@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import envConfig from '@/config/env-config'
// const testEnv = require('../../config/dev.env')
// Z-BasicInfo
let INFO = {
// corpId: 'wwd1cdbca7b8b2b6c4',
// agentId: '1000015',
corpId: 'ww4df265003b43fa0d',
agentId: '1000032',
corpId: 'wwd1cdbca7b8b2b6c4',
agentId: '1000015',
// corpId: 'ww4df265003b43fa0d',
// agentId: '1000032',
// url: '',
url: envConfig.appBaseUrlA,
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ export function wxRequest(inUrl, data = {}, header = {}, method = 'post') {
// Z-BasicInfo
let INFO = {
// corpId: 'wwd1cdbca7b8b2b6c4',
// agentId: '1000015',
corpId: 'ww4df265003b43fa0d',
agentId: '1000032',
corpId: 'wwd1cdbca7b8b2b6c4',
agentId: '1000015',
// corpId: 'ww4df265003b43fa0d',
// agentId: '1000032',
// url: '' + inUrl,
url: envConfig.appBaseUrlA + inUrl,
......@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@ export default {
code: this.zcache.code
let headerData = {
// agentId: "1000015",
// corpId: "wwd1cdbca7b8b2b6c4",
agentId: "1000032",
corpId: "ww4df265003b43fa0d"
agentId: "1000015",
corpId: "wwd1cdbca7b8b2b6c4",
// agentId: "1000032",
// corpId: "ww4df265003b43fa0d"
// url: "",
......@@ -228,6 +228,8 @@ export default {
listClick(inData) {
// this.$router.push(inData);
// this.$router.push({name: inData, transData: {userId: this.zcache.code}})
// alert(`--->listClick: IN.`)
// alert(`--->listClick: indata =${inData}. userId =${this.zcache.userId}`)
this.$router.push({name: inData, params: {userId: this.zcache.userId}})
// this.$router.push({name: inData, params: {userId: 'SEGA'}})
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