Commit f3cce5c9 authored by 竹天卫's avatar 竹天卫

样品处理 派发任务 完成接口 不用判断状态 ,可以直接11111

parent 7eda2e22
......@@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ public class EntrustServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<EntrustMapper, Entrust> impl
String[] teamIdS = teamIds.split("、");
for (String teamId : teamIdS) {
Team team = teamMapper.selectById(Integer.valueOf(teamId));
if (team != null) {
charge = charge.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 ? team.getCharge() : (charge.add(team.getCharge()));
......@@ -2245,18 +2244,23 @@ public class EntrustServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<EntrustMapper, Entrust> impl
// sampleNames = sampleNames.equals("") ? sampleTmp.getName() : (sampleNames + "、" + sampleTmp.getName());
String teamIds = sampleTmp.getTeamIds();
String checkTeam = "";
String checkMethod = "";
if (teamIds != null) {
String[] teamIdS = teamIds.split("、");
for (String teamId : teamIdS) {
Team team = teamMapper.selectById(Integer.valueOf(teamId));
if (team != null && team.getQualifications() ==1) {
checkTeam = checkTeam.equals("") ? team.getName() : (checkTeam + "、" + team.getName());
Method method = methodMapper.selectById(team.getMethodId());
if(method != null){
checkMethod = checkMethod.equals("") ? method.getNumber() : (checkMethod + "、" + method.getNumber());
String spampe_checkTeam = sampleTmp.getName()+":"+checkTeam;
checkTeamStr = checkTeamStr.equals("") ? spampe_checkTeam : (checkTeamStr + "\n" + spampe_checkTeam); ;
String spampe_checkMethod = sampleTmp.getName()+":"+sampleTmp.getMethodNumbers();
checkTeamStr = checkTeamStr.equals("") ? spampe_checkTeam : (checkTeamStr + "\n" + spampe_checkTeam);
String spampe_checkMethod = sampleTmp.getName()+":"+checkMethod;
checkMethodStr = checkMethodStr.equals("") ? spampe_checkMethod : (checkMethodStr + "\n" + spampe_checkMethod);
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