Commit 474cddf8 authored by shulidong's avatar shulidong


parent 410bc852
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ public class WeiXinService {
if (!redisUtil.existsKey(JSAPITICKET)) {
String param3 = "access_token=%s&type=agent_config";
param3 = String.format(param3, accessToken);
JSONObject ticketJsonObject = WeixinInterfaceUtil.doGet(Global.ticket, param3);
JSONObject ticketJsonObject = WeixinInterfaceUtil.doGet(Global.userTicket, param3);
jsapiTicket = ticketJsonObject.getString("ticket");
redisUtil.setString(JSAPITICKET, jsapiTicket, 7100);
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