Commit 169620c3 authored by 竹天卫's avatar 竹天卫


parent bea3477f
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParam;
......@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ public class DataStatisticsController {
private IDataStatisticsService dataStatisticsService;
private IEntrustService entrustService;
@ApiOperation(value = "统计概览-重要数值统计")
......@@ -112,24 +115,14 @@ public class DataStatisticsController {
public void exportEntrustList(Integer cycle, String startDate,
String endDate, Integer clientId, String clientName, String fileName, HttpServletResponse response) {
try {
dataStatisticsService.exportEntrustList(cycle, startDate, endDate, clientId, clientName, fileName, response);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("列表导出-委托单进展统计{}", e);
// dataStatisticsService.exportEntrustList(cycle, startDate, endDate, clientId, clientName, fileName, response);
dataStatisticsService.exportConsignation(cycle, startDate, endDate, clientId, clientName, fileName, response);
public void exportEntrustIngList(Integer cycle, String startDate,
String endDate, Integer clientId, String clientName, String fileName, HttpServletResponse response) {
try {
dataStatisticsService.exportEntrustIngList(cycle, startDate, endDate, clientId, clientName, fileName, response);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("委托单进展统计-列表导出(新){}", e);
log.debug("列表导出-委托单进展统计{}", e);
@ApiOperation(value = "统计概览-进行中任务数量统计")
public BaseResponse countTaskIng(PageQuery pageQuery, String startDate, String endDate) {
......@@ -81,12 +81,10 @@ public class EntrustController {
public void export(String startDate, String endDate, Integer status,
Integer clientId, String projectName, String projectCode,
String fileName, HttpServletResponse response) {
long a = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
entrustService.exportConsignation(startDate, endDate, status,
entrustService.export(startDate, endDate, status,
clientId, projectName, projectCode,
fileName, response);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("委托列表导出{}", e);
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public interface DataStatisticsMapper {
IPage<EntrustVo> countEntrustPage(@Param("page") Page page, @Param("params") Map<String, Object> params);
List<Map<String, Object>> exportEntrustList(@Param("params") Map<String, Object> params);
List<Map<String, Object>> exportEntrustNewList(@Param("params") Map<String, Object> params);
IPage<DataStatisticsVo> countHandlePage(@Param("page") Page page, @Param("params") Map<String, Object> params);
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
IF(ISNULL(,'', as entrustId,
IF(ISNULL(e.entrust_code),'',e.entrust_code) as 委托单号,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 委托单位,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 项目编号,
IF(ISNULL(p.code),'',p.code) as 项目编号,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 项目名称,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 委托人,
IF(ISNULL(e.sample_num),'',e.sample_num) as 样品数量,
......@@ -222,6 +222,61 @@
order by 序号
<select id="exportEntrustNewList" resultType="java.util.HashMap">
(@i:=@i+1) as 序号, as entrustId,
IF(ISNULL(e.entrust_code),'',e.entrust_code) as 委托单号,
CASE e.is_urgent
WHEN 0 THEN '不加急'
WHEN 1 THEN '加急'
) as 是否加急,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 项目名称,
IF(ISNULL(p.code),'',p.code) as 项目编号,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 委托人,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 委托单位,
IF(ISNULL(e.entrust_date),'',e.entrust_date) as 委托日期,
IF(ISNULL(e.sample_num),'',e.sample_num) as 样品数量,
CASE e.status
WHEN 0 THEN '未评审'
WHEN 1 THEN '已通过'
WHEN 2 THEN '未通过'
WHEN 3 THEN '样品处理中'
WHEN 4 THEN '样品处理完成'
WHEN 5 THEN '样品检测中'
WHEN 6 THEN '样品检测完成'
WHEN 7 THEN '校核中'
WHEN 8 THEN '校核完成'
WHEN 9 THEN '修改待确认'
WHEN 10 THEN '已作废'
) as 状态
from entrust e
left join project p on = e.project_id
left join client c on = e.client_id
left join sys_user su on = e.user_id
,(select @i:=0)aa
where e.status != 0 and e.project_type is not null
<if test="params.clientId != null">
and e.clientId = #{clientId}
<if test="params.clientName != null and params.clientName != ''">
and like concat('%', #{params.clientName}, '%')
<if test="params.startDate != null and params.startDate != ''">
and DATE(e.create_time) &gt;= #{params.startDate}
<if test="params.endDate != null and params.endDate != ''">
and DATE(e.create_time) &lt;= #{params.endDate}
order by 序号
<select id="countHandlePage" resultType="">
SELECT as id, as name, count(*) as value FROM sample_handle sh
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
) as 是否加急,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 项目名称,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 项目编号,
IF(ISNULL(p.code),'',p.code) as 项目编号,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 委托人,
IF(ISNULL(,'', as 委托单位,
IF(ISNULL(e.entrust_date),'',e.entrust_date) as 委托日期,
......@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ public interface IDataStatisticsService {
void exportEntrustList(Integer cycle, String startDate,
String endDate, Integer clientId, String clientName, String fileName, HttpServletResponse response);
void exportEntrustIngList(Integer cycle, String startDate,
String endDate, Integer clientId, String clientName, String fileName, HttpServletResponse response);
void exportConsignation(Integer cycle, String startDate,
String endDate, Integer clientId, String clientName,
String fileName, HttpServletResponse response);
BaseResponse<Map<String, Object>> countTaskIng(PageQuery pageQuery, String startDate, String endDate);
......@@ -144,9 +144,8 @@ public interface IEntrustService extends IService<Entrust> {
Integer clientId, String projectName, String projectCode,
String fileName, HttpServletResponse response);
void exportConsignation(String startDate, String endDate, Integer status,
Integer clientId, String projectName, String projectCode,
String fileName, HttpServletResponse response);
void exportConsignation(Integer cycle, String startDate,
String endDate, Integer clientId, String clientName, String fileName, HttpServletResponse response);
BaseResponse<EntrustVo> getBaseDtail(Integer id);
......@@ -5347,24 +5347,25 @@ public class EntrustServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<EntrustMapper, Entrust> impl
private ISampleDistributionService sampleDistributionService;
public void exportConsignation(String startDate, String endDate, Integer status,
Integer clientId, String projectName, String projectCode,
public void exportConsignation(Integer cycle, String startDate,
String endDate, Integer clientId, String clientName,
String fileName, HttpServletResponse response) {
QueryWrapper<Team> teamQueryWrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
teamQueryWrapper.eq("is_display", 1);
teamQueryWrapper.eq("status", 1);
List<Team> teamList = teamService.list(teamQueryWrapper);
Map<Integer, Team> teamMap =, a -> a, (k1, k2) -> k1));
// Map<Integer, Team> teamMap =, a -> a, (k1, k2) -> k1));
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("cycle", cycle);
params.put("startDate", startDate);
params.put("endDate", endDate);
params.put("status", status);
params.put("clientId", clientId);
params.put("projectName", projectName);
params.put("projectCode", projectCode);
params.put("clientName", clientName);
List<Map<String, Object>> entrustList = entrustMapper.exportList(params);
List<Integer> queryList = -> Integer.parseInt(x.get("entrustId").toString())).collect(Collectors.toList());
......@@ -5396,7 +5397,7 @@ public class EntrustServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<EntrustMapper, Entrust> impl
......@@ -5414,9 +5415,19 @@ public class EntrustServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<EntrustMapper, Entrust> impl
for (int i = 0; i < infoHeader.size(); i++) {
XSSFCell tempCell = row0.createCell(i);
Double outPutValue = sampleList
.filter(x -> x.getCementCode().equals(x.getParallelCode()) && x.getEntrustId() == entrustId )
.mapToDouble(item -> item.getOutputValue().doubleValue()).sum();
tempCell.setCellValue(outPutValue == null ? "" : outPutValue.toString());
tempCell.setCellValue(entrust.get(infoHeader.get(i)) == null ? "" : entrust.get(infoHeader.get(i)).toString());
for (int i = infoHeader.size(); i < teamList.size() + infoHeader.size(); i++) {
XSSFCell tempCell = row0.createCell(i);
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